View Full Version : any 4K movie addon that allows downloads?

28-02-2017, 12:03 AM
Having problems with buffering on 4k content and sometimes on 1080p (have the fastest available broadband in the area but tends to buffer). Is there any addon that allows downloading in 4k? Or is there a way of allowing kodi to use a hard drive to buffer? thanks for any tips.

02-03-2017, 02:58 PM
I have seen when using Silent Hunter from (community Repo ) Via Kodi In the 4k section it suggests using another addon u can setup via settings for it to play the Codec correctly that might be your issue with the buffer. its only popped up in the last week or so and i cant remember what it was called. i would install for your self and take a look mate i will have a look when back at home. but i haven't found anything to download them on kodi just stream,or just use torrent or news groups to download.

25-04-2017, 08:25 AM
Thanks @les2050 its really great answer. :respect-055: