View Full Version : vu+duo

16-12-2017, 01:41 AM
:confused: no data on transponder (timeout reading pat).im not sure what that all means :(

16-12-2017, 06:25 AM
It means that you probably need to do a manual re-scan, as the channel might have moved transponder, or ceased broadcasting.
Can you please post more information, when asking technical help, including channel name, satellite, and full transponder details, e.g. Eurosport 1 Germany, 19.2E, 11112 H 22000 DVB-S2 8PSK 2/3.
Also which image are you using, on your VU+ Duo, and what type of satellite set up do you have, fixed dish, single LNB, multiple LNB's, with Diseqc switch, motorized dish, etc.. and your general location, UK, Spain, etc.. in case it's a signal issue.

16-12-2017, 10:52 AM
Perfectly put by Mickha. Would add that other options are install an up-to-date channel list from Catseye, Vhannibal or similar. Or you can use the Autobouquet maker plugin (not always as up to date as one would like).