View Full Version : Newbie-Oldie

03-12-2016, 07:00 PM
Hi All,

I'm a newbie(oldie) returning to the world of sat boxes.

I have been using IPTV for a couple of years now but, I was offered an Icecrypt S3200CCIHD(as a back up) at what i thought was a reasonable price.

I have the box up and running with a line.

I'm happy with how it works.

I will however have a few questions at some point.

Any page I go on for help, all points to this website.

So hopefully at some point, members will be able to assist.

Looks a good site from where I am sat, so keep up the good work.


03-12-2016, 07:27 PM
welcome back

please re-acquaint yourself with the forum rules

bear in mind the ice is a niche box so although you may post for help and advice in the ice forum, you may not always get replies, but do so by all means if your answers are not already in there