View Full Version : Powervu 9e - yes, PowerVu 20w - can't get it

30-04-2018, 11:00 PM
I'm using a TM5402 M3 HD, keys added via STB menu, have AFN network working like a dream.

I'm using the same principle for adding the keys for channels on 20w (i.e. 14 characters of codes and two zeros, with the frequency as the provider ID), but nothing working for me on 20w.

I also have a Vu+ Duo2 but playing with the softcam.key file not having any success for AFN even. Not so worried on the Duo2 but would like it working on the TM.

Thanks guys

30-04-2018, 11:21 PM
Which Oscam files, are you trying, on your VU+ Duo2?
Try the Oscam-Emu, or Ymod, for any channels with keys, I can't remember which Oscam version worked for me, with the softcam key files.

01-05-2018, 06:17 AM
20w MTN package has been using New PowerVU Hash mode since Jan 2018 and has not been broken as yet .
@ Mickha , TM5402 M3 HD is closed source non-linux box therefor does not have Oscam options .
cheers !

01-05-2018, 08:30 AM
20w MTN package has been using New PowerVU Hash mode since Jan 2018 and has not been broken as yet .
@ Mickha , TM5402 M3 HD is closed source non-linux box therefor does not have Oscam options .
cheers !

I have a VU+ Duo2, same as stevethejack listed, in the second part of his post, but only experimented with softcam keys when I first got it, since then I have been using the Kodi options, for viewing old television series.

01-05-2018, 03:48 PM
Thought MTM was still open - the attached was posted on Startimes a couple of days ago

01-05-2018, 04:55 PM
It is still possible to get the keys. However, as already been explained, the algorithm has changed.
The keys are useless without the correct algorithm.
We are still waiting for a fix.

01-05-2018, 11:23 PM
BTW. MTN 20W is pretty much useless even if it could be opened again ,
Sport 24 HD already left and was replaced by RTL Germany long before the algorithm had changed
so really no major loss that MTN Tightened their security and Started using new Hash mode IMHO !
But With SRG Swiss stopping in just a few days it will be rather interesting to see if any new packages can be broken
Seems like far more packages are closed than opening these dayz :nopity:

02-05-2018, 04:41 PM
Plus, the low bitrate it was using made it barely watchable on a decent size TV anyway :rolleyes:

02-05-2018, 09:59 PM
AFN on 9e opens on enigma 2 receivers but you really need up to date images where the drivers have been updated to allow afn without stream relay. Older images won't work. I have afn open on solo4k and have had it working on technomate tm-nano-se.

12-09-2018, 12:28 PM
Hello. There are any news about this problem on 20°West MTN Package ? So long time ago since last post.


12-09-2018, 05:20 PM
Thanks. That is so sad :-(
I have only for that Programms an Sat Dish on the roof :-( :-(
I hope there are very soon an solution to get the channels on 20°W.

12-09-2018, 10:28 PM
the last time AFN went dark oscam and ncam were updated within a week,,dosent seem to be much interest in a fix this time,,,,,,,