View Full Version : Looking for Black Hole Image for Ultimo 4K

14-01-2018, 03:55 PM
I see BH images available in the Uno 4k and Solo 4k image sections, but not in the corresponding Ultimo 4k
section. Indeed there are no images of any sort there. Can someone point me in the right direction, please?

14-01-2018, 04:21 PM
Search for this on google BlackHole-3.0.5-vuultimo4k_usb_release_20171224_6 10e58d.zip

14-01-2018, 04:26 PM

14-01-2018, 05:09 PM
Do you want Black Hole, or Open Black Hole?
I prefer Open Black Hole, as that's running Kodi 17.6.
Currently the VU+ forum is down, I'll try later.

14-01-2018, 07:08 PM
Thanks guys, I shall look into those links asap........any reason why we wouldn’t have these images available directly on satpimps?

14-01-2018, 08:05 PM
As nobody has uploaded it, there is no restrictions on the vu+ Images .

It probably hasn't been uploaded as its not that common a box , most of the other boxes get theirs images uploaded.

14-01-2018, 10:35 PM

17-01-2018, 12:38 PM
So, despite the lack of grey matter on my part, I have successfully installed BH 3.05 on my Ultimo 4k. I have also installed a suitable version of oscam and converted my clines for it to use.

And miraculously - it works! However, I do have a problem with c*nax channels, which are not clearing (they are fine on my Duo2). I wonder if this is linked to the version of
oscam I have installed - 11284 ? Am having trouble finding a newer version suitable for the 4k.

Another question.....can the Black Hole image display the current picture on its front screen like the default Vu+ image does? Perhaps this feature
is hidden away in some menu?

17-01-2018, 01:38 PM
Search for LCD4Linux, I think this is what you're trying to use.
I think Open Black Hole has the option of showing the picture on the receivers front display.

17-01-2018, 03:52 PM
Thanks for the quick reply re the front display, Mickha. In fact I just discovered it's very simple. A long press of the blue button brings up a menu and option 2 is to enable the mini-tv on the front panel.
Just need to figure out the apparent oscam-conax problem I appear to have.

17-01-2018, 05:48 PM
Which image do you have running on your Duo2?
Is your Conax card using CI+?

17-01-2018, 10:22 PM
On the Duo2, I have Black Hole 2.1.5. I don't have a Conax card, but have c-lines read by CCcam 2.1.4.

On the Ultimo 4K, the sames c-lines adapted for oscam are working fine with BH 3.0.5 except for the Conax channels.

18-01-2018, 12:31 AM
Which Conax encrypted channels?
Are they still working on the VU+ Duo2?
It could be your lines, try a test line, they're quite often free, for a 24 hour test.

18-01-2018, 09:03 AM
Several conax channels at 1W.......and they still clear correctly on the Duo2, which makes me think there
Is an oscam-conax incompatibility, or that an additional oscam config file has to be setup for conax? I just found
a newer version of oscam, but it only clears encryptions other than conax.

18-01-2018, 09:47 AM
It would help if you posted the names, of the channels, so others can check, who are using Oscam.

18-01-2018, 04:49 PM
OK, sorry - although it appears to me that none of the Conax channels on 1W are clearing on the Ultimo 4k with oscam, specifically Cmore Sport (ditto 1 & 2), 6'Eren,
TV2 Sport, TV2 Sportkanal, NRK1, Kanal5 and Kanal9 all clear without a hitch on the Duo2, yet not on the Ultimo 4k.

18-01-2018, 07:08 PM
I know I can open them, using my line, as I watch 6'eren HD quite often, for the football, on my Duo2 using Oscam.
Have you tried scanning in the channels, again, deleting the previously scanned in chaannels?


18-01-2018, 09:52 PM
Yes, as I say - I too can see 6’Eren and the others on my duo2......but not on the Ultimo 4k, using oscam. I still think that conax and oscam are a “special” combination that needs some extra configuration in one of the oscam.xxx files.

18-01-2018, 10:54 PM
Not for me, as I stated I am using 2 Oscam versions, both of which can open those channels, on my VU+ Duo2 running Open Black Hole.
Have you tried re-scanning in the channels, using the option to delete the old ones?

19-01-2018, 12:16 PM
Tried rescanning with deletion of previous ones - but still no joy. I guess I could try flashing Open Black Hole to see if that does the trick. But otherwise, could you tell me
which version of oscam you are successfully using. Also, can you confirm that you haven't created any oscam config file apart from oscam.server for the converted clines?

btw - just noticed that although the channels I previously mentioned are still not clearing, there is one exception - C More Sport 2 does clear........seems odd.

19-01-2018, 01:25 PM
Because I have the older VU+ Duo2 I'm using older Oscam files, 11233 and 8359.

19-01-2018, 02:12 PM
And do they use any oscam config files apart from oscam.server?

19-01-2018, 03:04 PM
OK, sorry - although it appears to me that none of the Conax channels on 1W are clearing on the Ultimo 4k with oscam, specifically Cmore Sport (ditto 1 & 2), 6'Eren,
TV2 Sport, TV2 Sportkanal, NRK1, Kanal5 and Kanal9 all clear without a hitch on the Duo2, yet not on the Ultimo 4k.
All the above opens for me with my Ultimo4K and oscam 11397

19-01-2018, 03:24 PM
All the above opens for me with my Ultimo4K and oscam 11397

Could you tell me which image you're running, whether you have tailored the oscam config files (other than oscam.server) and where you found version 11397 for dowload? Cheers!

19-01-2018, 03:34 PM
OBH 4.1 (will also be fine with BH 3.0.5 though as the image has nothing to do with which channels open).

Oscam configs are the same as i've been using for the last 7+ years, so nothing special.


19-01-2018, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the link - I'll give this version a whirl. Perhaps you could also send me your oscam config files (naturally blanking out anything sensitive). I've never used oscam before, so am unsure if I need to tailor any of them other than .server). This anomaly I appear to have with the conax channels is really bugging me........

19-01-2018, 05:03 PM
I'm not sure if I've done the right thing with this webif file. I had previously installed oscam ipk via the BH menu, so wasn't sure what to do here.....so I ftp'd the oscam binary to /var/bin, overwriting the one that was there. However, when I look at my softcams via the blue button - I don't see version 11397, so I'm a bit confused.

20-01-2018, 03:59 PM
Thought I would profit from a snowy day to try and get to the bottom of my problem.

I installed Open BH, but am still unsure how to install the emu in "webif-Distribution.tar.gz" format. So far, I have always used the addons manager with a .ipk file.
So I installed another oscam from a .ipk file. I noticed then that no /var/tuxbox/config directory was created, so I created this manually and updloaded the various oscam. config files. But these files did not appear to be read by oscam, since when I looked via webif - there were NO readers. I don't think I did anything wrong, because I then reverted to BH_3.0.5, and all was back to normal......apart from the fact that I cannot clear most of the Conax channels on 1W. In addition......for some reason the system time on my Ultimo (which I guess it picks up from the Internet) - is stuck on the Unix start time of Jan 1st 1970........ any further help is gratefully accepted!

20-01-2018, 05:02 PM
I would start from scratch, move your dish to 0.8W, load Open Black Hole, or Black Hole, without using any back ups, and during installation set your dish up as fixed, on 0.8W, and allow the receiver to scan in the channels.
Next FTP your Oscam file, install it, and then select it, using the Blue shortcut button.
Next load your Oscam files in Var, etc, Tuxbox, Configs, and then check if any of the channels are opening.
If not try a test line, make up new Oscam files, and FTP them to your receiver.
Please report back with updates.
.tgz files are for black hole, which is why you have 2 options, in installation, for .ipk packages or black hole packages.

20-01-2018, 05:31 PM
Thought I would profit from a snowy day to try and get to the bottom of my problem.

I installed Open BH, but am still unsure how to install the emu in "webif-Distribution.tar.gz" format. So far, I have always used the addons manager with a .ipk file.
So I installed another oscam from a .ipk file. I noticed then that no /var/tuxbox/config directory was created, so I created this manually and updloaded the various oscam. config files. But these files did not appear to be read by oscam, since when I looked via webif - there were NO readers. I don't think I did anything wrong, because I then reverted to BH_3.0.5, and all was back to normal......apart from the fact that I cannot clear most of the Conax channels on 1W. In addition......for some reason the system time on my Ultimo (which I guess it picks up from the Internet) - is stuck on the Unix start time of Jan 1st 1970........ any further help is gratefully accepted!

The files don't go in var/tuxbox/config, they go in /etc/tuxbox/config/

The oscam binary goes in /usr/bin

20-01-2018, 07:53 PM
I would start from scratch, move your dish to 0.8W, load Open Black Hole, or Black Hole, without using any back ups, and during installation set your dish up as fixed, on 0.8W, and allow the receiver to scan in the channels.
Next FTP your Oscam file, install it, and then select it, using the Blue shortcut button.
Next load your Oscam files in Var, etc, Tuxbox, Configs, and then check if any of the channels are opening.
If not try a test line, make up new Oscam files, and FTP them to your receiver.
Please report back with updates.
.tgz files are for black hole, which is why you have 2 options, in installation, for .ipk packages or black hole packages.

Thanks for your reply - so are you saying that a .tgz file is actually ".tar.gz" ? So I should just copy the file to /tmp and use the
install bh packages option in the yellow menu?

Re starting from scratch,that's basically what I have done. I installed from scratch - haven't used any backups..... you must admit
that it's weird that clines that work on my Duo2 don't clear exactly the same channels via oscam on the ultimo4k. Perhaps I should
experiment with oscam on the duo2.

Unfortunately the snow has currently blocked all access to 1W and so I'll have to wait till tomoorow to clear it and continue!

20-01-2018, 07:57 PM
The files don't go in var/tuxbox/config, they go in /etc/tuxbox/config/

The oscam binary goes in /usr/bin

Sorry - of course you are correct - typo on my part.....I've done so many iterations today, I don't know my own name anymore.........

20-01-2018, 08:05 PM
You also don't install the .tgz just open it with winrar (or similar) and pull the oscam binary out of it, and overwrite the one in /usr/bin

20-01-2018, 09:53 PM
You also don't install the .tgz just open it with winrar (or similar) and pull the oscam binary out of it, and overwrite the one in /usr/bin

Which is actually what I did.....and when it didn't fix the problem, I guessed I'd done the wrong thing.