View Full Version : How does PowerVU works with VU+Duo2 (VTI) ?

23-07-2017, 05:15 PM
I don't wanna annoy you guys but I really do need to figure out as to how can I make PV works with VU+Duo2 (VTI).

I know how cccam works (etc/CCcam.cfg) on Duo2 with VTI image, but I do not have any clue about PV, absolutely brand new to this.

I need a simple step-by-step fast tutorial from you.
I would like to open some Asian PowerVU channels at 68.5°E

Will it work with VTI?
What version of Oscam do I install?
And then?

I would really appreciate your HELP here. Please!

Thanks a million

23-07-2017, 08:51 PM
look here

The README has been updated.

PowerVU config

Keys in SoftCam.Key:
P <srvid> <nb> <key>
P 1234 01 11223344556677

AU keys:
P <srvid> <UA> <key>
P 1234 11223344 11223344556677

For PowerVU the Stream Relay must be used:

The stream relay needs a fast CPU. Not every STB is fast enough.
If you cannot fix stuttering with the following guide, likely your CPU is
too slow.

For best performance, the "Include ECM in http streams" setting must be enabled.
If your image supports it (openpli, openatv), you can find it here:
OpenWebif -> Settings -> Customize

If the setting is not available, you may need to adjust the "ECM fix delay"
setting in oscam webif (Config -> Stream Relay).
Increase/Lower it until there is no stuttering.

When using VU+ devices, make sure to use the latest drivers (June 2015), if
you encounter any problems.

Channel Config:
1. Go to the OpenWebif and click on the "Stream" button for the channel you want to add.
2. Download and save the .m3u file.
3. Open the .m3u file with a text edior and get the stream link. It looks like this:
4. Replace the port (8001) with the relay port (default: 17999) and the host name ("stb") with
5. Add the new stream link to your channel list (for example with DreamBoxEdit)

Do NOT use the correct Transponder ID/Network ID/Namespace for the stream link.
Use Transponder ID: "11", Network ID: "22" and Namespace: "33".
Set Service Type to "1", and enter the correct Service ID for the channel.

When using DreamBoxEdit:

A. Go to the list in the middle "Bouquet details".
B. Right click on a channel, select "IPTV and other streaming services", select "Add".
C. Select "DVB/TS".
D. Chosse a name and use the new stream link as URL.
E. Use the "Service ID" of the original channel. You can find it in the left list ("Services")

24-07-2017, 12:34 PM
Thank you so much for the README.

I could not go too far though because I am not sure if my VTI image does support PowerVU.
I also could not find "Stream Relay" under OpenWebif -> Settings -> Customize.
Does that mean the VTI image does not support PowerVU?

Please check the screenshot attached.

24-07-2017, 05:52 PM
it means you need a emu version of oscam..Overwrite original..read through threads and im sure info is there.


Also that looks like webif not oscam web.. You need to type box ip and port in browser to access this when oscam emu is running.

25-07-2017, 03:56 PM
it means you need a emu version of oscam..Overwrite original..read through threads and im sure info is there.

OK, I got this file called "oscam 11380 EMU ARM V7" , now which folder to put to and which file do I overwrite (rename)?

Also that looks like webif not oscam web.. You need to type box ip and port in browser to access this when oscam emu is running.
That's what I did !
Maybe it doesnt appear yet because Oscam EMU hasnt been installed ?

25-07-2017, 04:57 PM
I think the ARM versions are for 4K receivers, but hopefully someone with more detailed knowledge will provide more information.
There is an EMU's section, in the VU+ forum:

25-07-2017, 05:10 PM
Ok, now I've downloaded oscam_1.20-rev-11209-oe2.0-emu.rar and there is a file without extention "oscam".

what do I do next? PM me?

25-07-2017, 06:38 PM
No need to PM you, we can discuss it on the forum.
Have you read the VU+ Guide, posted by Lee, from Goldwafers?

All you need to do is download Filezill, a free FTP program, if you haven't already.
Connect to your receiver, using the VU+ Duo 2's IP Address, then transfer the Oscam file to the tmp folder.
Next go to your receiver, press the green button, followed by the yellow button, if your image uses the same shortcuts, and select manually install ipk package.

26-07-2017, 09:25 AM
have FileZilla.

but as I said, there is only one file 'oscam' inside the oscam_1.20-rev-11209-oe2.0-emu.rar ... no ipk file.
So there was nothing to dump into temp.

what do I do now?
have I downloaded wrong oscam emu rar ?

26-07-2017, 09:32 AM
I would really appreciate it if you give me a proper link to current correct OSCAM EMU version for Duo2/PowerVU to download.

26-07-2017, 10:41 AM
Try the Osacm Emu files posted by A., in this thread:

26-07-2017, 08:33 PM
Download oscam from your vti plugin feeds then overwrite in usr/bin with attached file (Extract from rar) ..still much for you to do & read..Spoon feeding won't go on here long..Especially when Barney turns up..lmao

27-07-2017, 07:08 AM
OK, this is what I've done so far ...

- Renamed the file "oscam" (from oscam.rar) into "oscam_1.20-unstable-11377" to match it with the currently installed Oscam in VTI.
- Overwrote the the VTI version in usr/bin

But, there's still no "stream relay" under OpenWebif -> Settings -> Customize

Did I do all OK? What is next?
How to adjust "ECM fix delay"?
In which folder do I find oscam webif's Config ?
