View Full Version : HD9000 problem

14-12-2017, 06:23 PM
Hi All. I'm looking for advice please. I have had my s/box HD9000 for years and never had a problem. Yesterday I got a new dish and motor because my old motor was noisy and had a wrong size actuator arm fitted so I could only access one or two sats. I now have a full range but the box won't store any new TP's and my existing ones are scrambled. When I looked at my IKS pin it wasn't there so I added it but it now says 'connecting' but gets no further.
So, should I risk all and try a factory reset and all that entails. . .and what are the risks??
Thank you in advance :)

14-12-2017, 06:47 PM
the "gift" for your box expired many years ago so no chance on that working unless you patch it with an up to date patch and add a new I K S code into it from v a s i k s ??

the box has a finite number of channels it can store so you need to remove all the dross before you can add new transponders etc

ie:- it cannot store an unlimited amount of channels

a factory reset will clear the channel list etc and you will have to start from scratch reprogramming it and adding and storing sats and channels , or adding a channel list obtained from somewhere (I doubt a new channel list has been put on here in years for that box)

it was superceded a few years ago by the Spiderbox SB6000 and then the Hitech box came onto the scene to replace the spiders

my 7000 and 9000 boxes packed up several years ago

so its horses for courses , and what you can decode depends on what is available and any I K S or c or n lines you add

14-12-2017, 08:11 PM
Hi Echelon, thank you for your reply. I get a I*S key each year from Vasiks so I don't have a problem there and it was working until I had the dish and motor replaced. I think I will try a factory reset and add a channel list I have on a usb and try from there. I will also look at the new boxes you mention. . .do they both take an IKS key?

14-12-2017, 08:32 PM
I would ensure you have their latest patch from their site, plus check the key is still valid

you also need an up to date channel list, or be careful how many transponders you scan in, not blindscanning

your box has a finite number of transponders and channels it can load , check the FAQ section as I am sure its been mentioned many tiomes over the years

I believe the SB6000 can still take the key , but again it too has a finite memory of say 6000 channels so again be careful

and I assume that the HITECH can also do so if its own supplied one has expired, but as I dont own one its hard to comment on it

14-12-2017, 08:34 PM
new spider 600 hd and the hitec 9000 come with mscam not iks but the iks code can also be used in both receivers

15-12-2017, 10:47 AM
Thank you both for your kind advice. I did a factory reset last night and loaded a patch from vas forum. It loaded to a certain degree but there is nowhere to add my IKS and my receiver is now out of line with the satellites. I would love to get it going again as it's been great at what it does. . .in the event of getting a new one that uses IKS, out of the 2 mentioned is there a preference??
Cheers Tom

15-12-2017, 11:27 AM
Did you remember to press 1111 to get the full menu?

I have also seen a new Channel list uploaded by William-1 on another forum, which may be of interest.

regards mobley2

15-12-2017, 05:00 PM
I think I know where I messed up. After the new dish etc I loaded a channel list from another forum (thank you Mobley2) and a patch from the same site. All I needed in the first place was to delete a couple of hundred tp's that I don't use and put in some more. I will ask on there to see if anyone can help with a first time set up . . .after I try 1111 :)

15-12-2017, 07:49 PM
Welcome, hope you get it sorted.

Regards mobley2

15-12-2017, 09:38 PM
Hi satwyn, If I have a up to date I*S code is it easy to put in on these?

16-12-2017, 09:36 AM
Hi Guys, thank you for all your helpful suggestions! I am almost there! I had forgot that when I have used all my channels I can't add any more so I thought I had a SB problem and did a reset instead of deleting old ones. . .duh!!. I now used 1111 (cheers Mobley2) and put in my key. My only problem is setting my motorized dish to trace the sats as my box doesn't seem to want my long/lat numbers in motor set up. I have called my dish engineer to see if he will do a re-scan for me.
fingers crossed and all the best to all of you :)

20-12-2017, 11:54 PM
While on the subject of the HD9000 spiderboxes . I have 2 , never used for years now . I did use the V*S*C's keys for 50 notes every year but stopped and bought those ip boxes , have 2 of them too ,they went off after a few months. I had been thinking of buy those keys again ,but can someone tell me ................... I know without too much detail......is it reliable? ,can I still get the usual channels and some of the footy on the *panish channels? Thanks.

21-12-2017, 11:34 AM
Like all technology in this hobby of ours, things move on, and encryption methods also, so channels come and go all the time. To answer your question, I would say yes, it is reliable, most of the time,
some channels do glitch now and again. For me, my viewing this time of year, is based around Winter Sport, and I am served well, footy is also OK, but you need to search various Satellites, if you are looking
for UK footie, from certain suppliers, then you may be disappointed.

Regards mobley2

21-12-2017, 08:32 PM
Hi Mobley2,
I have asked on the v*s*k forum but not had a response yet. . . .I am all good to go with new motor/dish but my key wont connect. Is this something I am doing wrong on my end. . . .any ideas would be very helpful.
cheers in advance :)

21-12-2017, 09:07 PM
Hi Mobley2,
I have asked on the v*s*k forum but not had a response yet. . . .I am all good to go with new motor/dish but my key wont connect. Is this something I am doing wrong on my end. . . .any ideas would be very helpful.
cheers in advance :)

Only the people on the v a s i k s forum can tell you in your key has expired, if you are able to get on to that forum, then PM the Admin and ask your query there, as they are the only people who will have your start and expiry date.

21-12-2017, 10:01 PM
thank you Aldo

22-12-2017, 01:47 AM
Like all technology in this hobby of ours, things move on, and encryption methods also, so channels come and go all the time. To answer your question, I would say yes, it is reliable, most of the time,
some channels do glitch now and again. For me, my viewing this time of year, is based around Winter Sport, and I am served well, footy is also OK, but you need to search various Satellites, if you are looking
for UK footie, from certain suppliers, then you may be disappointed.

Regards mobley2

Cheers Mobley2 ,
I agree that things move on and changes do happen .I've been in this hobby since the days of D2-mac , kink dink ,toecutters and the rest of the guys that supported us and have seen lots of changes especially with encryptions and hardware . I'm getting long in the tooth now to follow every new development and with limited finances find it hard to keep up with the times as far as new systems .
So, I try to make my older systems last a little longer .....still cannot get my D2-mac to work properly .............[joke] .
My last purchase was the OPEN*ox and lasted a few weeks so was thinking of re-using my old spiderbox with that set of keys I used to purchase. So, I might go a head with that option ,but wasn't sure if it was still available .I now know it is but with limitations .Thanks

22-12-2017, 12:45 PM
Hi All,
my key is still active but won't connect. Can anyone help please. It was working fine last week with my old dish and motor which are now replaced. Since then I have done a reset/patch/add channel list and the key is there. . .still connecting!!
Is there anything I could try or maybe the box is done for??

22-12-2017, 01:09 PM
Hi Mobley2,
I have asked on the v*s*k forum but not had a response yet. . . .I am all good to go with new motor/dish but my key wont connect. Is this something I am doing wrong on my end. . . .any ideas would be very helpful.
cheers in advance :)

Best to check that the key has been entered correctly, amazing just how easy it is to reverse a digit without realizing it. Also follow Aldo's advise re key, you will not get general advise from that forum, but they will be able to tell you
if there is a problem with your subscription, and if your key has been connecting.

Regards mobley2.

22-12-2017, 01:12 PM
Hi Mobley2, thx for your response. . .I have checked with admin and my key is active but not connected. Spoke with my hub provider and no issues there. will recheck the numbers but then I'm done :(