View Full Version : Iptv help

13-06-2017, 06:18 AM
My receiver is a vu+ulitmo enigma 2 with BlackHole 2.1.6 i have been using ccam for a few years
my problem is i want to start using iptv on my receiver but i have not got the any idea where to start
i have tried a trial subscripion but it had no epg
so what plugins do i need to put on my receiver and how do i use them
any help would be appreciated

14-06-2017, 03:45 PM
depends on the provider, most use xtreme codes so theres a few ways to connect load m3u / import links into channel lists (can be used for any list/m3u) / xtreme codes plug in, theres 2 versions of this one where u need to set the user / pass & portal info in an xml then have the mac address enabled or the other has all this info inside the plugin so its just install of ipk, again needs the mac activated on the server, these both essentialy run much like a mag box when the plug ins enabled. Only some servers have the second version as it an extra paid service to the server owner, a good judge of how cheap the server is...

as for epg this again is dependant on the provider and how the links are delivered.

23-06-2017, 03:55 PM
thanks for getting back to me this is some thing like the server sends me {wget -O /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh "http://s1.finoip.com:20000/get.php?username=s1-01074&password=AleL7d6fGi&type=enigma22_script&output=ts" && chmod 777 } from where I use telnet to send it to my box I get all channels working with no epg
if I do it the way the server wants he sends me a xtreme ipg file I load it onto my box and send them my mac address and he loads the channels on my box and you do get a limited epg which I don't want
if I double click the file he sends me it loads a m3u file on to my pc from where I load on to my vu+ulitmo box using E-Channelizer and no channels work I have tried adapting the epg with E-Channelizer i have done this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRpAgvwfNqk and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jerMdU_vShg with no joy
I am pulling my hair out and I bet I is some thing so simple that I am doing wrong

01-07-2017, 05:31 PM
Hi. I posted this in another forum. Hope it helps

There are many different ways of watching IPTV using Enigma 2boxes.

I only have Zgemma receivers, so my experience is just with these. However the operating system is the same, so I would suggest most of this applies to all Enigma 2 boxes.

I have found that the firmware in the receiver directly affects the performance of the box when streaming the channels. It is not possible to adjust the buffer size directly on the firmware, so it's been a case of trial an error in my case. I have found this combination to be the best. I have not had a single freeze or glitch, and the picture quality is fantastic, better than using a mag or android box or siptv.eu.

By far, the best results were obtained when using firmware from ipab.tv. When installed it very much looks like uk's sky tv interface and indeed it works very similarly too.

I downloaded the firmware files and copied the whole "zgemma" folder onto my freshly fat32 formatted usb stick.

Placed the usb stick in the rear usb port and switched the receiver on. The screen indicated "flash" for a minute or too and when it changed to "boot" I used the white switch at the rear to turn the receiver off.

The usb stick was then removed.

Using the white switch, I turned the receiver back on and it automatically went into a quick setup mode. Following the prompts to set the TV resolution and the HDMI port was simple enough.
By default it starts up on UK Channel 4HD. All very well if you have a satellite feed.

However, as I intended to only use the received for IPTV, I pressed the down button, below OK and then the blue button. This gives a list of all the "favourites" or bouquets installed in the receiver.

The firmware only has the UK satellite Freeview channels listed, so I promptly pressed the menu buttons and then 8 and then OK to delete the folder where all theses channels were listed.

I have an account with xtreme-editor.com where I have uploaded my m3u and have rearranged the channels into an order of my liking. I have also associated the epg to each channel.

From the xtreme-editor front page, once you are logged in to the standard editor (about 15euros for a year subscription), you can see the lists you have uploaded. To the right hand side there is an icon labelled "i". Click on this and you will have displayed various links to donwload your line. On the bottom right hand side there is a link to download the Enigma 2 plugin. Click on this and a zip file comes down. In it are two files. Use the one ending in .ipk as this is for most enigma 2 receivers. The other file is only for the newere type dreamboxes.

Copy this .ipk file onto your usb stick. I found that you don't have to delete the zgemma folder used earlier to load the firmware into the receiver.

Take you usb stick and place it in the rear of the receiver. The firmware detects you have inserted a stick and identifies the files containing the plugin. Press ok and then the green button to select the plugin and then install it.

Once done, then reboot your receiver.

Once up again, go to Menu, then plugins, and the very last one will be xtreme editor

Select it and open it up. ON the right hand side will be an i.d. number which you need to copy and enter into xtreme-editor.com web site. You should still be logged in from earlier, so just go to the top right and click on Tools.
then click on Connect device.

In the new screen enter the number you copied from your plugin.

immediately below will be the name of the m3u list you have uploaded into xtreme-editor.

Press ok and you will get a message saying you have successfully linked the plugin.

Go back to your plugin, press yellow to get the settings. You will the line id field populate with the line id from the website. Then press blue to load the channel list. After a few seconds you will get a message on the screeen saying the bouquets have been donwloaded. Now press the green button to save.

On the screen you will see that the epg will be starting to download. This takes several minutes but after pressing save its safe to exit the plugin.

Now, press the down button below ok, and then the blue button.

You will see a list of groups reflecting the countries in your iptv service

go up or down to select the coutry you want to watch and then select the channel of your choice. That's it!

Sounds a lot more complicated than it really is.

For those from the UK, you will see the "skin" closely resembles the real thing.

Once the epg is downloaded, if you press the epg button you will see all the channels listed with all their programming. Use the channel up and down buttons on the remote to scroll through. Press select when you find what you want.

You can also attach a usb stick or a hard disk drive and in theory you will be able to freeze live tv (timeshift) and to record. Need to experiment with that so a further update will follow.