View Full Version : Solo2 updated to Openvix 5.1.013 now hanging during the boot sequence

04-02-2018, 02:36 PM
Good afternoon

Up to yesterday, the machine was running a version of OpenVix 4, and then I updated using this file "openvix-5.1.013.release-vusolo2_usb.zip" from Vuplus-images.co.uk.

It was correctly unzipped and copied to a USB drive, the re-imaging process was followed carefully, and the m/c booted to the desktop, albeit that it seemed to sit there with the "Please wait" message for a long time. Nevertheless I was able to successfully go through the image set-up routines to configure the language, A/V o/p, tuner setup, my location and the LAN & WiFi connections (etc.), and all seemed well at that time, but I did not install anything, such as a Catseye channel list, as I decided to do that later.

However, today, when I tried to carry on the process by starting up the machine, it consistently hangs showing "Vu+ Solo2" on the front panel display and a "pretty pattern" of bubbles and the words "OpenVix - please wait" on the attached screen, and then goes no further.

Tried several power OFF-ON resets but I get the same thing everything times - so does anyone have any ideas on how to fix the problems, or have I totally bricked the unit this time around?

Thanks in advance.

PS: things have changed a lot in the last 10 mins!

I removed the Octagon WL008 Wifi dongle (MTU 7601 chipset) from the rear USB port and switched on - and then the m/c restarted the image updating process because the Update USB drive was still in the front port and so I'm now going through the re-imaging process again.

However, it was removing the Wifi dongle that allowed things to start again, and I now suspect I downloaded the wrong driver plug-in for that dongle - So, could that have been all that caused the boot hangs?

BTW: I have now found and downloaded what I hope is the correct driver plug-in for that chipset!

Dark Cloud
04-02-2018, 03:15 PM
I have my Solo 2 on openvix too.
I have learned that the loading of firmware requires ALL usb/dongles to be removed from the rear of the box.

04-02-2018, 03:22 PM
Many Thanks - I'll remember THAT for the future!

05-02-2018, 03:06 PM
I have a similar problem when updating ViX. I use the rtl8192eu wifi dongle and it works very well and the drivers are easy to download from the ViX plugins server.

But the problem is that the driver is not in the base image (rtl8192cu IS in the base image, but rtl8192eu is not). When you update the image using the ViX image update method, it will progress so far, then hang at some point because it can't establish an internet connection. I can usually get round the problem and finish loading the image, but it won't copy over settings and plugs ins, it's back to a basic set up.

The solution for me is to either use a hard wire connection just for image updates, then plug the wifi dongle back in. Or I use an old rtl8188 wifi dongle for the image update. The performance of the rtl8188 is far inferior to the rtl8192eu version, but the drivers are in the base ViX images. The rtl8188 is good enough to complete the update.

This might not be exactly what caused your problem, but I suggest not using your Octagon WL008 Wifi dongle when updating the image if the drivers are not in the base image (just checked - I can see there is a driver for mt7601u in the base image, so you should be ok).

06-02-2018, 10:04 AM

Thanks, and I didn't have any problem with the WL008 after rebooting without it - OTOH, I have had "enough" of OpenVix 5 as I can't get on with it and I will try to find another type of image!

06-02-2018, 10:25 AM
I'd be interestred to know which image you select having jumped ship from OpenBH to OpenVIX quite recently.

06-02-2018, 11:09 AM
I'd be interestred to know which image you select having jumped ship from OpenBH to OpenVIX quite recently.
The current version is in the title of this thread, and I have yet to find another one to load - does anyone else have any suggestions as to what I might use?
PS: I'm even tempted to go back to the last available version of OpenVix 4