View Full Version : F A O Black Devil

24-11-2016, 02:40 PM
I bought my device from the sponsors, I seam to lost my expiry date which had about 200 days left. nothing is working in IPTV Bonus and also nothing working in Sat channels only free to air.
I have the last patch installed.
Many thanks Locoman

24-11-2016, 08:03 PM
I bought my device from the sponsors, I seam to lost my expiry date which had about 200 days left. nothing is working in IPTV Bonus and also nothing working in Sat channels only free to air.
I have the last patch installed.
Many thanks Locomanall ok here so check your internet connection try a reboot

24-11-2016, 08:20 PM
after a reboot , check it has a working internet connection , try youtube or the news or whatever uses the net

ping the ip of the hitech box from a command prompt and see if it answers back

24-11-2016, 08:20 PM
Thanks for reply, got internet connection and reboot still nothing.

24-11-2016, 08:33 PM
Just test utube that's OK, Reader showing green, ping test Times 10, Bytes 64, OK 0, Bad 10.

24-11-2016, 08:35 PM
This seem to be similar problem to what I have been experiencing, last night no expiry date and lost my IPTV Bonus since the last but one update about two weeks ago.

24-11-2016, 08:41 PM
I would assume these problems are at "their end" then

24-11-2016, 08:44 PM
My expiry date dissappeared two days ago,Have you got yours back working johnhenry.

24-11-2016, 08:54 PM
Cant check at present family using the tv, reference ping test I have been checking regularly with 20 pings all okay, noticed other strange problems I often check youtube for interenet connection this is often hit and miss and the Rtube etc. all give data fail. So box not in good health at present!

24-11-2016, 09:28 PM
Just checked my internet speed, normal same reading I always get. When I get a problem I have a habit of checking all apps had another strange notice flash up last night which I had not seen before, it was in Pipo P*** the notice said ' formate not recognised ' none would open! It would appear that there is a problem at the other end or I am being lead on the straight and narrow from the powers above.

24-11-2016, 09:47 PM
Well, generally the clearing of channels here are very hit and miss the month I own this box (bought from sponsor as well). The experience vary from working ok, to bad (suddenly stop clearing) to no connecting and not displaying the remaining days at all.
As I type I can connect to IPTV bonus and Vod, so internet connection is ok but no sat channels clearing. I am seriously dissapointed as after my last IKS on my 3rd spiderbox expired I decided to give this box and MScam a chance. Don't get me wrong the features are fantastic and the IPTV/VOD part is good but the MScam is really unreliable and frustrating!

PS... latest update, reboots or just praying is not giving any positive results.....

24-11-2016, 10:37 PM
I have the same problem as Zuludawn , can connect to IPTV but no sat channels clearing .
I had this happen last week for a couple of days then it was OK until two days ago but now the same problem !

24-11-2016, 11:08 PM
Apologies if this is the wrong place to raise this but I like to record stuff on satellite using PVR facility .
Is there a way , as a fix , to record stuff on IPTV ?

24-11-2016, 11:11 PM
Hi..Mscam working fine on Spiderbox 6000. If box shows no expiry date then problem is either with internet or server at other end. If Youtube fails with data error or data full then its usually an internet connection problem . Regards

25-11-2016, 08:44 AM
Thanks Karabanga, it must be the internet and server at the other end, as I have got internet connection at my end.

25-11-2016, 10:59 AM
I bought my device from the sponsors, I seam to lost my expiry date which had about 200 days left. nothing is working in IPTV Bonus and also nothing working in Sat channels only free to air.
I have the last patch installed.
Many thanks Locoman

Exact same thing happened to me the other week. It was an issue with the server. Didn't show me how long was left on my sub and no channels cleared (apart from fta). Was soon fixed though. Sorry can't check at the mo.


25-11-2016, 11:40 AM
I have the same as reply 5

25-11-2016, 09:20 PM
Just tried the new upgrade tonight but to no avail, still no expiry date and 28.2e is down having checked the rest of my sats

25-11-2016, 09:30 PM
Seems to be down more often than up these days. :(

25-11-2016, 09:55 PM
Thanks blackdevil for new update this has fixed Rtube etc, expiry date still not showing and Mscam is okay apart from 28e.

