View Full Version : VUZERO Motorised issues

13-05-2018, 12:59 PM
Hello Comrades,
I need help on your technical expertise please, I have substituted my relentless spider9000HD-box to a reasonable priced VUzero.

For some strange reason VUzero does not seems to function with the existing 1-meter dish with Manhattan Disqc 1.2 motor.

I have tried every combination in setup (simple, Advance, manual, with USALS and without) yet the receiver will not find or lock on to Astra-28-East or 30 – west Hispasat, actually its doesn't finds any satellites as it were. I have also input the correct longitude – Latitude ordinance obtained from dish pointer with no luck

Just to eliminate doubt whether dish had given up, I reverted to the good old spider box, connect it to the dish point it to Astra 28-degree East, straight on it picked up 89% signal strength on, and also Astra 19East, with that in mind I connected the VUzero to the dish yet no signal.

I know the dish is mounted well, cos, with the spider box, even on it last legs, still picks-up splendid signal from same dish VUzero connects.

What am I doing wrong please, any help is highly appreciated.

13-05-2018, 01:34 PM
What image do you have loaded?
Have you tried doing a manual scan, when the dish is pointing at 28.2E?
Try setting the tuner to simple, fixed, Astra 2, 28.2E, and then do a scan.

14-05-2018, 02:18 PM
The image is BH 3.03 please.
I have also tried your suggestion and it seemed to have worked only on 28E, but then I cannot get the dish to work on rest of the Sats.
The dish will move to home 1west if I hit the red button on remote in satfind mode, and try to set limits, I then press limit on then okay.
However the when I try to search sats between the limits set, it does not find anything.

very very frustrating,

14-05-2018, 03:22 PM
No, I didn't. I did not think it required to put the - / + in the actual configuration of the device. Ahh then again not quite sure if the unit will accept text - / + ?

So for clarity do I need to type in the + / - in front the cordinance into the device please?

14-05-2018, 04:12 PM
Also when I type my post code into dish pointer website to obtain long / lat ordnance figures, the website gives the lat / long in North and West and not East/South, I put type same info from the website into receiver North /West. But I feel it should be south / East, cos I my dish is South / East facing as though I tried both combinations it didn't fix the issue. Will this impact the dish into confusion or N/W/S/E doesn't really matter so long as the right the long / lat are input in their respective fields please?

14-05-2018, 04:32 PM
what is your nearest town or city ?

14-05-2018, 04:48 PM
London, ****** Quays or Canary Wharf

14-05-2018, 04:59 PM
ok , go into menu , setup , service searching , tuner configuration , tuner A , and do the following


Configuration Mode = simple
Mode = Positioner
Longitude = 000.023
Latitude = 051.505

and exit

note:- the 0.023 West is because you are slightly west of Greenwich (the meridian) - indicated by the minus sign on dishpointer

and the 51.5 North is because that is how many degrees you are North of the Equator

14-05-2018, 05:16 PM
I will give feedback in just about 45min please.

Just out of interest does it mean the cordinance I used previously had been incorrect please?,

I'm only asking cos I think with my right post code dish pointer would narrow down dish location long/lat please?

14-05-2018, 05:21 PM
no idea about what was said earlier which was why I asked you for something close to where you are

you can adjust the longitude and latitude I gave slightly if your postcode is slightly different , but the details I gave are close enough for where you said , meaning any slight differences do not matter , the details I gave you should be fine , but alter slightly as required if you wish to

I strongly suspect that up until now you have not been putting in the details from dishpointer correctly (a common problem for newbies to enigma2 boxes) , so as my VU SOLO2 is using BH images I based my reply on seeing my own menu and adapting it for you to use

the details I gave you above are good enough to use for now, for canary wharf and anywhere within a few miles of canary wharf (note I have edited it since due to double checking the settings for you and me on dishpointer - it can be confusing)

14-05-2018, 06:17 PM
Hi Echelon,

You are a true professional, your cordinance worked perfectly, dish is logging on correctly from 28E, 19.2E, 13E, haven't tried rest of satlittes yet, but hoping it will go as far as 30W so far so good. Many thanks ����for your continues support, match appreciated.

For the benefit of other newbies, please see below settings that fixed my frustration:

echelon said:
14-05-2018 04:59 PM

ok , go into menu , setup , service searching , tuner configuration , tuner A , and do the following


Configuration Mode = simple
Mode = Positioner
Longitude = 000.023
Latitude = 051.505

Many thanks.

14-05-2018, 06:23 PM
excelllent , if you need to fine tune it , leave the LATITUDE as it is now, do not change it at all

the LONGITUDE can be adjusted from say

000.000 to 001.000 just to get the best settings and highest signals , if required

14-05-2018, 06:45 PM
That is worth tweaking for sure, although dish is locking on correctly to all satellites from East hermsphere, signal strength appear weak even on stronger satellite eg: Hotbird 13E signal 45%, yet pictures are great no freezes. How ever weaker satlittes like Sirius might encounter issues.

I will tweak longitude slightly as suggested and report to the forum later. Thank you ever so much. happy day😁


14-05-2018, 10:08 PM

16-05-2018, 04:57 PM
You are right, as though dish currently works based on enchelon's long / lats yet signal is very poor with 1meter dish.

I think most important issue here is finding the right cordinance, longitude / latitude the dish.

I have tried to fine tune dish in settings
to improve signal but not getting much luck.

