View Full Version : Help with new install of vu/duo2

15-05-2017, 11:02 AM
Hi guys need some help after 9 years of having a spiderbox hd9900 it has died so got myself a new vu/duo2 I'm following instructions of satpimps site to set it up I have my lonf/and lat set up but cant get east and west pos put in is there anybody in Dunbartonshire that can help me with this please pm me.

15-05-2017, 11:45 AM
Can you please tell us which image you have loaded?
Setting up your VU+ Duo 2 should be quite easy, depending on your satellite set up.
Do you have a single cable, from your motorized dish, or a twin LNB?
Go into the Menu, Setup, Service Searching, and select either Tuner A, or Tuner B, depending which tuner is connected to your motor.
Next set Configuration Mode to Simple, and Mode to Positioner, then enter your Latitude, and Longitude.
Remember negative longitude positions = West.

15-05-2017, 02:40 PM
I have managed to set up east and west I have single lnb im running with openvix at the moment I'm trying to set up catseye's to programme it

15-05-2017, 04:49 PM
Tyr using dreamboxEdit:

This will help backup, edit, and FTP, a channel list to your VU+ Duo 2.
Dowload it, set up a folder, on your PC desktop, call it settings, default name, and location.
Start up dreamboxedit, go to Tools, and Options.

Enter your receivers IP Address, and Test the IP Connection, if it's working click save.
Open a channel list, like Catseyes, or Vhannibals, and edit it for your needs, especially the Bouquets, (Favourites).

08-06-2017, 02:10 PM
help with vu/du02 hi guys I have been away on holiday for six weeks in new Zealand been back two days now trying to set up receiver is there anybody live in Dunbartonshire can give me a call on ************ I'm running in to problems with this machine I'm running on single lnb but everytime go to start process is says not connected.


08-06-2017, 06:05 PM
You need to set the tuner up first:
Menu, Setup, Service Searching, Tuner Configuration, Tuner A, r B, depending which you're connected to.
Configuration Mode Simple, Mode Single, and select the satellite.
Which image do you have loaded?

08-06-2017, 08:56 PM
i have openvix on receiver single lnb I have east and west set up I'm trying to set up box will download catseys and start from there they say take to thor and start there

08-06-2017, 09:48 PM
When you said you had a single LNB I assumed you meant a fixed dish, with a single LNB, clearly you have a motorized dish.
Are you using Usals, or Diseqc 1.2?
I am running Blackhole, so the menu might be slightly different.
If using Usals just set the Tuner up to Simple, Motorized, and enter your Latitude, and Longitude, remember negativbe Longitude readings = West, Positive = East.