View Full Version : HD9000: Q 07: Motor Confusion/All zeros?

tinto de verano
17-11-2016, 10:23 PM

Everything working fine. Latest firmware. But I am really confused.

I was getting No Signal on some channels on Thor... (which I used to get a sigal for).

So I decided to go into the Menus and check:

Installation > Motor Settings.

I saw Astra 2 C, USALS... and noticed that Latitude and Longitude were strangely all zeroes!!!! Instead of the correct data I had entered months ago.

But there was good signal and quality (as always).

I then decided to enter the correct data for My latitude and My longitude... and I lost Signal and Quality.

So I entered all zeroes... and the Signal and Quality came back.

So I can still select another satellite, the dish moves accordingly, and all enabled sats seem to work (even if some channels might have no signal).

I am really confuses with all these zeroes.

Any suggestions on what is going on and what I should do?

Why do I have all zeroes now for My Latitude and My Longitude?

I know, if it ainīt broke, donīt fix it. (although some people say: if it ainīt broke fix it till it is).


tinto de verano

18-11-2016, 01:52 AM
Hi Did you do a factory reset by any chance as this may explain why USALS settings went back to zero. Your problem is easy to explain really. If for example my USALS is setup for London as settings 51.5N 00.1W and satellites are being picked up correctly thats ok but if settings are changed to all zeros then the positions are lost and satellites cannot be found correctly. Although you may get a signal it may not be from the satellite that you think it is , this is because some satellites use same frequencies. For USALS to work properly it is important to make sure that you line up the first satellite you are looking for correctly. The way USALS and motors work is very easy to understand - the motor has a dial with figures on from 0 to 70 (depending on model type) for the east satellites and 0 to 70 for the west satellites. When you select a satellite ie 28.2 east USALS will send the motor to position 28.2 east on motor dial . If you select satellite at 1west then motor will move to 1west on the dial etc etc. USALS will calculate the distance between each satellites and stop accordingly. This is why its important to line up the first satellite correctly otherwise satellites will not be found . The satellite positions are setup in motor menu usually under SAT POSITION and USALS will use this information to move dish to that position. Your location settings are used by USALS to determine the way that dish needs to be raised or lowered or tilted to follow the satellites path in orbit. Regards

tinto de verano
18-11-2016, 09:52 AM

Thanks for your detailed explanation, but I am still confused:

When I initially set up the box (and a technician aligned the dish correctly), I entered the correct latitude and longitude, and those number were not zeroes (they are zeroes now).

I have not done a factory reset since then. But I have the latest firmware.

I do get a signal, I see all zeros in My Latitude and Longitude instead of the correct numbers I had entered, and the sat positions are NOT lost.

The dish moves to the correct sats, with signal and the channels are the right ones for that sat. So the signal is from the satellite I think it is.

SO, I am still confused.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
02-12-2016, 12:49 PM
So, I might have been the only one with this issue...

But just in case it happens to somebody else...FIXED!

I still had all zeroes. Channels were OK on Astra and Hotbird, but I had lost signal on some channels on Thor... and it looked as with time more and more Thor channels were giving me "No Signal".

So I moved the dish to Thor, the closest to zero, and the one used when setting it up.

I then entered the right Longitude and Latitude.

The right numbers were retained for Thor, and then for all other Sats.

Still do not know why it happened (Lat and Long became all zeroes), but it has been sorted and I do get a signal again on all those Thor Channels I had lost.


tinto de verano