View Full Version : Mscam working fine with 2.1.93 http Upgrade

20-12-2016, 04:12 PM
Mscam all working fine for me in 2.1.93 http upgrade.:hurray:
Sat Installation / Condition Access / Enter Pass / OK on IP Shared Protocol / Select Mscamd / Scroll down to Mscamd / Enter Active code / Press FAV button to save / Press Test / Select Test, should give Success and remaining days to expiry, Exit out.
I may also put this in the Setup Sticky if it works for others

20-12-2016, 06:28 PM
Thanks mate just done it but it seems to be unstable on 28E... Did I have to factory reset after the update? Thanks

20-12-2016, 06:56 PM
I installed it yesterday and all went well. I didn't have to re-enter my code though to get Mscamd to work. I did have 2.1.92 in the box.

20-12-2016, 07:02 PM
@ darkgentle, (I didn't) but try a factory reset, save your setting first.
@ traveller, thanks for confirming.

tinto de verano
21-12-2016, 12:11 AM
I was on 2.1.91, tried 2.1.93... scrambled... (it appears I needed to enter code again).

So I went back to 2.191 (the code was still there), clearing OK.

Now I read about 2.1.92, look for it... it is not here... but now I can see 2.1.94!

Any info_

If I jump from 2.1.91 to 2.1.94, does it keep the ode or do I need to enter it again?

(By the way, thanks to the team and people here for the continuous support)


tinto de verano

21-12-2016, 10:08 AM
If you use the latest http update and enter the code it is kept. I have updated today from 2.1.93 to 2.1.94 and the code was kept. You will very likely need to use the procedure in post #1 if you are updating from earlier update versions.

21-12-2016, 05:59 PM
have got box working all ok apart from itv bonus not much opening

21-12-2016, 06:44 PM
have been trying the last few days to load the last patch but cannot, http update >red button....all i get is loading for about 2 minutes, then no file.network settings say box is connected to network, ping test shows 20 ok ????????????

tinto de verano
21-12-2016, 07:43 PM

I just updated from 2.1.91 to 2.1.94 over HTTP.

The code was lost, so I followed jvid post #6 (read instruction in post #1) and entered the code again.

Clearing OK, relief.

I noticed that I also lost the startup channel and the FAVS. Also the Auto Time was wrong, so I selected Internet.


@JOE.MADISON: maybe you could try downloading first to USB, and then updating from USB? Good luck.

21-12-2016, 08:45 PM
downloaded firmware 82 from forum to usb,updated box to 82,then factory reset,then
update via http; that worked loaded the three options in date order, then entere the 10 dig.m?cam number,rescanned channels,now working, but some channels freeeezzzing

21-12-2016, 11:44 PM
Hi all, Updated to 2.1.94 and Bonus is glitch free while Mscamd on 28e glitches a bit.
Thanks team. :-)

tinto de verano
22-12-2016, 01:05 AM
Mscam not clearing for me (Spanish Channels on Astra 2C).

It worked after upgrading to 2.1.94. It got scrambled, it cleared again, and it has been scrambled for a few hours.

I cannot check other channels/sats at the moment.

tinto de verano

Later: checked now and other channels/sats are clearing, but the Spanish ones are still scrambled.

Also: My Favs were lost, and there is only All *empty( no more Favs1, Fav2, Fav3... strange...

22-12-2016, 09:40 AM
tinto de verano

Also: My Favs were lost, and there is only All *empty( no more Favs1, Fav2, Fav3... strange...
Just load your saved channel data backup in after updating the firmware?

tinto de verano
22-12-2016, 11:52 AM
hi jbvid,

Ok. I will try that, and I will let you know.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
22-12-2016, 12:28 PM
Hi jbvid,

Silly question: the channel data is the database.bin file?

I think I saved the channels some time ago...



LATER: OK, I found the answer in the Setup Guide: ...use the preset 'database.bin'...


22-12-2016, 12:33 PM
last night tried mscam channels on hotbird most were NOT clearing, about 10 were clearing with rock solid picture,20 were clearing for 20 seconds then freezing for 2 minutes or more and not watchable mscam has had a bad year and is getting worse,iptv was empty rtube etc was not working,was a waste of time updating mscam and hitech box rating ...2 out of 10
it would appear that when new updates come out they work,but as more and more people upgrade the server is overloaded and can not cope..

tinto de verano
22-12-2016, 12:51 PM
Hi jbvid,

Loading a saved database.bin/channels list did not solve the Favs issue:

Instead of 12 Fav lists and All favs, there is only an All option.

Plus adding a channel to the list does not seem to work.

I seem to remember a similar problem in the past.

So I guess we need new firmware...

Oh, and the Spanish channels on Astra 2C continue to be scrambled.

So I guess we need new firmware...


tinto de verano

22-12-2016, 04:46 PM
This thread was only stating that Mscam was working now, which it is. You will just have to accept that all channels are not guaranteed to work all the time and never have been, it will have its ups and downs. I'm sure you all know the alternative if you really must have everything working perfectly all the time but it will cost you a lot more money for paired boxes and / or cards, if they are available to you in your country, otherwise just look at it as a Hobby with some freebies thrown in.

tinto de verano
22-12-2016, 05:22 PM
Hi jbvid,

Yes, we are aware of that.

Only that it had been working so perfectly well for the last 2 weeks or so... that it is a shame to lose those Spanish channels on Astra 2C.

We know and accept that there is no guarantee, and we are thankful fro what we get and the continuous support.

And as you say, it is a hobby, and with a lot, a very big lot, of freebies, which we are also grateful for.

Last time the Spanish Astra 2C channels were not working, blackdevil told us it would be sorted with a new firmware. And it was sorted pretty soon.

So fingers crossed.

thanks again.

tinto de verano