View Full Version : icecrypt 1600 chd se

14-12-2016, 09:35 PM

Just got my new Icecrypt 1600 CHD SE

Is there something peculiar about the SE version of the Icecrypt 1600chd it won't load the firmware comes back with check software version or throws a bootloader error.

It seems to be an upgrade because its got a front panel display and optical audio

but my main interest is to enter BISS codes and I can find no way to do it.

Have I wasted my cash?

Any comments or advise gratefully received.

Connected it to the internet-did ftp upgrade- sorted

14-02-2017, 01:18 PM

Just got my new Icecrypt 1600 CHD SE

Is there something peculiar about the SE version of the Icecrypt 1600chd it won't load the firmware comes back with check software version or throws a bootloader error.

It seems to be an upgrade because its got a front panel display and optical audio

but my main interest is to enter BISS codes and I can find no way to do it.

Have I wasted my cash?

Any comments or advise gratefully received.

Connected it to the internet-did ftp upgrade- sorted
hi m8,
on the ftp server what is the user name path for this 1600se box i am only getting stc3220 options to upgrade, and obviousley thats the wrong software

14-02-2017, 02:22 PM
Sorry dunno. That info was all loaded into the box when I got it.
I got onto the Manufacturers help desk and they said just do ftp upgrade and it will then have the BISS upgradable menu item.
I didn't have to enter any password or addresses.
Suggest you poke about on the menu a bit more 'cos the info should be pre loaded.
Or if you've been deleting things maybe a factory default reset.
Sorry I can't be more help but I don't have my box to hand at present
PS I remember the pre loaded password showed as a line of asterisks ie they don't want the likes of us to know it

14-02-2017, 03:39 PM
thanks for the reply, i have upgraded these boxes many times and have never come across this problem, usually when you connect to ftp server you all the options of all the boxes they make, this time im only getting options for 1 type of box and its not the 1600 hd se, i have sent them an email to see if they can resolve it

14-02-2017, 04:04 PM
I found them quick and helpful. Keep us posted

14-02-2017, 04:13 PM
I found them quick and helpful. Keep us posted
its not the password im after its the line above that says user name, can any one whome has one of these boxes have a look and give me the info they have, its in plain text not hidden in any way
this is on the ftp upgrade menu

14-02-2017, 05:16 PM
S1600se thats all caps!

14-02-2017, 05:31 PM
S1600se thats all caps!
i get get file list failed

14-02-2017, 05:34 PM
Just tried mine and getting correct list
Heres what I got on screen
server name online server
Anon ftp no

14-02-2017, 05:53 PM
Just a thought, I had some similar trouble a couple of years ago and it was my router had taken it into its head to block things.
A router reset sorted it.

14-02-2017, 06:14 PM
will try that reboot of router, because ive just tried youtube and its not working, but all is ok on box with internet connection

no still geting get file list failed after router reeboot, but sureley you tube should be working if all was ok on this box, ive put the initial firmware for 1600hd on it from this site

14-02-2017, 06:50 PM
Just tried mine and getting correct list
Heres what I got on screen
server name online server
Anon ftp no
how many password asterix do you have is it as you put above 11 ? i have 13 on tv sreen could be different password for each model

14-02-2017, 07:10 PM
Definitely 11.
I counted them 3 times.
We are talking S1600CHD SE that has a digital clock display?
Because that's what mine is and it refused to load the software from this site.

14-02-2017, 07:23 PM
yes same model m8, and it refuses to load the software from this site, same box

14-02-2017, 07:57 PM
Definitely 11.
I counted them 3 times.
We are talking S1600CHD SE that has a digital clock display?
Because that's what mine is and it refused to load the software from this site.66396
I've tried to attach a couple of my backups.
If you can extract them then bung 'em on a stick you can try USB upgrade

14-02-2017, 07:59 PM

14-02-2017, 08:30 PM
finkey there are 2 files on this download are they back ups from your box ?

14-02-2017, 08:37 PM
yes. last ditch attempt

14-02-2017, 09:02 PM
yes. last ditch attempt
thanks finkey for that, i am getting somewhere now, you tube is working ok and i can get into edit keys in biss, now just need a 27w channel list to load on and edit keys, but the ftp upgrade server is still the same , can you confirm it is working ok ?

14-02-2017, 09:13 PM
It was fine when I tried it earlier.
Glad your getting there

14-02-2017, 09:18 PM
It was fine when I tried it earlier.
Glad your getting there

thanks for all your help today m8 really appreciate it

14-02-2017, 09:43 PM
finkey job done, ive managed to blind scan 27w for channels and edit key and all is working ok, many thanks for the backup m8 cheers

14-02-2017, 09:55 PM

16-02-2017, 09:13 PM
finkey i have the official 1600 hd se software and been trying to upload it to this site, but keeps saying invalid file, i suppose this is because its a abs file, how did you upload your backup ?

ok looking again i see you sent it rar

16-02-2017, 09:27 PM
Yes that's right.
You could probably just change the suffix and tell people to change it back or zip it up like what I done

16-02-2017, 09:31 PM
ok ive uploaded it now to the firmware section, this should help anyone else as it has the connection to the ftp server set on it .

12-03-2017, 06:26 PM
hi i changed sw on a 1600SE by ftp and all ok ,set up the channels for satback and entered codes,all i had to do was connect lan tobox,go into menu and select upgrade by ftp,connect and then selected latest sw package and did"all sw+bootloader and 2 minutes later all ok.the menu and sw looks different to a 1600 and is more akin to "galaxy innovations" decoders that i have seen,very easy to update though.

10-04-2017, 08:55 AM
Hi. I have set up my icecrypt s1600chd se in Spain following other posts. If I select BBC or tiv channels I get "scrambled" message. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

11-04-2017, 05:55 PM
Hi andy hall ,what signal/quality strength do you have as if the quality is low it will struggle to descramble the signal,the box deffo works cos i did 1 for a friend at the weekend,if you see my post#27 you only have to ftp latest sw from server and it loads everything necessary to receive the channels,no scanning or entering codes necessary.Once you have correct SW then it can only be your signal,on an 80cm dish i get 80/73% sig/qual and that is good enough to have a stable picture on all channels,the more info you can give us,the more help we can potentially give you.

11-04-2017, 08:36 PM
Hi andy hall ,what signal/quality strength do you have as if the quality is low it will struggle to descramble the signal,the box deffo works cos i did 1 for a friend at the weekend,if you see my post#27 you only have to ftp latest sw from server and it loads everything necessary to receive the channels,no scanning or entering codes necessary.Once you have correct SW then it can only be your signal,on an 80cm dish i get 80/73% sig/qual and that is good enough to have a stable picture on all channels,the more info you can give us,the more help we can potentially give you.

27w is a tricky signal to pull in, an 80cm dish is required at least, but as i say it needs to be pinpoint on 27.5w

07-05-2017, 04:46 PM
Lacierva,i have had no problems with getting 27W but I use a first strike meter and have to say is the dogs danglies,easy to set up and you can literally sweep the dish and it detects a signal instantaneously,then its just a matter of tweaking to get the best signal strength and quality using the display,highly recommend this meter.