25-11-2016, 09:56 PM
The MsCam hasn't switched itself off?
Check in Conditional Access that the green light is on in the first slot. It some times switches off when you enter a c or n line in one of the other slots. and you may have to re-activate it.

25-11-2016, 10:02 PM
Mscamd service team is making upgrade of system.
It affects only Hitechbox.
We have to wait.
We are sorry for this.

25-11-2016, 10:10 PM
Hi very strange that its working on Spiderboxes but not the Hitech boxes..If your IPTV and Youtube are working ok then its not a connection problem. I thought Mscam either worked for everybody or nobody..as already mentioned i also think that Mscam is more problematic than IKS. In my opinion your best bet is contact vendor and find out where the problem is. Regards

25-11-2016, 10:15 PM
Mscamd service team is making upgrade of system.
It affects only Hitechbox.
We have to wait.
We are sorry for this.

Ok thanks...at least we now know there is a problem and its been looked at. Regards

26-11-2016, 11:53 AM
This morning everything is back to normal , thanks to the team .

26-11-2016, 12:56 PM
huston, I don't know what machine you are using but I have just checked mine and it still down.

27-11-2016, 12:57 AM
huston, I don't know what machine you are using but I have just checked mine and it still down.

Same here, all day long....

27-11-2016, 11:16 AM
Same here, all day long....mscam of and on for couple of days on spiderbox 6000 hd here connection seems ok this is on hotbird polsat

27-11-2016, 04:08 PM
mscam of and on for couple of days on spiderbox 6000 hd here connection seems ok this is on hotbird polsat

Surely this thread is about Hitech 9000 MSCam and NOT Spiderbox 6000MSCam, please read post#22 again.

27-11-2016, 05:16 PM
not much to choose between them both c!!p

27-11-2016, 07:38 PM
Reference Hitechbox, Mscam is not down completely as some p*** channels on 13e & 19e are opening, nothing is opening on 28e.

27-11-2016, 08:26 PM
not much to choose between them both c!!p

Maybe so, but as you may have noticed this is the Hitech section of the forum and the initial post was ref the Hitech receiver, not the Spiderbox 6000, surely you and the other spiderbox posters who have posted in this thread could have made your posts in the Spiderbox section of the forum, as blackdevil stated " Mscamd service team is making upgrade of system. It affects only Hitechbox.

27-11-2016, 08:34 PM
Reference Hitechbox, Mscam is not down completely as some p*** channels on 13e & 19e are opening, nothing is opening on 28e.

Maybe you should try again, as most if not all of the channels on 28 east are clearing for me here in the North East of England, and have been for the past few hours, as I have watched some football on that Sat.

28-11-2016, 10:11 PM
It was OK Saturday morning , been away at weekend , now Monday p.m. Only fta is working .

30-11-2016, 01:27 PM
Still same here as post 31

30-11-2016, 05:53 PM
Just switched on. Working fine now. Thanks Black Devil for the hard work. God Bless.

01-12-2016, 09:03 AM
No expiry date showing anymore. I have to factory reset the box to make mscamd work. Once I switch off the box and ON again mscamd channels don't work untill I reset the box again. I have loaded the latest HTTP patch but still no expiry date. Is it something to do with the patch? Your help much appreciated

02-12-2016, 10:09 AM
Hi, Mscamd not showing expiry date. Could anybody please tell me if that is the case with everybody. I can only open 13e and 19e. Regards

02-12-2016, 12:47 PM
can confirm the same

02-12-2016, 02:13 PM
Hi, Mscamd not showing expiry date. Could anybody please tell me if that is the case with everybody. I can only open 13e and 19e. Regards

Do we have to assume that you are referring to FTA Channels on those 2 Sats.

02-12-2016, 03:12 PM
I can only open couple of mscamd ch. on 19e and just about 3 on 13e. All FTA are OK. Now for mscamd channels on these 2 sats I have to factory reset every time if I want to see any of these channel. Not bothered anymore to reset repeatedly. Nil mscamd channels on the other sats. They were all ok before last week since we had mscamd problem. All my dish settings are perfectly ok.

02-12-2016, 05:52 PM
New sw in next week and all will be fixed.
Thanks for your patience.

