View Full Version : checking if gift has expired?

21-10-2017, 05:25 PM
hello all bought my hitechbox from g wafers last year,cant find receipt for exact date,
all ok this morning ,nothing clearing now suspect gift has expired.
there used to be a countdown that showed 365 days down to zero of gift remaining but this disappeared a few firmware updates ago.

is there a way to tell if any gift time remains.
also does the iptv hitechbox info link work (got problems with sending and receiving emails)

thank you please pm with info thanks all

21-10-2017, 05:31 PM
Can't you go online at G wafers and look at your account? It will show dates of purchase of everything you have purchased.

Weston Calling
21-10-2017, 05:36 PM
The Hitechbox Info link on IPTV bonus is working and you should be able to access this regardless of whether your gift has expired.

22-10-2017, 03:17 PM
The only firmware that shows the count down is 2.8 which I still use.

24-10-2017, 08:43 AM
i am using 2262 and if you go to sat installation/conditional access/net client/reader 1 should have green dot if so select reader1 and click ok all info is there.

10-11-2017, 02:27 PM
Slightly off topic, but if you ever move to Superiks, every time you start up the Box the expiration date of your subscription flashes on the screen.

10-11-2017, 06:59 PM
Hi Cutain, You must have made the payment by Card or by cheque to G/wafer. You can trace the date from your bank statement or if you remember the month you bought the box if not exact date. That should give you rough estimate of your purchase and give you some idea if your gift is nearing the expiry date or not. Regards