View Full Version : Exit channel with box

06-05-2017, 07:40 PM
Can i edit channel with the box. I have downloadeded a bouquet i like. But all of THE channels doesnt work. When i look at the transponder info it not correct. Can i edit this with the box?
Or what prog editor is best to use with a computer?


06-05-2017, 08:15 PM
I prefer dreamboxedit, very easy to set up, use, save, and trasfer, to/from your receiver:


Set up a new folder, on your PC desktop, and call it settings, default name, and location.
Start up dreamboxedit, go to tools, then options, enter your receivers IP address, and test IP.
When working go to File, Fast FTP download, and it should download your channel list, and bouquets, ready for editing.
Once finished go to File, FTP, and send your amended channel list back to your receiver.
Also remember to save it, in case required again, especially after flashing a new image.

07-05-2017, 08:32 AM
Great, i have tried dreamboxedit a little. But cant seems to change the channel data. It locked.
For example, one channels has the settings fec 3/4, it is wrong. Should be 5/6. How do I change this?


07-05-2017, 09:35 AM
Don't bother doing that just manually re-scan the channel in, and use the option to clear before scan.
dreamboxedit is more to organize your channels, and save them, for future use, you can use it to edit PID's, but it's far easier, and quicker, just to re-scan them in, using the clear before scan option.

07-05-2017, 10:52 AM
Thanks Mickha.

After having a spiderbox for 5-6 years.........this vu+ boxes are so worth the money! And with oscam......what a diffrence!