View Full Version : Channel Editor Problem.

25-11-2016, 09:44 AM
I've been happily using The version of the channel editor from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?167861-6000-Channel-Editor-2-1-1-29-06-14

I've just added another LNB so decided to do an Internet Basic Download but for some reason the channel editor won't download more than 2 Sats worth of information. Tried Advanced and that's the same. Don't know if KOS have put a download limit on or if something else is broken.

Running on WIN10 but I've also tried on WIN7 VM and its the same.



Quick Update I think its an issue with Corrupt data on 19.2 from KOS feed.

25-11-2016, 10:56 AM
I've had issues with the channel editor too. it seems that it can corrupt the channel list very easily. My issues have been around sats and channels missing when i send the list back to the receiver from my laptop. Really annoying as i originally spent weeks on creating an almost perfect list then it became corrupt and so have had to start from scratch.

Only way I've found of fixing a corrupt list is by factory resetting the receiver then either downloading the list from here or rescanning.

More recently I have noticed that the issue may be when the editor pulls the list from the receiver in the first place as i noticed some of the data seemed corrupt in that some channel names, service providers and frequencies were showing random characters such as $$&&*%%^&$$$. I closed the editor down, reopened then downloaded the data from the receiver again and all was ok.

Hope this helps.

25-11-2016, 02:27 PM
I've done some more digging and it looks like it just parses the pos-19.2e.php page from KOS and appears to be breaking around here


I suspect it can't cope with the UHD entry.

I've got around it by just adding the TP's then blind scanning on them

Then move it back to the PC and overlay my Favourites and save.

I found if you try and edit the list it can fail to save as I also have see some corruption but just opening SSU then import Favourites then save immediately seems to work.



28-11-2016, 01:29 PM
Definitely a problem with Astra1 19.2 East if you delete it it downloads all sats even removed the UHD providers that didnt work
Is it possible to copy one sat from one list to new one ?

28-11-2016, 07:43 PM
I haven't found a way. I did try and google the ssu file format but didn't come up with anything of use.

I internet downloaded the 3 Sats I wanted and Left 19.2 un-ticked. Then I added the current Transponders by Right clicking on Satellites and following the link below.


Transferred this back to the box via USB then blind scanned 19.2.

Then backed up to USB and moved to the PC and imported Favorites . I found if I edited the List at this stage Channel Editor would Barf and fail to save the file.

The only other thing I could think of was downloading the 4 pages from KOS to a local webserver and try and edit out whatever is breaking Channel Editor then use a local hosts file to fool Channel Editor but the blind scan got me what I needed.



09-12-2016, 10:00 AM
Came to update my chan list & came across the same problems as outlined above. Was going to try the solution as mentioned by chariotuk above, but almost by accident I came across the update multi sat chan list that built into the machine via the software update. TBH I knew about this , but having done my lists for so long with the chan editor Id forgotten about it. Before putting on the new CE list , I thought I might as well try the built in one to see what happened. I must admit that its a great little list with detailed UK stuff & the other sats are generally broke down into packages and categories ie sport, films etc. It seems to cover most things & be up to date, so if you are stuck with issues re the CE give this a go.
Can I thank whoever did this list & for future reference ask how often its updated ?

09-12-2016, 04:30 PM
I think its down to new transponders that have been added to KOS.

Bad transponders I noticed are :

on 19E (SES UHD Demo)
11552.75 H 25500 FEC 11/20

on 33E
12621 V 10058 FEC 25/36

Another way would be to contact KOS site, but "SES UHD Demo" FEC may be normal value, I think the 33E FEC 25/36 is wrong.

If you remove sats 19E and 33E from the editor then is completes advanced download, no problem.

Could also be caused by the new audio type "H.265" that isn't supported by the editor.

09-12-2016, 06:18 PM
Maybe superstarmac the Channel Editor writer will read this thread and come back with some advice, way round it or an update. It is a brilliant Editor.

13-12-2016, 10:33 AM
Hi Guys,

I've been away for a while but Blueking has brought this to my attention

It is the DVB-SX frequencies that are causing the problems, there is one on 19e and 33e

I'll have a quick fix released soon :)

23-12-2016, 08:34 PM
New version released in the tools forum


23-12-2016, 10:20 PM
New version released in the tools forum


Special thanks to you and blueking !
Excellent work !

12-01-2017, 04:04 PM
@ superstarmac

Hi, I'm assuming that you are the same superstarmac who wrote MacSatellite Manager r13.

If so is it possible for you to apply a similar fix to MacSatellite Manager that you applied to 6000 Channel Editor to enable download and scrape from KOS for 19.2E?

I'd like to keep my Spiderbox 9000HD and create my own channel list rather than get a Spiderbox 6000, or have to rely on others to create a list.

Hoping that you can help.
Thanks in advance

21-01-2017, 02:03 AM
@ superstarmac

Hi, I'm assuming that you are the same superstarmac who wrote MacSatellite Manager r13.

If so is it possible for you to apply a similar fix to MacSatellite Manager that you applied to 6000 Channel Editor to enable download and scrape from KOS for 19.2E?

I'd like to keep my Spiderbox 9000HD and create my own channel list rather than get a Spiderbox 6000, or have to rely on others to create a list.

Hoping that you can help.
Thanks in advance

I'm working on a bigger update, hopefully I can support more than 1 box, if I had time, it would of already happened but certain cir***stances means I'm unable to spend as much time as before when I was doing regular updates

It's fairly easy to include the 7/9000 save into this version but you will lose your ability to re-arrange your favourites in a specific order (this is the big issue compared with the 7/9000 and the 6000)

The 6000 version of the editor was a big re-write, I feel I made it faster to process ********* and easier to manage the code

This is the direction I want to go because I use all the receivers from here, they are excellent from price to buy and the services they can provide and I can highly recommend them

But like everything, there are always bugs to be sorted out