View Full Version : AB IPBox9000 Website

29-12-2016, 07:46 PM
I'm sure that, before starting another thread on this site, only a few weeks ago, I accessed an AB IPBox website. It was based in Prague - they even had a map to show where they were. Among the FAQs were people asking for wiring diagrams, which they dodged, just saying the manufacturer wouldn't give them any wiring diagrams. And that's what prompted me to seek help on this site.

A day or two later, I looked for it again and couldn't find it. There's still a website for the AP IPBox prism (marketed by our sponsor I'm glad to say). Is that the same lot?

Does anyone else have any idea what's going on? I'm a bit miffed, having bought the Cube Revo version. They went bust about four years ago, and with it disappeared an excellent support website/ discussion group. So I was hoping to find an AB IPBox substitute.