View Full Version : greyed out channels

14-06-2018, 07:33 PM
every couple of days my channel list becomes greyed out,no picture viewable,so reload my channel list and everything fine,then same thing happens again a couple of days later,anyone know what could be causing this
image is open atv6
as always thanks for any help

14-06-2018, 08:15 PM
I had something similar on my Ultimo 4k with both Open ATV and OpenPli.
I eventually traced it down to a small corruption at the start of the satellite.xml file I was using on both images.
When I corrected that every was fine again.

14-06-2018, 08:51 PM
i had that issue as well....download xlmupdater from plug ins, that cured it.

21-06-2018, 03:57 PM
ok a further update on my post
the vu uno 4k is upstairs,with my satellite cable going into that,downstairs is my solo 4k,connected via ethernet if i use the downstairs receiver everything is fine,but when i come to use the uno upstairs greyed out channel list,hope you understand what i'm trying to explain,the fallback settings on the solo 4k are all setup correctly,i only use one receiver at a time,i am at a complete loss as to why this is happening,same channel list on both receivers,same image open atv 6.0.it only happens when i use downstairs receiver
as always thanks for any help

21-06-2018, 05:56 PM
Sounds like the solo 4k isn't releasing the uno 4k tuner back again
next time it does it power off the solo 4k and your uno 4k should be fine again.
Not sure how you'll solve this as you're using 1 tuner for 2 box's

hopefully someone here will,


22-06-2018, 08:28 PM
updated my image on both receivers to open atv 6.1 and so far so good.