View Full Version : Will i lose all info on my 4k solo

11-11-2016, 12:58 PM
Good morning good people

Please some info if i may thanking you all

i have seen the new latest Vix image,my questions are

1) what are the benefits of the new image, i currently have the last image kindly loaded by Lee @ gold wafers when i bought my 4k

2) if i was to flash on the new image would i lose everything i currently have in my box

I really dont want to go through all the hassle of trying to load everything back on for something very small beneficial and i am not vey good with computers and the terms used

many thanks


11-11-2016, 03:21 PM
A bit more info is needed:

What is the image you have installed number etc,

What other addons you have installed.

If the image installed is old you would have to reflash and start again.

Easiest way for you is to search for a backup image which includes most of what you need.

Openblack hole 06 is a good image and you can update online .

11-11-2016, 04:08 PM
usually you can back up your settings to usb stick or to hdd and then restore them after flashing the new image onto the box

as a safety measure , I back up the emu bin files from var/bin , camscripts , the cccam.cfg from the etc folder , the keys folder from usr/keys , the tuxbox/config folder for oscam plus the channel list using dreamboxedit or dreamset , plus anything else deemed useful that needs to go on the new image

the changelogs for the images are usually published and if you are on openvix v4 then you can usually update the box without a total reflash , from the menus, but if your image is v2 or v3 then a reflash will wipe the box , hence the backing up that is necessary for an easy transition