View Full Version : OTA download bricked the box

02-08-2018, 10:00 AM
The http download from the menu has produced the blue screen of death, got the message "SW IS DAMAGE, PLS UPGRADE NEW, DOWNLOAD FROM USB"

What the procedure for restoring this box back to its Jekyll and Hyde normal state please ?

Tried 3 differant patches by usb but get file fail message, most boxes in the past had rescue or restore programme from a PC.

02-08-2018, 10:39 AM
Recovery procedure can be found here

02-08-2018, 11:39 AM
I'm afraid it's not worked, loaded usb ok, turned mains on with stick loaded, flash loader started ok, when reached 100% removed stick when instructed to, it closed down as if to reboot but stayed dead, not even the blue screen of death now !

I've got a Hitech 9200 is it the same force recovery file ?

02-08-2018, 12:28 PM
Panic over it has recovered, when I moved the box out from under the tv I had to remove some of the cables, when I plugged them back in out in the open I put the IR plug back wrongly in the RS232 jack which is the same size plug, this coshed the system from operating.

Now working fine, thanks.

02-08-2018, 12:30 PM
Recovery now ok, that is after I took the IR plug out the RS232 socket.

02-08-2018, 12:56 PM
One last minor prob to overcome, the recovery procedure has left me with an older version of the firmware which wont display the latest patch for the 9200, the upgrade has only 9000 options which wont load because the boot loader is incompatible.

How do I get a 9200 firmware update please ? I cant find one in any of the stickies.

02-08-2018, 03:26 PM
You'll need someone who owns a 9200 box to kindly download the current 9200 firmware from the http update menu then zip up the .bin file and upload it here for you.

You might have to rename that 9200.bin file to force_upgrade_rom.bin and install it using the recovery procedure, when you get the file.

I wish you'd mentioned you were using a 9200 in post #1 then I wouldn't have suggested the 9000 recovery file.

03-08-2018, 12:29 AM
I dont mind the older version I've got now, its simple to use and has a few extra features that are hidden in the latest version, I'll stick with the easy version.