View Full Version : channel list for freesat

21-08-2017, 02:44 PM

this may be a stupid question but is there simply a channel list for freesat? that i can install.

regards jon

21-08-2017, 04:12 PM
If you have an E2 box you can use ABM to create your own by ticking the FTA only option.

21-08-2017, 07:31 PM
or edit or adapt the catseye ones using the 28.2 east only file

one of the biggest issues is the different regions , UNLESS you do as above and create your own using ABM and setting it to your own region

22-08-2017, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the advice guys.
I was hoping some one else had done it to save my work. haha just being lazy. I think i may go down the editing the cateyes one. I'm happy with that one its just the wife that is constantly moaning at me about how hard the tv is to use now...

22-08-2017, 09:52 AM
Reading your other thread you mention owning a VU+ Solo 2.
If you are using this you are wasting a good receiver.
Read the help threads, in the VU+ section, and try using some of the plugins, especially Kodi, to improve your viewing options.
You might also consider installing a motorized dish, satellite viewing did not begin, and does not end, at 28.2E.
You might want to buy a cheap freesat receiver, for the wife, and experiment with the VU+ Solo 2.

22-08-2017, 01:48 PM
Reading your other thread you mention owning a VU+ Solo 2.
If you are using this you are wasting a good receiver.
Read the help threads, in the VU+ section, and try using some of the plugins, especially Kodi, to improve your viewing options.
You might also consider installing a motorized dish, satellite viewing did not begin, and does not end, at 28.2E.
You might want to buy a cheap freesat receiver, for the wife, and experiment with the VU+ Solo 2.why not use the tv tuner for everyday freeview channels if you have a rooftop antenna

22-08-2017, 02:25 PM
using the TV has nothing to do with any satellite boxes , as mentioned above a TV has a freeview input and some have cable or satellite inputs too (I know my sony does)

as for the vu solo 2 , I have two and also a duo2 and they are all brilliant boxes at what they do , but its always a good idea to experiment a bit to get what you want from them and editing the channel list to put in regional channels of your own and to move said channels into an order you want is not difficult and can be done using the remote control or on a pc and transferred to the box using dreamset

but to do what was asked in the question the ABM plugin is the easiest answer as you tick your own region

and as you never said what region you were in so how would anyone know which of the many regional options is the correct one for your region ? (assuming you wanted all the work done for you)

for example, I am in the Granada region so mine is setup for the North west , with BBC 1 nw , BBC 2 north , ITV Granada etc , whereas the catseye list is for the midlands

I did mention this region issue in my previous reply and agreed that ABM was the best answer to the question

if you lived in Bristol you would want a different list or if you had my list you would have to regionalise it yourself by removing the northwest channels and adding in your own regional channels yourself (this is true no matter which box you buy and is something I have had to do for over 15 years)

sorting out your own list means it can be tailored to what you (or your wife) want , so if my wife can manage it on our solo2 (once I have moved the channels around from a catseye list) , then anyones wife can (my teenage grand daughter is also a wizz on my solo2)

frankly , I believe you arent putting in the effort to learn the basics if something as simple as the channel list order is holding you back

but thats just my opinion, having dealt with linux boxes for over 10 years , plus having to reorder the channel list lineups on many , many boxes over the years (including spiderboxes , samsungs , icecrypt , technomate etc)