View Full Version : Repair or Replace Duo2?

02-06-2017, 11:26 AM
My DUO2 is getting a bit flaky. Random lock-ups even in standby in the middle of the night. I've reflashed numerous times with different images and disabled some plugins that I thought might be suspect (eg EPGimport). No crash logs. Still flaky :(

Now I think it may be a hardware problem and, as it is over three years old, faulty capacitors are the likely cause. I successfully changed the faulty cap on my old DUO but do not have the skill to do all the changes required for the Duo2.

There is professional repair by "moltensolder" that changes all the caps on the MB, PSU and tuner and is supposed to be very good restoring the box to "better than new". That is a possibility - but is it worth £250? I can buy a new box for less than that!

Should I go for the repair or not? Comments please.

02-06-2017, 11:42 AM
Have you done all the basic checks?
Removed any hardware, including internal hard drive?
Removed all connections, except the HDMI connection, including the co-ax cable?
Flashed a new image and left it running, without loading any software, or connecting anything, including the co-ax, to see if it locks up?

There is an easier method, of replacing faulty caps, without touching the motherboard, you snip the old capacitors wires, as near to the capacitor as possible, then solder a new capacitor to the wires.
Given that new receivers, including new VU+ models, are being released, it might be best just to get a cheap receiver, for now, and see what develops, in the next few months.

02-06-2017, 12:10 PM
It's not worth spending £250 on replacing the caps, when you can get a brand new 1 with warranty from goldwafers for an extra £23

02-06-2017, 12:40 PM
IIRC there are over 40 caps to replace and some of these are SMDs. It is a lot more difficult than replacing just the one on the old Duo which I did many years ago using the "snip" method!

According to "moltensolder" the replacement caps are very much an upgrade which improve the performance of the box (including tuner sensitivity, picture quality and responsiveness) in addition to lasting a lot longer than the cheap caps VU use that only last a couple of years.

This is the link

I'd be reluctant to buy another Duo2. Picture quality is no where as good as my old Amiko (SH4 chip) which I can use if/when the Duo2 finally fails.

02-06-2017, 02:06 PM
Having read through all the comments, it seems he offers a 3 year warranty on his work.

So in that case, you are probably better off going with his repair.

02-06-2017, 08:21 PM
Having read through all the comments, it seems he offers a 3 year warranty on his work.

So in that case, you are probably better off going with his repair.

Seen that before 3 year warranty on his work , if something else fails still lands you another bill.

02-06-2017, 09:06 PM
...also is he still going to be around in three years time? I do not think a warranty like that is worth the paper it is written on.

What other boxes are out there with similar spec to the Duo2 but with better picture and longevity? 4k UHD is not really wanted.

02-06-2017, 09:34 PM
What other boxes are out there with similar spec to the Duo2 but with better picture and longevity? 4k UHD is not really wanted.

There isn't anything really.

Xtrend ET10000 is the closest match, but less support and the build quality isn't any better from what i've heard, also there is less support.

Gigabug (sorry gigablue) quad hd, but again, less support than the Duo2 and the build quality is again questionable.

LX something or other was being pushed a couple of years back, by another board / supplier, but not heard much about them since.

02-06-2017, 10:02 PM
I've got a ET8000 ( my wife is using it) and I'm very happy with it. The remote is certainly better than VU.
Perhaps I'll look at the ET10000.
I thought I'd heard the Gigablue Quad was quite recommend? Perhaps I'm wrong.

02-06-2017, 10:14 PM
I've got a ET8000 ( my wife is using it) and I'm very happy with it. The remote is certainly better than VU.
Perhaps I'll look at the ET10000.
I thought I'd heard the Gigablue Quad was quite recommend? Perhaps I'm wrong.

I could be wrong, but i'm sure I read somewhere that the ET10k is no longer in production.