View Full Version : cannot get hitechbox hb9000 to work with large external drive for pvr

25-08-2018, 05:49 PM
i normaly use usb mem stick or 500gig external drive for pvr recording from hitech 9000 which works ok.
any video files i wish to keep i transfer to a 3tb hard drive.

the videos are in tsv format and will play through hitech box or with vlc player on pc.

however if i copy a saved video file on the 3tb drive to a mem stick and try to play it using the usb on tv, there is no sighn of the file.

if i use my pc the i (no video file message) the only way i can do it is to convert the video file to mp4, altering file extention does not work.

i made a new 10gig fat32 partition on my 3tb to try and use with the hitech for pvr recording but cannot get the pvr to recognise the drive?

just bought brand new wd 4tb drive , connecting to hitech i get (file system not supported or incorrect file system)

i am using 2.3.30 iptv pvr patch which is great, but although there are newer patches i believe i would lose the pvr function as i do not have to religh on my sat dish for some channels.

how do i use a larger drive with the hitech

25-08-2018, 06:29 PM
Can you format the drive with the Hitech box, it should regonise its own formating ?

25-08-2018, 07:46 PM
Can you format the drive with the Hitech box, it should regonise its own formating ?

I do not know the answer for sure, but will he not have to format the disk with the Hitech Receiver, to do that he would have to go to Multimedia - Files Manager - Press OK - See in the Disk is recognised - if not then Press the Green Button on the Remote and format it to Fat32 - or Yellow Button to format it to NTFS - and see if the disk is recognised. I hope that this is of some help.

26-08-2018, 07:23 PM
hi all 3tb disk has 2.7tb worth of files, I used aomei partition tool to make another partition nfts and a 10gig fat32 on the 3tb drive i8 now have partition e/ partition I/ and partition j which is 10gig fat32.

the partitions show up using my pc file manager, using the hitech box file manger I formatted the 10gig partition choosing fat32 option.

hitech box will now record to that partition, (I had to be carefull I did not format the e pasrtition by mistake and erase my files)