View Full Version : New Vu+Duo2 Several Problems setting up

04-04-2017, 05:56 PM
I’ve just purchased a Vu+ Duo2 from our generous sponsors. It’s a replacement for another PVR which was working OK with a motorised dish set up with USALS. After a few false starts, I was relieved to find the guide for dummies such as me:
With more frustration and several hours (I find I didn’t follow LeeGW’s instructions closely enough –first downloaded the wrong version of BH, then with the correct one I copied the five files to my USB drive – not the folder as I should have), Black Hole 3.0.3 has got me some way along. Tuner A was set to USALs and Tuner B to second cable from the LNB. I set it to find satellites from 5W to 28.2 E, which it did. I could make it move west and stop it, and east and stop. Go to 0 semed to work. I have done a manual scan of two of them. The scan takes several minutes, the frequency and polarity values change steadily, so it seems it’s found something to scan. However, it finds no services.
Before I found LeeGW’s post, I had, mistakenly set the tuners up but not on positioner. I did a manual scan of free channels on Eutelsat 5W and it found 208 services. So I know where the dish was pointing. As an experiment, and before using the motor, I set the tuners back to single and selected 5W, chose manual scan and single satellite. Still no services. Could the change to BH have caused this?
After this I hit a more serious problem. When first in Positioner Set Up, I thought Go to 0 sent the dish a bit further west than 1W. Sure enough choosing 5W barely made it move and then saying Go to 0 made it go a little way east. After the fruitless scan of 28.2E, I thought I would use Go to 0 to send it back to 1W. It moved a little way east. Another attempt and it moved further east. It now seemed jammed at around 40E – nothing I could do would move it west. It was powered down overnight and this morning it did move west. At the time of writing, I have used Satellite Finder to go to 19.2E. I can also use Move East to send it further east, and stop it. However Move West has no effect. Nor will Satellite Finder send it to 5W. However Go to 0 will send it west to a point I know is approximately 1W. To me, this suggests the motor is not faulty because it can move the dish right and left, but it receives faulty signals from the software.
And finally, Black Hole is hung at starting gui. The sequence is booting, starting gui for perhaps 30 secs, blank screen for say a second, back to starting gui with some kind of task or info list at the bottom SNR, etc. After about two seconds this list disappears and we just have starting gui. I can get into Menu, but that’s it.
Sorry for such a long-winded post, but I seem to have three problems and they may be interlinked, namely-
a) BH hanging at starting gui
b) Erratic control of dish motor
c) Failure to scan satellites
Suggestions as to what to try next would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
System is Triax D78 dish, Titanium LNB with two cables, Technomate 2300 motor and Vu+ duo 2 (no HDD fitted yet)

04-04-2017, 07:17 PM
Have you checked your Latitude, and especially your Longitude, settings are correct?
Remember negative Longitude readings = West, positive = East, as you have set your dish up on 5W I assume this is the closest satellite to your Logitudal position.

You seem to have only just installed Blackhole 3.0.3 try downloading, and installing it, again:

The latest version is 3.0.3H but you can quickly update this via the Blackhole menu options.

When you have installed it, and set up your Tuners, if Tuner A is the cable connected to your motor then set this up as Config Mode - Simple, Mode - Positioner, and enter your correct Latitude, & Longitude.
Tuner B as second cable from motorized dish.
Once completed try using the manual scan option, select a satellite and enter suitable transponder details, which can be found on lyngsat.com.

If this fails to find a satellite you might try using Diseqc 1.2, and then use the setup options, to move your dish until you get a signal.

Please post back if you have any problems, and take it one step at a time.
Good luck.

06-04-2017, 02:15 PM
Many thanks. Off and on over the last few days I’ve tried one or two things.
I’ve reloaded the BH from your link, which is in fact 3.0.3E. This has the same result, with the minor exception that the task or notification list at the bottom of the screen lasts for maybe five seconds before BH hangs at starting gui.
By now I’ve checked my lat/long many times. My BH doesn’t want me to enter negative numbers but gives me the option to enter West. And just for the record, my dish was pointed to 5W because that’s where it was the last time I used the previous receiver.
I don’t think I’ve ever had to choose a transponder before. I’m familiar with Lyngsat, but don’t know where I should look for the transponder to enter. From memory, when I did get the system to search for services it would start in the 1060 range and move up.
I also tried BH 3.0.2H. This has the same result, except I could get the Move West command to work, but it would only send it I would guess to about 30 W. Go to 0 does send it to about 1W.
I did try Disecq 1.2 a few days ago, but now cannot find how to do it. The nearest I get is configuring a tuner to Disecq A/B.
The enduring problem is the hanging at starting gui.

