View Full Version : Icecrypt STC600 file format error

24-01-2018, 08:13 PM
Something weird happened with a recent recording of a stream from the Royal Opera House. This is a service we have used at our local Arts Centre for several years with no issue, but a recent recording of Rigoletto off Satellite IS 10.02 returned an error message when we tried to play it back, claiming that the file was the wrong format. The actual message when we attempted playback was "Incorrect Recorded File". We managed a workaround by copying the files onto a USB drive, loading them onto a laptop and concatenating them into a single file for playback from the laptop, and so managed to deliver the programme to the audience at the advertised time, but it was tight and we'd rather not have to do it again.
Arts Centre programme schedules mean that most of the streams need to be recorded for playback a few days later. Very few are played into the theatre live.
The hard drive is NTFS formatted. Any ideas why this might have happened?
Many thanks

27-01-2018, 01:32 PM
Icecrypt 6000 - I would suggest re-formatting the hard drive as "journalled" (from the icecrypt - backing up any old productions you want to keep)
These receivers sometimes "hiccup" when there has been a break in the transport stream (not always) and the files become corrupt. I have 2 receivers (one as backup) and have experienced this on one of the receivers and not the other. If you subscribe to a helpline for the productions, then contact them for advice.

27-01-2018, 03:18 PM
One thing I need to ask - Do you record manually or use the timer?
For the file to be complete it needs to be stopped while the transport stream is still running (ie before the sat truck switches the TX off) OR, set the timer for 24 hours and then manually stop when you get in the following day. (follow the on-screen prompt for stopping the TS)

28-01-2018, 12:54 AM
Generally record manually. On this occasion it was on timer, but we set the stop time for 15 minutes past the advertised programme end, in case of late starts or over-runs. You have a point though. If they finished on time or early and an over-eager satellite technician killed the feed too promptly that may have cause the problem. Not sure how we find that out though. Thank you.

28-01-2018, 12:56 AM
Again thank you DJSat79. We had been considering a reformat and may try that.

28-01-2018, 11:13 AM
Glad I was able to offer some help.
Generally, as soon as a "clear" is given, the sat truck operator will shut the TX down as quickly as possible, stow the dish and get the cabling back and get home. (In my case usually cold and wet!)

08-02-2018, 12:06 AM
Apologies for tardy response. We're going to ensure that in future someone is on hand to stop the recording when the TX finishes, rather that rely on timer. Your help was much appreciated.