View Full Version : 2.2.24

31-05-2017, 04:16 PM
Had a big problem since Sunday evening HitechBox9000 crashed but with some help via Weston/C I am now up and running. But the software on 2.2.24 as got no way to put a Ccamd line on, as I can see, so I have reverted to 2.2.08 the means are there for the said line and all is well with the line re the [success]. But now I have come to a dead end. I am at a loss to fined the --- Enable to on/ red button t save. i have all in front of me by [jbvid] I just hope I'm missing something simple. Any help would be most welcome And thanks in advance. rioseco

Weston Calling
31-05-2017, 04:58 PM
There was a thread where a poster had a similar problem, so you may find the answer there:


31-05-2017, 06:11 PM
There was a thread where a poster had a similar problem, so you may find the answer there:


Weston/C thanks but it does not help.Page as it is going down [line 1 Server No ---1] [line 2 Server Switch on/off] got to be ON before you Can go any further [Line3 [Server address--- it is on and working] [Line 4 ----TCP Port ---on and working] [Line 5 ---User Name ----On and working] [Line 6 ---Password ---on and working] [Line 7 ---Copy No 1 has line.1 ] --- Last line Test 4 times tested =SUCCESS NO Enable and/no Red button the only way out is via The exit button.

31-05-2017, 07:37 PM
Just leave the server switch to On or Off, your entered lines will still be in there.
Looks like blackdevil has done away with the Save option in 2.2 08 and maybe other versions, I can't keep altering the setup guide each time a different Firmware appears. You guys will have to experiment.

31-05-2017, 10:10 PM
There were a couple of queries posted on the other forum:

Hi there Just updated to 2.2.24 and there is no option for CCCam in this version. Could we have any new version for please. Thanks.

Hi there's no Tanberg with the last few patches, Tandberg seems to have been omitted from the latest softwares.

Blackdevil replied:

All will be fixed in next SW

How soon that will be, remains to be seen.

01-06-2017, 08:21 AM
There were a couple of queries posted on the other forum:

Hi there Just updated to 2.2.24 and there is no option for CCCam in this version. Could we have any new version for please. Thanks.

Hi there's no Tanberg with the last few patches, Tandberg seems to have been omitted from the latest softwares.

Blackdevil replied:

All will be fixed in next SW

How soon that will be, remains to be seen.

Hi Aldo my man, I took the advice re [jbvid] got the Mscamd out of the way made sure my cccam line was at No 1 and bingo it fired up. But it would be nice to get a fix
Take care and thanks rioseco