06-04-2017, 03:34 PM
use the guide here

do a fresh install if your motor is usuals just use that and not diseq if you lat and long are correct and dish aligned correctly it will work fine

06-04-2017, 03:46 PM
Thanks. Unfortunately that is the guide and I'm stuck.

06-04-2017, 03:47 PM
Sorry, I meant to say the LeeGW guide is the one I'm using.

06-04-2017, 03:58 PM
which point is it that you don't understand
as the guide is almost perfect

06-04-2017, 05:16 PM
I agree – it’s very clear! I have no difficulty following it. It’s just I get stuck with problems:
a) Black Hole hangs at “starting gui”.
b) Control of the dish movement is erratic – sometimes I can move it west – sometimes not.
c) When it does settle down to a manual scan of a satellite, it does not find any services.

06-04-2017, 05:21 PM
but it would only send it I would guess to about 30 W. Go to 0 does send it to about 1W.
Correction here: I actually typed 3 and the superscript 0 for degrees, so the dish only moved to 3W.

06-04-2017, 05:50 PM
I agree – it’s very clear! I have no difficulty following it. It’s just I get stuck with problems:
a) Black Hole hangs at “starting gui”.
b) Control of the dish movement is erratic – sometimes I can move it west – sometimes not.
c) When it does settle down to a manual scan of a satellite, it does not find any services.

after a reflash it can take a wile till it starts so wait then set up
b us usuals not diseq make sure lat and long are correct

which sats are you after 28 19 13 or more ???????????????????

06-04-2017, 09:18 PM
Thanks, I'll have another go.
I'm mainly interested in 28.2E and 5W.

08-04-2017, 12:05 PM
I downloaded 3.0.3H, and left it powered down overnight. After booting the next day, I left it a couple of hours. I still had the blue screen with starting gui on permanently. The menu options are simply in a box that’s superimposed and covers part of the blue screen.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.

08-04-2017, 12:16 PM
did you use the set up wizard after flashing the duo
how did you power it down

08-04-2017, 12:44 PM
IFirst time I exited the wizard, pressed standby button on Remote, then powered down at the back. After restarting and waiting a couple of hours I let the wizard run.

08-04-2017, 12:52 PM
have you put the cable from the moter in input 1 and set the tuner up

08-04-2017, 12:57 PM
Yes, Tuner A is connected to the motor and set up as USALS and Tuner B as second cable to motorised dish.

08-04-2017, 01:00 PM
have you scaned 28.2 east in yet and is it working

08-04-2017, 01:32 PM
No, I cannot move the satellite at the moment. It’s stuck at I’m guessing about 35E. A few days ago, it did seem to have found 28.2E and to go through the motion of scanning, but it didn’t find any services (my first post). Anyway, I couldn’t say whether it’s working because I’m stuck in starting gui so couldn’t select a channel.

08-04-2017, 01:33 PM
You shouldn't need to power down, using the remote control, or the switch, at the rear, it should do it for you, providing you removed the USB stick, when informed that the receiver had loaded the image and was re-booting.
Do you have anything else attached?
Try removing both co-ax cables, attached to your receiver, they aren't needed for initial set up, as well as any other USB device, after completely switching off your receiver, either at the plug, or the rear switch.
Once done ensure your HDMI cable, Ethernat cable, if not using the wireless option, and USB stick, are the only things attached.
Switch on the receiver, press the front power button, to load the image, again, and let it flash your receiver.
Once completed remove the USB stick and follow the onscreen setup guide.
Do not attempt to scan in any channels, at this stage, just set up the internet connection, and your tuners.
Once completed switch off, attach your co-ax cables, switch on again and try scanning in the channels.

If it still fails then all I can think of is a problem with the internal hard drive, if you have one, a fault, or compaitbility issue, with your motor/LNB/cables, user error, or the receiver is faulty.

Can you please provide more details, regarding your general location, and confirm that you have entered your USALS correctly, check with dishpointer.com, type in your postcode and check your Longitude, & Latitude.

You shouldn't be experiencing these problems.

08-04-2017, 02:28 PM
Many thanks Mickha.
Actually after re-flashing it did reboot OK. I was referring to what I did after it entered the setup wizard. I haven’t put a HHD in yet.
Is the network connection essential. The fact is I don’t have an Ethernet cable long enough to reach my router on a different floor, and entering the password via the remote seems a bit challenging!