10-12-2016, 03:07 PM
@Blackdevil is 28E still not clearing? cos i have updated the box but no channel is clearing or does anyone using 28E confirm if MScamd is clearing 28E or not? thanks

10-12-2016, 04:25 PM
Not working on28 east for me,probally only cleared for a day in the last month

10-12-2016, 04:31 PM
It seems that these days it is down more often than up.

Perhaps as a gesture of good will, the clock on the gift should be turned back?

10-12-2016, 06:09 PM
ok thanks guys i bought it for my sister and her kids as i have Vu+ and they only have a static dish so have no access to the alternative gift channels so if Blackdavil can share more light on when it will return or I need to look for other source.


11-12-2016, 12:26 AM
Hi Can confirm that Mscam has been working ok today on Spiderbox 6000 boxes. Regards.

11-12-2016, 04:49 PM
Good News. Please confirm what packages you are watching, are the french channels working,ie seasons.

11-12-2016, 11:06 PM
Hi I can open channels that are meant to be opened on 28.2 east and Hotbird 13 east.I dont have at the moment 19.2 east although i have seen plenty of French channels opening there on a friends box recently. There is French channels like TF1, M6, France2 etc on Hotbird opening with Mscam. Regards

14-12-2016, 07:20 PM
Hi I can open channels that are meant to be opened on 28.2 east and Hotbird 13 east.I dont have at the moment 19.2 east although i have seen plenty of French channels opening there on a friends box recently. There is French channels like TF1, M6, France2 etc on Hotbird opening with Mscam. Regards

do you realise we are talking about hitech box and not spiderbox 6000? my sisters still not clearing or should i key in the keys again as i have updated the box to the newest firmware? Can anyone with Hitech box confirm if MScam is clearing 28E?
THANKS Regards

14-12-2016, 08:25 PM
Please be a little more patient.
I think new sw with Mscamd fix will be ready tomorrow.
Team are very sorry for delay.

Weston Calling
14-12-2016, 08:51 PM
Can anyone with Hitech box confirm if MScam is clearing 28E?

Yes, channels are clearing for me on 28e on my HitechBox. I only really watch the main sports channels and they've been fine for few weeks.

14-12-2016, 09:22 PM
Can anyone with Hitech box confirm if MScam is clearing 28E?THANKS Regards

Nothing is clearing on 28E, and has been like that for a few weeks now.

See last post by blackdevil which says it may be fixed tomorrow.

Weston Calling
14-12-2016, 09:59 PM
Nothing is clearing on 28E, and has been like that for a few weeks now.

See last post by blackdevil which says it may be fixed tomorrow.

I can only repeat what I posted earlier. The main channels on 28e are clearing for me. Right now I'm watching Phil Thompson getting very animated about the football scores.

14-12-2016, 10:02 PM
I can only repeat what I posted earlier. The main channels on 28e are clearing for me. Right now I'm watching Phil Thompson getting very animated about the football scores.

And I can repeat what I posted earlier, which is nothing is clearing on 28E, and has been like this for several weeks now.

15-12-2016, 05:01 PM
New sw is online now.
It is Mscamd fix.
We are still working on this & we will soon release new better sw.

Attention !
First write down your Mscamd code as you will have to add it again.

15-12-2016, 07:44 PM
New sw is online now.
It is Mscamd fix.
We are still working on this & we will soon release new better sw.

Attention !
First write down your Mscamd code as you will have to add it again.

Thanks blackdevil, Working ok just lost my fav ch's, no big deal.

15-12-2016, 09:51 PM
my hitech box will not download any new patch ...http upgrade >.... red button......loading........sticks on loading for a while then no file appears...????

15-12-2016, 10:33 PM
I have downloaded the New software, i enter my code and under Activate code:the last two digits are missing,i click on Test and it fails,i have retried and the last digit is missing.
Server address
user name
Remaining days

15-12-2016, 10:59 PM
looks like there is a problem with the new software........MY ADVICE......give it a miss Untill we know its safe !!!

15-12-2016, 11:38 PM
Although 28e clears lots of other things are now not working. Also it no longer shows in the HTTP download window, so they must be working on it.