Configuration Mode = simple
Mode = Positioner
Longitude = 001.023
Latitude = 051.505

16-05-2018, 06:09 PM
perhaps your dish and motor are slightly out which would mean altering the longitude settings by up to say 1 degree either way, which you appear to have done in your new longitude reading above

it may well be that your motor and dish have always been slightly out , probably not by much , so look for the peak signals across the range on the FTA channels to start with , from 42 east through to 30 west

its always worth using a comparison on the same FTA channels using the spiderbox , even if the readings appear different due to different boxes

20-05-2018, 06:32 AM
Just of curiousity I connected the spider box again, if perhaps the dish might have skew off . The spider works fine, logs on to all satlittes 19.2E - 30W, with average signal strength 70% except Sires which was weak.

The spider did not needed USALS, I used the existing configuration.

The issue with VU box is that it only finds Astra 19.2E and 13E, it does not find rest of of the sats.

Am phased with decision to whether configure the dish in advance mode instead. Is there guide anywhere in the future or Can you kindly give me a guide line how to do this please?

20-05-2018, 08:38 AM
You can set the VU+, or most other receivers, to Diseqc 1.2, and manually find, and store, your satellites, which you seemed to try to do, in the beginning. You just need to turn off the Usals option and manually store the satellite positions.
I'm running Open Black Hole, so some of the options might be slightly different.

Go into the Menu, Select Setup and Tuner Configuration.
Select the Tuner, connected to your Motor, Tuner A.
Select the Advanced option.
Now select a Satellite, e.g. Astra 1, 19.2E.
Set Diseqc Mode option to 1.2
Set the USe Usals. for this satellite, option to NO.
Now scroll down, to the next page, and store the satellite position to 1, or other number.
Save this, then go back into the menu and do the same for other satellites, e.g. 16E store at position 2, 13E store at position 3, etc.. until you've stored all the satellites you use.
Write down all the satellites, and positions, you've stored them at, as you will need it, for the next part.

Exit the menu until you see the option for Positione Setup, and select this.
Select the Movement, or Fine Movement options, then use the correcponding coloured buttons, on your remote, to manually move the motor East, or West, until you have locked onto a satellite, and peaked the signal quality.
Once you have found a satellite store it at the same position as you enteren in the Tuner Configuration menu, e.g. Astra 1, 19.2E, position 1.
Now move the dish to the next satellite, e.g. West to 16E and store this at 2, 13E at 3, until you have matched up all your satellites.

Once completed the dish will move automatically, to the set positions, when you select a channel.

20-05-2018, 03:55 PM
Many thanks Mickha, I will have a go with it and feedback the out come.


21-05-2018, 05:12 PM
Hi Mickha,

Thanks for providing the instruction, I had go with it and almost got it working but there is one thing that does not seem to make sense, am hoping the forum might be to share light on it with me.

I understand satellites receivers may have various tuners, some might have much more sensitive tuner than others.

I say this in a state of confusion, as to why an old spider box logs on to Thor 8 west, with signal strength 89% and signal quality is 78%, and can see FTA channels like CGNT, or Publikan all on Thor – 8west.

I then disconnect the spider sat receiver from dish and connect cable to VU-Zero input, which I know sat dish definitely points to Thor 8west, but VU-Zero do not receive no signal whatsoever.

What really could be happening?

For clarity, this issue is only happening on Thor 8West, rest of sats are fine?

21-05-2018, 05:45 PM
one problem when you do this is that when you connect the vu to the motor , the vu will move the motor to where it thinks that thor is

so when trying this , one option is to leave the spiderbox connected and connect the vu to the spider loop out , then place the spider in standby , if the motor still moves then leave the spider on as well, on one of those affected channels, then check if the spider and vu can both see that one channel, rinse and repeat for any others , so the spider is tuning the dish in and the vu is a slave to the spider

another option is to turn off the motor in the vu and have it set to single satellite , thor 0.8w , so it thinks its on a fixed dish

and yes tuners can and do vary , plus there are 4 lnb states to consider as well


where V = Vertical and H = Horizontal

13v and 18v are the voltages for high and low

I suppose it may well be that the VU tuner isnt as good as the spider

21-05-2018, 06:16 PM
Can you please post frequency details, of the two channels mentioned, on Thor 0.8W, CGTN and Publika, as I can't seem to find them.

I think I've now found them:

CGTN 12418 V 28000
Publika TV 11747 H 28000

Are these the channels you are referring to?

21-05-2018, 06:45 PM
both of those channels work fine on both my spiderbox 6000 and my vu solo2 here in m/cr on a 1.1m dish

good signals on both , sig and quality are quite high and as good as al jaz english , sly news , bbc world news

23-05-2018, 01:13 PM
Can you please post frequency details, of the two channels mentioned, on Thor 0.8W, CGTN and Publika, as I can't seem to find them.

I think I've now found them:

CGTN 12418 V 28000
Publika TV 11747 H 28000

Are these the channels you are referring to?

Yes, they are the two I was referring to, but I can see the two channels only on the Spider, VU-Zero will not even find the signal for Thor 0.8W let alone the two channels..lol

I will try the master and slave option as suggested over the weekend and report back to the forum.

23-05-2018, 04:55 PM
What image do you have loaded? Open Black Hole has a satellite finder option, which usually works, when manual scan doesn't.

24-05-2018, 10:04 AM
The image loaded is Black-Hole 3.03, and yes you right the but sat finder does not seem to find Thor 0.8W.

24-05-2018, 10:35 AM
Try Thor 1W, as 0.8W might not be listed in your Satellites.xml file.