View Full Version : HELP! SB1000S Mini Set up & software.

Paddy Doc
07-06-2017, 01:42 PM
Please bear with me on this as I'm not the most savvy when it comes to technical, so nice 7 simple would be helpful & no patronising please.

I have a SB1000S mini, I'm trying to set it up but don't know if I have the right software or set up going.

When I run the satellite search through my SKY dish (Astra28) I'm told, it comes with "No new channel found" then it goes to "No signal"

What software do I need, how do I install it, via USB stick or wirelessly via my laptop?

The strength from my dish goes from 16% upto 60%

Does anyone have a set of images I can use to view the install procedure, or a list so easy my granny could do it?

I'm so close to throwing it in the bin via my hurley stick.

thanks guys.

07-06-2017, 05:41 PM
I have never owned your box but the firmware for it is in the SPIDERBOX / FILES section / Firmware , top thread

I uploaded it last year for blackdevil (in my reply there)

we dont have any "images" or pictures of how to do it (so no idiots guide)

put on usb stick
insert stick into spiderbox

patch the box from the menu (somewhere)

reboot and scan 28.2 east and save

find FTA channels like BBC1 and ITV etc , especially the HD channels

dont bother with the scrambled channels


Paddy Doc
07-06-2017, 06:23 PM
Thanks for replying echelon, excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by "Patch the box" is that "Install software"?

And cheers for the reply (Y)

07-06-2017, 06:28 PM
Thanks for replying echelon, excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by "Patch the box" is that "Install software"?

And cheers for the reply (Y)

I would have thought so , yes

its probably similar to the spiderbox 6000 installation

try the SPIDERBOX / TUTORIALS forum here for more info that may help you

Paddy Doc
07-06-2017, 06:32 PM
Thanks for your help again, told you I'm as simple is as simple does haha :-D

07-06-2017, 06:57 PM
Thanks for your help again, told you I'm as simple is as simple does haha :-Dthe receiver should scan all sats with original software so if you only have a fixed dish not much in the way of encrypted channels will be available unless you get access to 13e 19.2e and some others this is after you patch the receiver with afaik mscam if it's the same as the 6000 model

Paddy Doc
07-06-2017, 07:22 PM
i don't think there was any original software with it, it was just blank.

I've tried to put the firmware on & it says "Program not exist"

I've also reset factory settings in my frustration & still nothing will load!

I've no idea what you mean by 13e & 19.2e at all :-/

I might just throw this & get the SB6000 as I've seen lots of good reports about that.

Is it worth getting another dish in place of my SKY dish?

Are SKY blocking the signal?

07-06-2017, 08:21 PM
stick to your sly dish for now as if this is all beyond you then aiming a dish at other satellites is definitely beyond your capabilities as it requires wall brackets , a motor and a larger dish with lnb attached and aligned properly, plus the box needs setting up correctly by an experienced installer to operate it and so move the dish (think of like a dish at jodrell bank only much smaller , but can be steered)

no sly are not blocking any signals, they beam them all over the UK and ireland and northern france from several satellites over the equator in the (Arthur C) Clarke belt, so tens of millions of people receive them on the dishes pointed at astra 2 at 28.2 east (where the sly dishes point) and mine are working fine , so all ok there

if your dish has not moved and has a modern digital type of lnb (so anything in the last 10 to 15 years on a sly minidish) then it should work , easy enough to test this by plugging in a sly digibox box and trying bbc1 , bbc2 , itv , c4 and c5

if you get those , its working and doing what it should do

a spiderbox 6000 would need "patching" with new firmware in the same way , and for now all you would get is free to air channels as I pointed out, so no better than using a sly digibox (so a cheap sly digibox will do you for the dish you have)

08-06-2017, 01:39 AM
Hi...The reason you get message No program Exist is because you have not scanned in any channels. You need to go into menu and select Installations .In this menu select satellite as 28.2 east (Astra 2) and take option Blind for type of scan . press OK and let it scan the channels. When scan completes select Yes to save . You can then use the Channel editor to delete or move channels etc. Once you have your channels in order that you want then you can . concentrate on which software you need and if you have a Mscam/IKS account number to insert. Regards