16-12-2016, 12:35 AM
Also it no longer shows in the HTTP download window, so they must be working on it.

If you power off then back on after upgrading to the faulty MSCAMD update, the HTTP red button shows the new and old firmware, so you can revert back to the partially working Smartworld v 2.1.91

No need to enter your Mscamd code.

16-12-2016, 03:04 PM
I have done as you say,Smartworld installed, now my box has crashed,no response from the R/C, now i am unable to do anything with it.

I have removed the power plug and left it for a while,the green power Led is on.

Is there anything that can be done.


16-12-2016, 03:57 PM
hitechbox repair.......download earlier update and unzip file to usb stick,rename file to..... force_upgrade_rom , switch off box at mains ,plug in usb,switch box back on, press...ok..ok...ok..... ...ok untill box starts updating then after updare finishes, remove stick ,factory reset and start from new including input your special mescam number

16-12-2016, 04:43 PM
hitechbox repair.......download earlier update and unzip file to usb stick,rename file to..... force_upgrade_rom , switch off box at mains ,plug in usb,switch box back on, press...ok..ok...ok..... ...ok untill box starts updating then after updare finishes, remove stick ,factory reset and start from new including input your special mescam number

I have tried that, but get OpenFileFail!.

16-12-2016, 05:02 PM
usb stick must be clean and some sticks do not work try another,i got same and had to use another and downloaded
again it took a few tries but worked

16-12-2016, 05:19 PM
also.....READ SETUP GUIDE FOR HIGHTECH BOX 9000,,,post 2...

16-12-2016, 07:18 PM
after putting in new software box was useless gone back to older software but can not actvate mscam

16-12-2016, 07:28 PM
is this box going to be a payserver box ???

17-12-2016, 01:12 PM
just a thought, did you add the word "bin" at the end of the file name? I.e. force_++++++e_rom.bin. I know someone who renamed the file as above but it gave the open file fail message as it did not have the bin extension. If you have, just retry as suggested above. Good luck!

17-12-2016, 03:50 PM
just a thought, did you add the word "bin" at the end of the file name? I.e. force_++++++e_rom.bin. I know someone who renamed the file as above but it gave the open file fail message as it did not have the bin extension. If you have, just retry as suggested above. Good luck!

I did not add,bin, i will give it a try now,thanks.

17-12-2016, 04:24 PM
I downloaded patch,extracted file,to USB stick,renamed it,force_upgrade_rom.bin.
put USB stick in box kept pressing,ok ok,USB stick flashed once,nothing appeared on the TV.
I did not get,USB Downloading-file failed as i did before.
I left it for a while,box still appears dead,i tried pressing okokok but now nothing happens.

17-12-2016, 05:40 PM
I downloaded patch,extracted file,to USB stick,renamed it,force_upgrade_rom.bin.
put USB stick in box kept pressing,ok ok,USB stick flashed once,nothing appeared on the TV.
I did not get,USB Downloading-file failed as i did before.
I left it for a while,box still appears dead,i tried pressing okokok but now nothing happens.

Hi Waverider, firstly you now have the correct file extension. So leave the usb stick in the usb slot, turn the box off from the power, and then turn the power back on, then start pressing the ok button on the remote. I think the box may recognise the usb stick/file when it is turned on from the off the position. If the box is already powered on and then you insert the usb stick it may not "see" file. In sum, box power off, insert usb stick, turn power back on, press ok button on the remote several times. If it doesn't work try the usb stick in the other usb slot...

17-12-2016, 05:42 PM
Also, forgot to say, remove the . after the word bin

17-12-2016, 06:07 PM
Did you try another USB stick as Joe suggested in post #66 (a good brand named one?) Some of the cheapies from the A.u.ction site when used once, just die on you.

17-12-2016, 07:31 PM
To let you know, I'm having the same problem with my HitechBox. Unable to get the remote control to function and green light permanently on. Tried all the above. Index finger eroding pressing OK,OK,OK! OK!!
There must be another option available to fix this problem that's been caused by the latest software upgrade and no fault of the user, or is there?

