View Full Version : help with timer set up please

28-06-2017, 11:15 AM
hi all having problems setting up timer recordings or duration

try as I might I cannot get the timer to function correctly, I set to 2gig in pvr settings.
I can set start time, but trying to set end time the curser skips to bottom of page?

not sure what is wrong do mi need to set timeshift to any value?

if someone could give me exact setup details I would be gratefull have tried all different settings but to no avail

thanks all ps cant seem to set a duration 1hour 2hours either:cool:

01-11-2017, 09:19 PM
Hi Cutain

Did you manage to find out how to set the timer function with an end time?
I have just bought this receiver and am having the very same problem.

03-11-2017, 07:07 PM
Instead of using the PVR timer system have you tried the other method?

i.e. Find the programme you wish to record in the EPG (green button), highlight it and then press the green button followed by the red dot (record) button. A green "R" in a circle will appear to the left of your programme in the EPG and the recording will start and stop per the programme's running time. Job done.

07-11-2017, 07:48 PM
Hi Philips
What do you do if the channel you want to record has no EPG. I just cant work out how to get this thing to record and set a end time or duration.
Any ideas?

14-11-2017, 09:55 PM
Sorry for the late reply bnc - don't know the answer to this one. Will let you know if I find out.

18-11-2017, 09:03 AM
No Problem Philips. I think the only way this will be corrected is by a software update as it doesn't work properly.