View Full Version : program to ftp to box catseyes settings on mac

07-01-2018, 02:26 PM
sold my windows pc as had the deal of the year of a imac 21 inch for £40 ( guy could not get a os to install )

anyways, updated my 8500 this week for the audio problems on vm channels
but as i use the other tuner for my moveable dish, i normally come here, download catseyes and use dreamedit to ftp to box and keep ABM at top

but dreamedit beta for mac, wont let me open a folder, i get a error

i did a ftp to box last night, normal way but all the sats on the list are grey and i get CHECK TUNER when i pick anything

any ideas?

07-01-2018, 03:00 PM
Try doing a blind scan, on your receiver, or manual scan, selecting the option to delete previous channels, and the channels should appear, no longer greyed out.
The Blind scan will take some time, as it gooes to all satellites, in your list, so it also depends how your tuner is configured, the image you're using, and if the receiver has a channel limit.

08-01-2018, 01:04 PM
im on vix 5.1 and normally use to just ftp across
the settings plugins work as i can move to 16, 13e, ect of that

is there still no plugin to add catseyes to the boxes?

08-01-2018, 05:54 PM
Checked Open Blackhole and just Vhannibals is listed.
I have experienced a similar problem, to you, greyed out channels, and re-scanning them in solved the problem. I've also had problems, occasionally, with dreamboxedit, but using dreamset then worked.
Have you tried searching fpor dremboxedit, or dreamset, for macs?
I have read of other people mentioning them.
Found this:


19-01-2018, 08:45 PM
I had a macbook & found the same problem using dreamset etc
There is a program for mac

If you google iDreamX & E-Channelizer might help

02-03-2018, 06:19 PM
Seconder for iDreamX - it does most things you will need and it is free