View Full Version : Still having problems with HB9000

13-02-2017, 10:28 PM
Hi Folks,
I am still having problems with picture breaking up quite frequently, not as bad as a few weeks ago but it's not good at the moment,especially on 28deg.

Just wondering if others are having similar problems,maybe I have been spoiled with the great service I got from my Spiderbox and IKS,and this is as good as it's going to get,if so is anyone using IKS on HB9000 and is it working ok? I am thinking about purchasing an IKS sub if it works better than mscam.

Thanks in advance for any comments.


14-02-2017, 09:30 PM
Some guys on here have some problems, but not many compared to the number of members who own the HB9000. Those with the problem have been advised that it could be down to their ISP, others have said different versions of the software can make differences to the problem, some even say IKS it better but no guarantee from me on that, my MScam is fine most of the time but I put up with the occasional hickups.jb

14-02-2017, 10:59 PM
I use IKS with the HitEch box as I do with my Spiderbox 9900 and on 28.2šE the performance is roughly similar, and on other satellites I don't notice much difference.
Rather unpredictable lately are the channels on IPTV Bonus and the VOD movies. Yet the channels on PowerVu are working just fine.

Which raises the question of whether one should upgrade with the expectation that the various glitches and pauses that arise will be fixed with an upgrade, and despite the problems
that upgrades can cause. I tend to be of the "If it ain't broke, donīt fix it!" school, but I guess the lure of enhanced performance is also strong.

16-02-2017, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the replys guys,as you say JB the lack of complaints lately from other users seems to point to the problem being at my end,I mainly watch sport which is usually at weekends this is when my problems seem to be worse.

I will look at my own setup in further detail,I do actually use powerline adaptors as my hub BT is upstairs and my HB9000 downstairs (have reset these numerous times),although this is the same setup as I used previously with my Spiderbox which did not give me problems.

Thanks again for the replies,I will keep looking into it and hopefully get sorted.


16-02-2017, 01:34 PM
I mainly watch sport which is usually at weekends this is when my problems seem to be worse.

I do actually use powerline adaptors as my hub BT is upstairs and my HB9000 downstairs (have reset these numerous times),although this is the same setup as I used previously with my Spiderbox which did not give me problems.

Thanks again for the replies,I will keep looking into it and hopefully get sorted.

Sport at the weekend is one of the busy times and seems to give these problems.
Worth trying your HB6000 upstairs, direct cable to the Router, (just to prove a point) this should certainly be much better than the powerline plugs. You could also try a wi-fi extender downstairs.

16-02-2017, 01:45 PM
Just to add to JB point above it could also be that at weekends, the servers become overloaded, and it could affect certain areas more than others.

16-02-2017, 04:12 PM
I only use cxxxam after putting last update in hb900 no freezing or glitching

tinto de verano
16-02-2017, 08:59 PM
I think the situation has improved a lot on 19.2.

Still not perfect, the occasional glitch, but pretty good, I would say. Though not rock solid.

tinto de verano

UPDATE> right now... I am afraid it is glitching very briefly every couple of minutes or so... Doh

16-02-2017, 09:52 PM
mine is still very good

tinto de verano
16-02-2017, 11:42 PM
Hi c31,

Which SAT.

Mine improved a lot afterwards, still 19.2.


tinto de verano

17-02-2017, 12:39 PM
tinto are u using mscam

tinto de verano
17-02-2017, 09:04 PM
Hi c31,

Yes, correct: mscam.

Still 3 months or so left, I think. I will check.


tinto de verano

17-02-2017, 09:18 PM
my cam isn't good that's why I got ccxm good on all sats

tinto de verano
17-02-2017, 10:05 PM
OK, I will investigate that...

You called it cxxxam and also ccxm

I will look in the Hitechbox options to see what it is actually called... and then.. I guess google is your best friend, as they say.


tinto de verano

17-02-2017, 11:53 PM
Hi The truth is that Mscam or Iks are not really suitable for 28.2 east ...they are good for European satellites like Hotbird and Astra 1. Youre best bet for 28.2 is Cc..m or Newc..d. Again it depends on who provides the service for the cam and broadband etc.... Regards.