08-04-2017, 02:48 PM
you cant realy use the vu with out Ethernet or wirless connection

08-04-2017, 05:01 PM
Mickha, I’ve tried removing the cables, re-flashing, re-doing the basic setup, powering down, re-connecting the cables and then re-starting. To no avail. Cannot move the dish and BH hangs at starting gui. And sorry, I should have said I live just west fo London and I’ve quadruple-checked the lat/long from different websites, including dishpointer.
As to the likely cause I could just make the following comments:
a) The dish movement has been working, but of course it could have developed a fault – is there a way of moving it by hand?
b) The motor is a Technomate 2300, so I would have thought Vu+ would have ensured compatibility. I don’t know about the cables but they have been delivering the power and receiving signals for nine years now. As to the LNB, I’d be happy to get another one if I knew what..
c) Trouble is though, I’m not going to get anywhere as long as BH hangs on starting gui. What would be the best alternative image to try?
d) Faulty receiver – well I do regret not exercising my right during the cooling off period, but I didn’t think I would still be stuck a week later. However, I haven’t opened the box to fit a HDD just in case…
And yes, I wasn’t expecting this trouble. I thought if all I wanted to do was watch a TV station, the thing would work more or less straight out of the box!
Mickha, I do appreciate the trouble you and DCG are going to.

08-04-2017, 05:24 PM
do you have a frend or relative neer you that you can take the box round that has sky tv
then try there sly tv connection and scan in the channels on just 1 tuner

08-04-2017, 05:27 PM
it will just show the gui screen as there s no signal to show
do you have access to a fixed dish

08-04-2017, 05:33 PM
Are you sure it's hanging on the generated user interface?
The receiver will show this until you actually activate it, by pressing the menu button.

Yes you can manually move the dish, using the receiver:
Service Searching
Positioner Setup

Navigate to Positioner Movement and use the appropriate coloured buttons to move the dish East/West, when close to a satellite try the fine tune option.

08-04-2017, 08:26 PM
Thanks guys. I’ve had a glass too many tonight so will gather my thoughts in the morning.

08-04-2017, 08:52 PM
If the motor isn't moving, or only moving one way, East, or West, then it's possibly a loose connection, or damaged cable, this has happened before.
If it's moving, but not to the right positions, it could be losing count, again due to a loose connection, damaged cable, or even the motor.

08-04-2017, 08:53 PM
im sure you will get it all working tomorrow
its got to be better than a CubeRevo box there crap

09-04-2017, 11:47 AM
DGC – thanks nice idea, and yes my daughter and son-in-law live just round the corner and they have Sky, so can try that. Not for a couple of days though as they’ve got a full house.
Mickha – thanks again. What I meant was, given that I cannot move the dish via the software. Could I climb up (having disconnected the cable from the receiver) and physically move the dish with my hand? Anyway I’ll check connections first. And sadly, the starting gui screen is always there. Getting into menu doesn’t make it go away, the menu options just form a box superimposed on it.

09-04-2017, 01:09 PM
That's how it works, so when viewing a program, you can still see the channel, when you access the menu.
You will discover this when you scan in some channels, and get it working.
Of course you can move the dish, and motor, on the pole, but this isn't a good idea as your dish will no longer be set to track the arc.
You can't physically force the motor to move, although some motors have East/West buttons, on them, but the motor still requires power. Your problem seems to be more with your dish/motor than your receiver.

09-04-2017, 03:48 PM
I think that motor has a maual reset button on it you may need a paper clip to press the reset

09-04-2017, 05:33 PM
Thanks guys. I'll try to get up there tomorrow.

