View Full Version : solo2 BH 3.05 issues ?

05-02-2018, 05:05 PM
hi all

updated my solo2 (and a duo2) to BH 3.05 and noticed a couple of issues

1) unable to set the usb stick to media/usb in the mount , selects ok but after saving it and rechecking it goes back to not assigned or whatever it says

2) installed EMC and set it to be accessed by the TV QUICK button to the right of the menu button , it displays the recordings but does not display the folders with my mp4 , mkv and divx files in them and I cannot find a way to get it to display these file folders as well as the recordings

its the same on both boxes , but they both work fine in BH3.03 (see below)


both boxes have openBH in the flash and these images like BH 3.03 and BH 3.05 are accessed using multiboot

other images like openVIX and openPLI etc are also accessed by multiboot as well

now I do realise that it may well be that for flawless operation these 3.05 images may have to be installed directly into the flash itself , which the instructions usually tell you to do , but it could be a glitch that needs fixing in a future update of 3.05 so I do not want to lose the openBH multiboot system if I can possibly avoid it

for now I have reverted to booting BH3.03 from the multiboot menu and so the boxes behave normally as they have done for months

just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues or noticed anything else in BH3.05 that needs attention ?


if anyone has used BH3.05 in the flash and does not have the above problems ?


05-02-2018, 06:21 PM
If you have obh in flash and you are using open multiboot on a usb, then you won't be able to mount the usb stick as /media/usb in BH 3.0.5 (or any BH image) as the usb is auto mounted as /omb, but everything will still work as if it was mounted a /media/usb

05-02-2018, 06:42 PM
ok , thanks for that info, it does explain that issue

I have updated the OBH in the flash (online update) and EMC Is still working ok by showing the directories and downloaded files as well as recordings when booting into BH3.03 in multiboot

so its the BH3.05 emc I am having trouble configuring as its only showing recordings from the button next to MENU (on the right)

I have downloaded BH3.04 so will try that in multiboot

05-02-2018, 06:47 PM
Sorry can't help with EMC, never used it as never seen the point in it tbh

05-02-2018, 07:00 PM
with EMC (ian helped me with it years ago for playback of video files) you just press a button and the hdd/movie directory comes up , then you either select a recording or if you have downloaded a video file and put them into directories you search out the one you want and play it , like using VLC on a pc

so its a video player that allows you to browse the hdd and playback any video file , which is how I have used it for several years

thanks anyway

05-02-2018, 07:01 PM
But the box does that by default, which is why I have never seen the point in using EMC.

But if it's what you are used to using, then I understand why you wish to get it working.

05-02-2018, 08:43 PM
Others, on another forum, have complained about EMC, in Black Hole 3.0.5.
nunigaia has uploaded a newer version, to be tested, if you want to try it.

05-02-2018, 08:51 PM
thanks for the file above, I may try it

I updated OBH in the flash as well (as recommended on other sites), so its not an out of date OBH v1.0

I just tried BH3.04 in multiboot , without EMC installed, and get the same issue

I do get recordings listed in hdd/movie

but the directories are not shown at all and I cannot find a way to access them

however , it still works as its always worked if I boot into BH3.03 using multiboot , no issues with playing back recordings and the file directories are shown plus I can access any video file same as always and play it back too, its as if something changed in bh3.04 and BH3.05 and I dont know what

05-02-2018, 10:53 PM
just tried this with BH3.04D and openBH4.xx with no EMC installed, on my duo2 using openBH1.0 in the flash and usb using multiboot

openBH4 in multiboot worked fine using the video button next to the menu button, listed my recordings and my directories as well


BH3.04 does not show the file directories , only my recordings are showing in the list

BH3.05 does not show the file directories , only my recordings are showing in the list


BH3.03 does show the file directories as well as my recordings so all are showing in the list (still has EMC installed)

I have not yet found a way to make BH3.04 or BH3.05 show my file folders as well as the recordings

I have no idea if this is a fault to be reported if if I have to make an alteration to show the directories

I suspect the EMC may have been a red herring

the openBH4 alllows me to set the 2 devices to media/hdd and media/usb as required (mini data traveller usb stick in the back of the box)

it would not surprise me if this was all duplicated on my solo2

05-02-2018, 11:13 PM
In BH to switch to another directory, go into the recordings as you have done, then press menu, go to switchlist and then pic the directory you want.

Set it as a bookmark, then in future you can switch between the directories with the yellow button.

06-02-2018, 01:53 AM
done that and it does not "see" the mp4 or mkv or divx avi files in my directories, so its as if it wants to see only recordings in my folders and not files I have downloaded from the net

I have also tried adding the EMC above and no difference at all , this is in BH 3.04 and BH 3.05 ,
whereas I have no issues in BH 3.03 OR in openBH 4.xx

the boot remains openBH v1.xx , fully updated , the above images are accessed using multiboot from the usb data traveller stick

I have reverted to openBH 4.xx for now as it all seems to work in there

06-02-2018, 10:01 AM
Strange as I have no issue's with BH seeing my mp4 or mkv files.

06-02-2018, 05:04 PM
that is why I wondered if it was because 3.04 and 3.05 are not in the flash ?

I wondered if they would have issues due to openBH being in the flash

the only way I could be sure would be to flash a box with BH3.05 and test this

but my initial understanding was it required EMC to work, hence the EMC query

with 3.04 and 3.05 , not even the directories are shown in the movie folder, never mind the files contained within those folders whilst in default mode, yet they are in BH3.03 and openbh4

06-02-2018, 05:10 PM
I have obh in flash

06-02-2018, 05:59 PM
nunigaia has posted a newer version, of EMC, today.
Ok, just need a module in dependencies ... i have repacked the file in order to install it automaticaly.

The module needed is "requests = python-requests" .... so:

With the version installed from my post #172, is all fine, if you install "python-requests" module not present on Duo2 BlackHole 3.0.5 image.

In order to do so, you must run by telnet the following commands:

opkg install python-requests

killall -9 enigma2

After restarting enigma, all should work normally with the previous version
In any case as i told above, in this post, i just repacked and i added to dependencies needed, python-requests

best regards

Matrix 10 has also posted:
install python-requests

EMC: [sp] cleanupSetup exception:
No module named requests
Unexpected error: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/EnhancedMovieCenter.py", line 141, in cleanupSetup
from MovieSelection import purgeExpired
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/MovieSelection.py", line 72, in <module>
from EMCCoverSearch import EMCImdbScan
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/EMCCoverSearch.py", line 43, in <module>
import re, urllib, urllib2, os, time, shutil, requests
ImportError: No module named requests

08-02-2018, 11:26 PM
I have now tried BH3.04 and BH3.05 in multiboot and either with or without EMC listed above I still only get BH recordings listed, no directories show and no DIVX or MP4 or MKV files show either , so no change there but BH3.03 and openBH4.xx work fine , as does openBH v1 in the flash

so back to running BH3.03 in multiboot for now , no issues with that image