View Full Version : Problems with IPTV

02-06-2017, 04:49 PM
So I'm new to this SpiderBox 6000HD scene. After using a paid subscription for a year, i decided to just find my own iptv lists.

So I made my own using a few websites, my list is attached above.

Anyway most of the channels work perfectly... for atleast 10 seconds and then suddenly go pitch black and i have to press the ok button on the remote to reopen the channel, this happens for every iptv channel which is very frustrating

Is this a problem with the Providers of the IPTV list?

If so can anyone provide me with a working IPTV list for Albanian + UK Sky Channels. ( or just albanian)

Weston Calling
02-06-2017, 08:25 PM
The default list on the Spiderbox would seem to meet your needs. So I'd suggest you just load it via HTTP.

02-06-2017, 11:04 PM
Hi The problem why channels go black after a while is because you have a .ts extension at the end. Change the ts for m3u8 and see what happens. Regards

03-06-2017, 11:04 AM
The default list for me shows some somali channels lmao, completely random ones.

Other people set up the spiderbox, should I set it up myself?

03-06-2017, 11:04 AM
Hi The problem why channels go black after a while is because you have a .ts extension at the end. Change the ts for m3u8 and see what happens. Regards

when i changed .ts to .m3u8 the channels don't open at all.. that's why i left it as ts, any idea why this is happening?

Weston Calling
03-06-2017, 12:47 PM
The default list for me shows some somali channels lmao, completely random ones.

Other people set up the spiderbox, should I set it up myself?

As far as I know the default list is the same for everyone. Anyway, with the latest firmware, you should get a list of 322 channels, the first of which is Hitechbox info. There are then some Somali channels. but also some Albanian one and various sports and movie channels. There are 4 IPTV list options, but I believe they all now have the same list.

03-06-2017, 01:06 PM
Doesn't have a lot of the stuff I actually want, such as some sky stuff, and most of the albanian things.

I did a little test with these channels, the regular format seem to go on for a minute before cutting to black however the .m3u8 ones literally cut out after 5 seconds of playing. They are the exact same channels.

Is this a problem with the people providing the iptv channels, or maybe to do with my box?

03-06-2017, 03:07 PM
more thyan likely to be the providers supplying the channels , check this in VLC or some other pc player, if the same happens on the pc its at their end and not your end

03-06-2017, 04:06 PM
Hi Have tested the txt file posted and yes with the .ts they do open and then go blank. I changed the .ts to .m3u8 and they dont open . I suspect that these files are not compatible with the Spiderboxes. Its a question of trial and error really. I create my own lists from the free IPTV files which are found everyday and then its question of testing them out . Most files i convert from .ts to .m3u8 and work fine although you do get .ts files which also work ok. Its down to whoever supplies the files. It can be time consuming but a lot of satisfaction also when they work. Bear in mind that most free IPTV channels dont tend to last very long although i have some channels working fine after more than two years.... Regards

03-06-2017, 10:34 PM
Thank you so much for testing it and giving me a swift reply!

By any chance do you have any UK/US/Albanian channels that work well, finding it really hard to get a good list of working stuff?

04-06-2017, 12:36 AM
Hi problem is like you say that good lists are hard to find although you can find them its a question of time really. I have tons of channels to go through at the moment and hopefully when i have a good working list i will post it for you. In the meantime dont give up and keep searching as i am sure you will find good channels yourself. Regards

26-06-2017, 09:25 PM
Hi chaps been messing with the above & likewise cannot seem to load?I have usb stick but channel list is in a music format when download is complete? doesn't seem to be there? I have those few Somalia & the usual 300 channels but no go? I have a supplier & works OK on Android mobile but wonder where I paste addy password etc on SB cccam newcamd is off curious what other one is?
Sorry if vague & have read & tried to no avail been out of scene a while so any help would be grateful as hopefully I have in the past tia

27-06-2017, 11:36 PM
Hi Reasons why your IPTV file does not load could be due to one of these problems:
1) Too many channels already in your current IPTV list. Delete some or all the channels that you dont need and download your list from USB again.
2) Filename is incorrect. I call my lists as filename SPIDddmm.IPT ddmm is date ie 3105
3) make sure you have channel details as follows:
#EXTM3U - MUST be the first line and is obligatory
Channel Name,http:web address You must have channel name followed by a comma before the web address
Channel Name,http: web address

Hope this helps..... Regards

27-06-2017, 11:54 PM
All these pay IPTV channels barely last a day for the punters, most change their link every day or 12 hours, I did it for a few weeks and lost interest because of the repetition of updating them all the time, a few do last for a while but not the ones that show so called premium content.

Its worth it a weekends because you get the sport for most of the day.

28-06-2017, 12:08 AM
looks like the way the pay server s*** will go