View Full Version : Mscam Renewal.

28-02-2017, 02:34 PM
Anyone with this Hitech box had any luck renewing their mscam "Gift" subscription? And yes, I have mailed blackdevil for advice, but no response.
Any news/help much appreciated.

Best wishes from,


28-02-2017, 04:12 PM
It would appear that you have not read the following thread, or the info included within the link.


I have just noticed that you posted a thanks in the above post on gibson (15-02-2017), so obviously you have not read or watched the info given, or you would not have needed to have start this thread.

01-03-2017, 12:59 AM
I did my brothers last weekend with no probs.

01-03-2017, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the reply Aldo. I did read the above mentioned post and thanked in anticipation, but was unable to find or discover what the other forum is. A pointer would be much appreciated.
Oooops, you mean a forum on this site don't you or maybe not! Sorry for being so thick.

Best wishes from,


01-03-2017, 01:54 PM
You do not need to know what the other forum is, all you need to do is update your IPTV Channels using the following:

Online Upgrade :

Upgrade and backup - HTTP Upgrade - red button (Default server) - green button (Download & Upgrade)

When the updated list is displayed, watch the video on channel 1, all the info that you require can be found on that channel, blackdevil has not posted on this forum for almost 3 months, and members will not be allowed to post a link to the other forum, however there are enough members of this forum that are members of the other forum, so that any new info posted there can easily posted on here as I did with the above info.