10-04-2017, 05:56 PM
Well let’s give it to that Mickha “If the motor isn't moving, or only moving one way, East, or West, then it's possibly a loose connection, or damaged cable, this has happened before.” Too right, it’s happened again. When I got up to the dish – guess what – a co-ax cable floating in the wind (not really windy, else I wouldn’t have got up there). I t was the connector from the motor to the LNB. It must have got loose after all the journeys east and west I made it do. In fact, I couldn’t get it really tight so I have fitted a new F connector and it’s now nice and tightened with a spanner. The other connectors, two at the LNB, one other at the motor, and both at the receiver are OK.
And let’s give it to that DCG . “I think that motor has a manual reset button on it” Too right, and yes, some other websites talk of pushing a paper clip on to a red button on the PCB. I did find holes but pushing a long paper clip down them didn’t find anything but there was a black button which I pressed a few times.
So I was quite elated, having found some obvious faults, but have been deflated when I found that nothing has changed. To add to my troubles, the remote is playing up. I press a button and nothing happens. Ezoiks! I’ve got through a set of batteries in a week! Perfectly credible, because I must have done as many button presses in a week as the average sane person does in a year. However, new non-rechargeable batteries straight out of the box haven’t really made a difference. I may sit there and flick through a number of options as normal, or it may stop and I have to wait and re-press several times until something happens.
I’ve packed up for the day, but I’ll try one or two other things tomorrow. One is to check voltage at the motor. The receiver gives me 13.6v DC. (Is that enough for a 80cm dish?) I also have the luxury of having the dish just outside a window, so I can try moving the receiver up there and trying a different cable, and generally fiddle while I have access to the mysterious black button etc. Unfortunately I know the remote won’t have any effect if I’m standing outside, because it doesn’t when I’m just inside.

10-04-2017, 06:08 PM
If the cable has been loose, for any length of time, you could have water ingress, into the cable, or even a damaged LNB.
I'd first replace the cable, your idea to use a short cable run will help narrow down the problem.
Just remember to ensure that the cable connections are done correctly, I've had F Connectors that were too tight, and in forcing them on I've cut all the left over braid, leaving an intermittent/failing connection.

10-04-2017, 06:12 PM
must be faulty battrys then as I use the remote from my 7 year ish old uno to controle the uno and the solo2 never changed the battreys yet mind you I did start with Duracell at the start
did you try at your daughters house to scan in 28.2e

you no its just like a brand new pc with windows installed lol
you want to use office but cant as you haven't installed office lol

10-04-2017, 06:19 PM
did you recive my pm requesting which account you wanted deleting as ive had no reply

11-04-2017, 11:28 AM
Well a lot of progress today. I set the positioner to move the dish west, then went up to the dish, and by pressing and holding down the reset button, it did move west, and stopped when I took my finger off. So thanks for that tip DCG.
Back indoors, it still wouldn’t move west, but it did go to 0, which was a little way east. Once there, it did a manual scan of Thor at 0.6W and found over 200 services.
Furthermore, I’ve actually watched one of them. Perhaps not surprisingly, given the dish isn’t positioned exactly on 0.6W, a few had SNRs of 50%-60%, so the screen went blank, but let’s give it Al Jazeera with 72%.
I’ll fiddle some more and follow up your suggestions Mickha, but at least I know the receiver is working, so don’t have to try it out on another dish.
I’m very grateful, guys.

12-04-2017, 06:47 PM
A bit more fiddling, but haven’t really made progress. I rigged up another cable from the receiver to the motor, with much the same results. I take Mickha’s point about over-tightened F connectors and possible water ingress. As to the latter, the cable from the motor to the receiver looks fine – no sign of oxidation, and it did have a weather boot. The one that was loose was from the motor to the LNB. At one point I did succeed with Move West in Positioner set-up. Later I thought maybe the F connector at the receiver end wasn’t making contact, so I tightened the 11mm nut to the point that the whole connector was turning. Maybe not related, but after that I could not move the dish at all from the Receiver remote.
Today, what I’ve seen is that Go to 0 has worked once or twice, to the extent that I can watch a channel from Thor, but other times it just move a little way east, but not to anywhere near enough to 1W. Satellite finder has claimed to find 19.2E, 5W and has done manual scans but found nothing. In neither case did any colour appear in the SNR bar, so I assume it hadn’t really found the satellite. Incidentally, when the dish moves, no colour appears in the SNR bar for a moment and disappears as the dish continues to move. Is that normal?
It just looks to me as if the dish doesn’t know where it is, or the receiver doesn’t know where the dish is – because the dish can’t tell it (?). So is it that the motor is now kaput (as our Vu+ friends might say)? It’s eight years old, and hasn’t done a lot of work, except in the last week! Perhaps I’ve got to dismantle it and look inside – maybe not a huge job, but will have to set aside some time.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Is there anything else I could try? Or do I have to think in terms of a new motor?

12-04-2017, 07:53 PM
The motor could be losing position.
You could try setting up Diseqc 1.2.
Set the Tuner, controlling the motor, to advanced, select a satellite, like Thor 0.8W, set LNB to LNB 1, go down the list to Usals with this satellite and set it to no, go to the second page and store the satellite at position 1.
Next add another satellite, like 4.9e, and store this at 2, 7E at 3, etc...
Then go to motor setup and move the motor to the correct position, 0.8W, and store at 1, then move East until you find 5E and store this at 2, so that they match your initial setup.
Once done check if the motor moves to the correct position.
You can also download a channel list, and use dreamboxedit, to load it onto your receiver.

