View Full Version : IPTV MIXED section gone

27-06-2018, 10:38 AM
On IPTV on the Hitech 9000 up to a few weeks ago in the country and genre groups there was category called MIXED, it was mainly docco's nature and science channels, its now gone on my box.

It was a really convenient way of finding these channels on what is a morass in the constantly changing IPTV groupings, is the MIXED section gone for good ?

27-06-2018, 02:22 PM
Yes, it can be annoying. Apart from the European national groupings: "Eng/US", "Spain/Port", "France", "Nederland/Belge", etc as well as "Sports" and maybe "VIP" almost everything else is up for grabs.
I think the offer of IPTV stations is really what's available at a given juncture.

27-06-2018, 09:30 PM
Reference MIXED in Hitech 9000HD still showing in MY TV on my box, using software 2.3.34 05/31/2018.
I went back to 2.3.34 after I found out that 2.3.38 14/6/2018 updated TAINIOMANIA only, which I do not use.

Obviously I will update my box again in future but 2.3.34 suits me for now.

28-06-2018, 12:12 AM
I'll check that out , thanks.

28-06-2018, 10:48 AM
I've finally resolved what has changed on the IPTV Mixed genre group on the Hitech 9000, my grubby box doesn't recognise any USB sticks as valid so I went back to factory settings which had a patch from the start of the year on it.

The Mixed catagory was indeed still there with some 700 channels listed in it, not one worked though but displayed a caption for a Russian tv service called "onlybest.tv" its a pay server for €1 per month which probably means it was a free trial or a short term hacked service when I was using it.

Its probably not coming back anytime soon unless you pay.

28-06-2018, 01:38 PM
Glad you have got sorted, reference channels not working in MIXED I have found sometimes they work and other times they do not. I like the French channels and they are sometimes off but they do come back.