Best wishes from,


17-12-2016, 08:28 PM
i had to do a number of downloads and wipe 3 or 4 different usb sticks and persist ,but one important point take out 12volt plug at back of receiver...plug in usb stick... then plug in 12 plug and quickley start pressing ...ok.........ok etc.dont let the recr start and have to wait for you with oks for more than a second or two you must be quick.so if you turn off at mains the tim e from switching on to getting to ok...etc can be toooo long ,if you have pressed 25 times or more then start from scratch
also found winzip sometimes muxed up the file and used 7zip at the end

17-12-2016, 09:33 PM
I had this problem a few weeks ago.Mine was particularly baffling as I was not downloading anything ,it just went into standby.

25-12-2016, 04:55 PM
Sorry for the belated reply:
Thanks to everyone for your replies.
HB9000-now restored to full working condition.

Here is what i did.
using an old Verbatin 1GB USB stick, with a large slider button which lights up when receiving or transmitting data.

I downloaded to my desktop,HitechBox_2.1.82_2016.> sent file to my,USB stick>renamed it,force_upgrade_rom.bin
re-started the box, the slider switch lit up, so then i could see it was transmitting data nothing was appearing on the TV, after a short while,the following appeared,(Upgrade Main Code Loader Updating Flash).
the box rebooted and all was restored<

I did not have to do anything else,

29-12-2016, 06:44 PM
I have been away visiting family for two weeks ,got back yesterday and read the posts on possible solutions to the HD 9000 problems .
I tried to follow the Joe.Maddison and Waverider suggestions . With me it is very much trial and error , but I finally got things clearing . Here is what I did .
I went to 'Upgrade and Backup ' found file 2.1.96 (dated 29/12 ) and uploaded it . Had to reset Latitude and Longitude to get back on satellites position.
Went to Installation/cond. Accesss/Password/Mscamd/Active Code /Test
When I pressed 'test' got message 'failed' ,remaining days 'nil' !
Renamed file FORCE_UPGRADE_ROM.bin and restarted box
Went back to Mscamd screen and this showed 'test ' successful and number of days remaining .
Now back in business , channels on 28E clearing . I will check other satellites later.
Thanks to everyone for their input and 'Happy New Year ' .

tinto de verano
29-12-2016, 06:53 PM
Glad you guys got it working again.


Although I did not have any of those issues.. I also found today 2.1.96, installed it and it seems OK.

But I still have the Favs issue that appeared a few updates ago: no more FAV1 to FAV8, just All. And adding favorite channels does not seem to work.

Neither from the channel list nor from the channels manager nor the favorite channels manager. Doh!

Do you have any issues with Favorites in 2.1.96 (although they started with 2.1.92 I think)?


tinto de verano

Later on:

This is really weird!

I had switched off the Hitech.

I switch it on, press FAV... and there they are: FAV1 to FAV8!

I press FAV1 and the 2 channels I saved as a test are now there, in FAV1!

I exit the Favs screen, press FAV again and.... no more FAV1 to FAV8... only ALL!!!

Really weird.

Hopefully it will be fixed in a new update, as it happened at the very beginning.

Still, thanks for the good work, guys.

tinto de verano

30-12-2016, 02:04 PM
Favouites are still there for me for saving channels to favourites in channel management.
But when selecting favourites button, only All is displayed but the other favourite lists are still there below all, but they are invisible and you just need to count how many steps down
from ALL to see your lists. Below all is FAV1, then 2 steps below ALL is FAV2 and so on.

tinto de verano
30-12-2016, 06:23 PM
Hi xanadu,

Thanks for the tip.

I will try that.

Thank you very much indeed.

tinto de verano

Dr. House
31-12-2016, 03:17 PM
Hi guys!

There are 3 new updates in HTTP.
-Hitechbox IKS
-New Hitechbox Timeshift MSC
-Only Smartworld Distributors

I have tried "New Hitechbox Timeshift MSC" and there is a new logo IPTV in the Menu. What can we do with it?
I entered this new option and it asks for a code.
Can somebody from the team clarify?

Best Regards

31-12-2016, 03:30 PM
i think b/dev and his team have explained every thing in the wording of the updates and will cause no rule breaking on this site,good one bdev you found the way,happy new year to you and yours ,thanks.....,dr house read the wording of the updates ,and for some updates to work,apply to the smartw**** dist***** and or v/forum