13-04-2017, 05:42 PM
Thanks, I set out to try the Disecq solution, but couldn’t get anywhere as the motor seemed to be dead. The traditional reset button had no effect. I eventually traced the cause – the receiver was not delivering a voltage. Of course that was after checking and re-checking connectors, trying different cables and up and down a ladder n times – so half a day gone.
All was not lost though – there was a voltage coming from the other tuner. So I swapped over the cables at the receiver end, tried the Disecq suggestion and started to get somewhere – like got a channel to watch on 5W and 2.2E. I thought I’d done the position storage correctly, but going back, and trying to add satellites 4, 5 and 6, I was all over the place. Now I thought, I could go back to USALS and hey presto! Things seem to be working. I’ve done manual scans of 19.2E and 28.2E, watched a BBC channel and S4C for a few seconds. It’s successfully gone back to 5W where I watched a few seconds of a French station and it’s doing a re-scan at the moment. So fingers crossed, I’m over the hill, thanks to you two guys.
Of course, I now have a residual worry. I suspect failing to find a voltage may be a godsend – because it may explain what was happening before - probably intermittent voltages, and that would mean the modulated signals were erratic. Does that make sense? If so, perhaps I should send it back? I’m a competent DIY electrician, and could open the box and check for any loose connections and track voltages, but I don’t want to invalidate my warranty.

13-04-2017, 10:24 PM
Simply set Tuner B for USALS and set Tuner A as Second cable of motorised dish and the problem is solved.

14-04-2017, 07:37 AM
Yes, that's what I've done.
But I have to worry that I have a faulty receiver, so this might go s well.

14-04-2017, 08:10 AM
You haven't got a faulty receiver! You've already said you can receive a Satellite signal on both tuner inputs so your tuners are working fine. Now you've managed to get the dish motor set-up and moving on Tuner B be content with that and stop worrying about problems that aren't there.

14-04-2017, 05:21 PM
Thanks, and I hear what you say, but Tuner A is far from working properly – it cannot reliably drive the motor. I have no confidence in this box. Sorry, I’m probably being totally irrational, but I’ve wasted a week trying to get it set up only to find there was a hardware fault.

14-04-2017, 06:01 PM
I thought you'd traced the original fault to a loose connection, no receiver could drive your motor, correctly, when the cable wasn't connected correctly.
Following that I would still check the cable, the LNB, and motor, for signs of water ingress.
Many years ago, when first started, I used to get intermittent faults, including loss of signal, I found out that my F Connector cover had come slightly loose, and water had gotten into the cable, and LNB, which would dry out, with the sun, but after rain I would experience problems.
It was so intermittent that it took me a while, to figure out, in fact only after the LNB failed, replacing the LNB, and cable, solved all my problems.

14-04-2017, 06:37 PM
Mickha – yes, but I checked all the connections and obviously I was doing several checks given your advice. Yesterday, though, it came down to sitting indoors, taking a (dry) fly lead with an F connector on the tuner, bare wires at the other end with about 20mm between the central wire and the braid rolled into a connector block for easier testing. Then setting the Positioner to move the dish, there was no voltage from Tuner A. Powering down, reconnecting to Tuner B, powering up again, there was 13.6vDC with Positioner Set-up in place. And then, powering down again of course and connecting the motor cable to Tuner B, re-configuring the tuners, the motor seems to be working, driving the dish to the satellite selected, and bringing up TV channels. Hence my thoughts that there was a fault in Tuner A all along which led to all the problems which, as you said, I should not have been having.

14-04-2017, 07:26 PM
can you tell me which image this recever came pre installed with

14-04-2017, 07:33 PM
Reading through this topic , id say you did not have the lnb config setting correct from first post, if you have no confidence in a vu+ receiver then , 1 you should not be on this forum they are the best you can buy, 2 you maybe need to think about going a sky sub.

The guys on this Forum will help you to the death , you will give up before the members/mods/admin do with their help.

14-04-2017, 08:44 PM
I still think your problem might be due to the LNB, or cable, but the only way to test this is to replace both, or keep watching the satellite channels, and look for any signs of glitching, picture break up, or signal degradation.

14-04-2017, 08:52 PM
I still think your problem might be due to the LNB, or cable, but the only way to test this is to replace both, or keep watching the satellite channels, and look for any signs of glitching, picture break up, or signal degradation.

