View Full Version : tm 6800 super

20-03-2017, 05:15 PM
hi is there any new patch for this box keeps crashing on cccam cline

20-03-2017, 10:59 PM
Which patch are you using mate?

21-03-2017, 10:55 AM
763p keeps crashing when using cccam cline tried going down as low as 753p same happening is ther a more stable patch

21-03-2017, 02:01 PM
Maybe you have ac***ulated system corruptions over a period of time by installing new patches straight over old ones mate - I always follow the following 'standard procedure for patching':-

1) Make note of latest sat location - USALS etc settings:-
2) Back up current channel list to USB memory stick
3) Carry out Factory Reset
4) Switch off/on at rear toggle power switch for 40secs (minimum)
5) Load latest patch (763P) from USB stick
6) Factory Reset again
7) Switch off/on at rear toggle switch again for at least 40secs
8) Restore current channel list from back up made in 2) above
9) Ensure previous system settings are in place from notes in 1) above (e.g. USALS, sat location, etc)
10) Off you go

In my humble opinion this should ensure your cs issues are resolved - always assuming it's NOT your provider at fault?

21-03-2017, 07:59 PM
Very useful info M8, but do you think that you should have had to supply that to a person who has been a member of this forum for over 12 years, and has all of 2 posts in that period of time.

22-03-2017, 12:24 AM
Yes mate, you'd be surprised how many 'experienced' people are still totally unaware of possible corruptions with the TM boxes caused as explained above, as so many people don't NEED to know if they've had no issues previously!
Hence my suggestion, which satdoc can either act upon, or leave, since as a fellow TM user is the least I can do for him!
I do however take YOUR point too!! lol!!:respect-055: