View Full Version : Help with Offset angle

20-07-2018, 08:25 PM
hi there i have just had all my kit delivered to set up my sat receiver to take to portugal

i have an Icecrypt S1600CHD SE have updated the software so can now insert Biss Keys
found the keys and have put them in
I want to set up the equipment here in the uk so that i can set up the receiver before i pack it off to go to Portugal

Planning to tune it into Intelsat 907 and use Sat Back

the dish arrived with very limited information and all it says is its an icecrypt 60cm offset dish

i need to know the offset angle of the dish does anyone know how i can find out so that i can get the elevation correct when setting it up?

i have messed about all day today and had to give up i could not find the sat in the sky at all even using a dish pointer app on my phone

help or tips please

Im in Leamington Spa

21-07-2018, 09:41 AM
In support of manic01, I use a 60cm dish in Portugal as far as Sagres but the weather has to be good i.e. not raining. I carry a 80cm for the poorer weather conditions to avoid rain fade. I have used a 50cm with some success but very marginal. Pin point accuracy is needed. Find Hispisat at 30w then turn dish back slightly until picture freezes. You are very close to 27.5w then. Type of box can also affect signal quality/strength. Just sharing my experience over the last 6 years.

21-07-2018, 09:55 AM
Thanks for your helpful suggestions I am in the U.K. at the moment and only trying to set up the receiver befor i take it to Portugal. So I think a 60 cm dish sould be ok I have found Hispisat at 30w and tuned in the FTA channels fine. The sat finder was helpful for that. As soon as I channge the receiver Intelsat 907 the sound on the sat finder stops and I can’t get any sound at all from the buzzer
I’ve tried watching the tv screen and turning the dish slightly but nothing shows up. Do I need to change any other settings on the receiver to get I 907 ?

21-07-2018, 10:41 AM
I found that a satfinder was next to useless because (I think) it is too close to Hispisat which is exceptionally strong and didn't work. If I remember right, my old Icecrypt 1600 was a bit temperamental locking on to 27.5w sat. But I always positioned the TV/dish to where I could see changes when fine tuning dish. I found the built in receiver signal meter with "bleep" set to on when getting strongest signal was the best. As manic said, skew is more or less opposite angle to 28.2e and is essential. Keep trying, the sat is still there.

21-07-2018, 10:48 AM
Once Hispisat is found on the strongest signal (BBC World was my choice for fine tuning). Mark your pole and dish with a pencil so you can see how far you have moved and can always turn it back. It should be about 3mm anti-clock on the pole and BBC World should have just frozen. You will find it easy once you get it right. The further south as you travel, the dish needs leaning back. I travel in a Motorhome through France Spain and Portugal so have become fairly quick at setting up. I live in Notts and have a 50cm dish setup just monitor the 27.5w sat for changes.

21-07-2018, 10:53 AM
I use a folding arm Triax dish when travelling. It also has large wing type nuts for quick and easy spanner free setup.

21-07-2018, 12:57 PM
I remember my first time, it was euphoric!! and couldn't contain myself. Wish I could say the same for AFN.

21-07-2018, 06:49 PM
Thanks for your comments I am afraid i had another go today and all i can find is the Hispisat again quite a strong signal I think i may be doing something wrong but ill have to try again some other time. I think its something to do with the LNB sensitivity it just seems to pick up the strong Hispisat signal and this seems to blot out the Intelsatt signal. I have he updated the software and the Biss keys so ill take i with me to Portugal this summer and see if I can find a larger dish and try it there. Ill let you know how I get on

21-07-2018, 07:22 PM
Have you got the correct information, on your receiver, for 27.5W?
The channels you need are on 11495 V 44100 DVB-S2 QPSK 9/10.

Have you got an actual satellite meter or just the App, on your phone?

22-07-2018, 11:26 AM
Dish size isn't the problem in this glorious weather. Just dish direction and receiver settings as stated above. Skew isn't so critical so long as it is set to about 5 minutes to 6 o'clock (viewed from the front). I found mine would still work perfectly well vertical. Sat 27.5w is still there and working. I use every day on a 50cm dish here in Notts.

22-07-2018, 05:49 PM
Signal from Intelsat 907 only shows up on transponder 11495. To make sure it always uses that one, I removed the other one(s). Only 11495 produces a signal. Maybe your problem finding satellite. Would be interested to know.

24-07-2018, 11:19 AM
No reply was the answer? He must be sorted. Would be interested either way!

25-07-2018, 09:01 AM
Guys thanks for your help with this I am afraid I had to give up looking for it as other commitments have overtaken this I will try again when I have time and will try all the ideas you suggest

if any of you feel that you would be able to talk to me on the phone it would be better rather than a slow exchange on here if you send me a personal message I would be happy to call you


25-07-2018, 03:15 PM
Hes going to try in portugal, oh well.

I use a one metre dish for 27w in southern Spain. One perk is if you fix a standard LNB to the side of the LNB already on the dish (pointing to 27w) with the second LNB rim in contact with the first, on the right of the first LNB, You can pick up 30w (cable ties useful here!)

This gives some great film channels, nat geo and BBC entertainment. PS thanks manic01 for help in the past