View Full Version : m3u link

10-05-2017, 10:05 AM
I have an m3u url link how do I add it to iptv.
it is not a file but a link.
tried adding as a file through usb but only loads channel list

10-05-2017, 11:33 AM
I'd be interested in knowing members' experience with this. I was able to load m3u files onto a flash drive and from there onto the HiTech. All the channels are there to see when I open the m3u icon, but no channel has opened, yet.

10-05-2017, 06:02 PM
M using m3u link from 1 year and works perfectly, loaded from usb

10-05-2017, 07:56 PM
I'd be interested in knowing members' experience with this. I was able to load m3u files onto a flash drive and from there onto the HiTech. All the channels are there to see when I open the m3u icon, but no channel has opened, yet.

Hi have you tried to open channels using VLC on your laptop?? Also do you have the file in correct format for the box?? It could also mean that the link is down....

11-05-2017, 09:09 AM
VLC works well on live internet streams.

11-05-2017, 07:18 PM
Thanks for the input. I tried VLC, but with very limited success. It's clear I have to research the topic more, particularly when others have their m3u files up and running.

12-05-2017, 12:39 AM
Hi Yes it can be time consuming but very rewarding when you get it right. Important thing to remember is knowing what type of IPTV format your receiver needs as this can vary from receiver to receiver. VLC wll not open files if they are in a Spiderbox format ie Spiderbox has channel name and IP address on one line but VLC needs this info as two lines.

12-05-2017, 10:27 AM
what one is required for high-tech box?
Hi Yes it can be time consuming but very rewarding when you get it right. Important thing to remember is knowing what type of IPTV format your receiver needs as this can vary from receiver to receiver. VLC wll not open files if they are in a Spiderbox format ie Spiderbox has channel name and IP address on one line but VLC needs this info as two lines.

12-05-2017, 05:05 PM
Hi..Not familiar with the Hitech box but from what i know the two formats are usually as follows:
for VLC,TM and others

#EXTM3U - This is mandatory for both formats and must be first line.
#EXTINF:-1,Rai 1 HD
#EXTINF:-1,Rai 2 HD
#EXTINF:-1,Rai 3 HD

#EXTINF:-1,Rai 4

The #EXTINF must contain the channel name and the http line is the IP address. I have amended the original ip address as its only an example.

For Spiderbox and similar boxes including Hitech ?? format for above channels will be as follows:

#EXTM3U - This must be the first line of any files

Rai 1 HD,http://aaaaaa.ip-151-80-35.eu:25461/live/toni/toni/1.ts
Rai 2 HD,http://aaaaaa.ip-151-80-35.eu:25461/live/toni/toni/2.ts
Rai 3 HD,http://aaaaaa.ip-151-80-35.eu:25461/live/toni/toni/3.ts
Rai 4 ,http://aaaaaa.ip-151-80-35.eu:25461/live/toni/toni/4.ts

You must have a comma after channel name and before the http address. When you have completed the file then double check it looks ok and then copy file to USB and download to your box . I normally make two copies of the files one in Spiderbox format and one in VLC format so i can check if links are still working on my laptop. Regards