If im correct he swapped the cable from the tuner and got it working , if the tuner not set up Hes not going to get the correct voltage out of it with a meter.:beatdeadhorse5: dont feed a fire :respect-056:

14-04-2017, 09:09 PM
I'm not sure which cable he swapped, from the LNB to the Motor, or from the motor to the receiver, or which cable was loose, in the first place, the short cable from the LNB to the motor, or the longer cable from the motor to the receiver.
Once set up, and working fully, I doubt you'll find a better receiver, than the VU+ Duo 2.

14-04-2017, 09:17 PM
Sorry DCG, I didn’t note that. I suppose I could do a Factory Reset – I haven’t got a lot to wipe out!
What I remember is that it did not have Positioner Setup, and. reading somewhere that this function had dropped off some images. I then found LeeGW’s instructions to download another image, and felt a bit miffed that they had shipped me a receiver without an up-to-date functioning image.
Do you want me to do a Factory reset?

14-04-2017, 09:24 PM
Thanks Cosworth 4x4 and Mickha. I’m much re-assured by your comments.
The cable I’ve rigged up is from the receiver to the motor. The one that had worked loose was from the motor to the LNB.

14-04-2017, 09:31 PM
All receivers are shipped with a basic image upto you to mod them , you need to have a good Knowledge on how to do this .

As stated Marked in red on goldwafer;s

Please Note: This box is offered for sale to competent enthusiasts with knowledge of networking, FTP, and Telnet/SSH.

14-04-2017, 09:32 PM
P.S. I should have made clear that swapping the cable from the receiver to the motor did not get it working. What got it working was connecting the motor to Tuner B instead of Tuner A – hence my theory of a fault in the tuner card.

14-04-2017, 09:40 PM

14-04-2017, 09:41 PM
[QUOTE=lewisgongl;964076]Sorry DCG, I didn’t note that. I suppose I could do a Factory Reset – I haven’t got a lot to wipe out!
What I remember is that it did not have Positioner Setup, and. reading somewhere that this function had dropped off some images. I then found LeeGW’s instructions to download another image, and felt a bit miffed that they had shipped me a receiver without an up

that would of come with the image of your chose installed

18-04-2017, 06:06 PM
Thanks to everybody for their interest and help. Just a brief update.
First, to repeat, my box is working! I’ve now done manual scans of several satellites from 30W to 28.2E, and I can choose a channel anywhere in that lot, and the box will find them and play them fine. And to repeat, I owe a special thanks to DCG and Mickha who got me this far.
What I’ve done today, is to reconnect the original cable to the motor. Heeding Mickha’s advice, I cut back by an inch or two the two cables at the motor end in case of water ingress, but they looked fine. Now, confession, inertia set in and I didn’t do the same at the LNB end. However, everything’s working fine. I can still choose any channel I’ve scanned in, the dish moves to it and I get a good picture.
I also swapped cables round at the receiver end, set Tuner A to USALS and Tuner B to second cable, and the channel I was previously viewing kicked in, but nothing else did – such as Positioner could not move the dish in either direction.
It will take me several weeks to get the benefit of what is obviously a fine machine, so I’ll leave the thread open for a while if that’s all right with you guys

18-04-2017, 09:12 PM
I also swapped cables round at the receiver end, set Tuner A to USALS and Tuner B to second cable, and the channel I was previously viewing kicked in, but nothing else did – such as Positioner could not move the dish in either direction.
so why did'nt you leave it set up as it was if everything was working?
it really does not matter if tuner b is set to usuals,i had my solo 4k setup to use tuner b to move the dish,as long as you have configuration setting set up correct in tuner configuration it should work

19-04-2017, 06:24 PM
Thanks for your interest. I was just double/triple/ntimes checking that this wasn’t working, and it wasn’t because I had set it up wrongly in the first place. Of course I'll be using the configuration I know works.

19-04-2017, 07:04 PM
My Duo 2 works off both tuners, I am currently using Tuner A, but I use a 36v motor, and a V-Box II, so I use Diseqc 1.2, not Usals.
When you tried using Tuner A did you do a fresh installation, and setup, without using any backup, then try scanning in the channels?

19-04-2017, 07:44 PM
I think its prob time to close this one as its going in circles , what we have established.

There is no fault with the duo.

Its now working fine , it wasnt before but you did have it set up correct ? :)

When you get the next problem just start a new thread , :respect-054: