View Full Version : Stable MSCAM patch

16-01-2018, 10:26 PM
hi all,

can anyone please advise which is the best working patch for MSCAM, after entering the code everything was ok, then after switching off the stb and back on nothing MSCAM related would open.

Tried 2.96 and 2.97 patches and also the latest from 11.01.2018 and the same happens.

Just noticed there is a 2.3.02 from today so will try that now and confirm if that sorts it...but would be grateful if someone has knowledge if an older patch works more consistently with MSCAM.


16-01-2018, 11:35 PM
Are you sure you did the save.

Select Mscamd / Scroll down to Mscamd / Enter Active code / Press FAV button to save / Press Test / Select Test, should give Success and remaining days to expiry, Exit out.

17-01-2018, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the reply johnhenry yes I press fav to save and get the message 'success wait 5 seconds' then once I go back in can see number of remaining days for expiry.

It is wierd it is like it doesn't hold it.

I have to reset then save under net client option, enter code again then it's ok. Have to do this every time.

Also to confirm it is doing the same for 2.3.02

I do not think I am missing a step.


17-01-2018, 08:05 PM
I do not think I am missing a step.

Did you press the Exit Button, or did you just leave Mscamd. ????

17-01-2018, 10:42 PM
Hi Aldo,

Yes I do press exit, everything appears ok. Later you turn off the box and the next time I turn it on things do not open.

Under net client the remaining days are there when I turn the box back on, and the status circle is green and not red but nothing opens. If I remove code and save, turn off, turn back on and re-enter code again its fine until I switch off.


18-01-2018, 03:40 PM
The current update is working ok, so wonder if the fault is in your box? You could return to the factory default and reload your settings again,if there is a bug in your system it might get rid of it. Save your channel list first.
Maybe first, try another line in one of the other Readers and see what happens when you switch the box off.

18-01-2018, 11:27 PM
Thanks lonewolfe will try another reader thats a good shout see what happens.

As for doing a factory reset I have tried this. I did these steps,
reset reader 1 and saved
Backed up channels and keys
factory reset
Loaded todays firmware
Did another factory reset
Reload channels
Re add mscam code, saved and exit after getting the success message.
Channels open, then after shut off channels won't open

It is funny because I help a friend do their box which is a new one, and they are getting the same issue.

if its just us two then I am the bad apple, however I had the box for a while so feel i know what I am doing however I must be doing something wrong. Thinking of trying to go back to 2.2.08 just to see if the code holds, not sure what else to do.

thank you for all the suggestions so far, if you think of anything else I will try


19-01-2018, 01:04 PM
Are you getting a strong signal on the scrambled channels and are the free to air ones opening, when you restart the box?
If you are, then try System settings---Factory defaults---Restore All. This should give you a clean box. Then set it up again as if from new,exactly as the instructions on the forum.

19-01-2018, 04:29 PM
hi mikej05, I have the same problem that you are getting.I have an old patch saved and reload it with no problems.

21-01-2018, 03:23 PM
hi guys,

Yes lonewolfe FTA are opening ok and signal is good on scambled, signal 83%, quality 99%, done a new set up with all the steps still the same. :-(

Thanks dogrose07 reassuring to know its not just me. Which old patch did you try, I have a few old ones on my usb, the best was 2.2.34 from June 17, it is not perfect, sometimes you turn on it doesn't work, sometimes it does.

I think for now I might give up and keep with latest patches and hopefully one of them will come along that sorts it out for me.


21-01-2018, 06:33 PM
When you enter the activation code are you using the remote buttons to enter the key, I tried that and when you switch off the box the key has not been stored, I found that you have to use the digits on the keypad on the receiver, you should only have to use the < or > buttons to move between digits, when stored press fav wait 5 secs and then exit, and my key was saved, I hope that this helps you and your mate.

23-01-2018, 08:16 AM
Hi Aldo,

I read your message and thought that is it! We both enter the code using the remote buttons and not the keypad on the stb, so I tried it a few times and still no luck. Good idea though I thought you cracked it!
I think I will just leave it now as we have exhausted every test.

Also for your info, mine is an 2 year old stb and I renewed my code, and my friends is a completely new stb so it is not like it is because mine is old.

anyway I thank you for your suggestions if it ever works will come back and tell you.


23-01-2018, 09:07 PM
Hi mikej05,the patch I find best,is 2.2.08 2017.03.02 bin.

tinto de verano
07-02-2018, 03:45 PM
Using the latest patch (2.3.07) with no problems for days.
Yesterday got the scrambled message.
It looks as if mscamd might be down, I thought.
Still scrambled today.
If I enter my Mscamd code, it exits as soon as I press Fav to save, so it is not saved and not working. Orange dot instead of green.
Any ideas?
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
08-02-2018, 08:57 PM

I think the code that had worked till a few days ago did not get saved because it had probably expired. But it just closed the activation code window, it did not give any "code expired" sort of message.

I tried with a new code... and it saved OK.

So Mscamd is working.

And now for something completely different:

There seems to be a newer update, with "VPN" in the name. Any info on that one?


tinto de verano

08-02-2018, 09:30 PM
@ tinto de verano

Just checked the other forum, and there has been no reply to your query as of now.

tinto de verano
08-02-2018, 11:36 PM
There is one now:

Network / IP Settings / VPN (for hiding your IP)
It is for future use.


tinto de verano