View Full Version : 6000 Channel Editor 2.1.2 - 23/12/16

23-12-2016, 08:32 PM

19/12/2016 - Version 2.1.2
1 - Fixed Bug where deleting channels would not update the total number of channels in the database.
2 - Added Error handling in Frequency parsing.
3 - Added UHD Image to channel table.
4 - Fixed Bug where old providers were not being removed from the Advanced Satellite, "Refresh Providers" option.

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How to Install/Upgrade
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Install: Extract the files and run 6000 Channel Editor.exe
Upgrade: Overwrite the old 6000 Channel Editor.exe with the new one.

If you get this error:

################################# ################################# ################################# ##
#.NET Framework Initialization Error #
# #
#To run this application, you must first install one of the following version of the .NET Framework.#
################################# ################################# ################################# ##

Download and install this file from Microsoft.
