View Full Version : Channel Favourites vu+solo4k

26-02-2017, 03:38 PM
Seems a simple question. How do you save a channel to favourites? so that I do not have to scroll the channel list each time. Thank You.

26-02-2017, 04:06 PM
They are called Bouquets, and should be easy to set up.
Are you running Blackhole?
Bring up your channel list, press the Blue button, for favourites, press menu, and add bouquet.
Create as many bouquets, as you want, then go back to your channel list, highlight one, press menu and the add to bouquet option.

27-02-2017, 01:42 PM
They are called Bouquets, and should be easy to set up.
Are you running Blackhole?
Bring up your channel list, press the Blue button, for favourites, press menu, and add bouquet.
Create as many bouquets, as you want, then go back to your channel list, highlight one, press menu and the add to bouquet option.

Hi Thank you. Have sorted. I am running OpenATV 6.0 vuplus-images Custom Build. Is Blackhole better?

27-02-2017, 05:59 PM
Depends which you like, it's a personal choice.
I like Blackhole, on my VU+ Duo 2, because of all the options, I get, when I set Cutomise to Expert, but as I haven't tried OpenATV 6.0, you might already have these extra options.