View Full Version : Vu duo 2

19-01-2017, 11:26 PM
I have an annoying problem with my vu duo 2
When I send a settings file to the box it takes ages for starters
It loads but doesn't add the favourites sections -on screen list shows n/a
& message on dreamset says 'transferred but with errors'

Ive tried previous versions of dreamset
Dream Box Edit
Older versions of my files
Another authors file

Reflashed box again
Reflashed with original image
Switched off/on avast etc
The box scans fine & picks all channels so nowt wrong with reception tuner etc

Running out of ideas now:smash:

19-01-2017, 11:54 PM
Is this your channel list, copied from your VU+ Duo 2, edited, and returned, or someone else's?
I've never had a problem, with dreamboxedit, but I've only used my own channel list, that I originally scanned in, set up the bouquets, and then used dreamboxedit, to back it up, and edit the bouquets.

20-01-2017, 01:28 AM
Mine does this N/A stuff after an internal tuner scan, really annoying. I have found that if I bring up the channel list, and then re select the sat I have just scanned, the N/A`s disappear. Just an observation that might help?.
Cheers All

PS. BH 3.03a

20-01-2017, 03:18 PM
I had this problem some time ago when I had mixed up satellites.xml files.

Try using your old satellites.xml file when sending the new channels lists to the box.

20-01-2017, 07:24 PM
Have the n/a problem often on Duo2 and Duo when using Vhannibal settings (edited with Dreamboxedit) and sending via VUCC. I just send the list again and it's generally fine. Really quick sending list to Duo2 (5 seconds), slower to Duo. Something up with the way you are sending channels. Try VUCC.