View Full Version : vu solo 4k using dcc to ftp

28-08-2018, 01:12 PM
Hi everyone

please some help i down loaded the cats eye settings to my lap top

i then used the DCC to connect to my solo 4k which connected fine and pressed FTP on the left hand side i saw the cats eye file on the right hand side which i then clicked on the left button to upload all went fine
and it was uploaded to the left side and said upload was complete
but when i go to change to different satellites on my box it was the same as before
nothing has been uploaded

please what am i doing wrong

i am not great with computers so please be gentle with

many thanks in advance


28-08-2018, 01:27 PM
You'll probably find it easier if you use Vu+ Control Centre, instead.
VuCC has an option to upload Channel Lists.
You can download VuCC from

28-08-2018, 01:36 PM
You'll probably find it easier if you use Vu+ Control Centre, instead.
VuCC has an option to upload Channel Lists.
You can download VuCC from

Hi hda5
i have the VuCC on my laptop but i will not let me connect to my box same with Filezilla DCC is the only one that lets me connect i have tried deleting the first two and re-down loading
but will not let me connect

28-08-2018, 01:51 PM
It sounds like your firewall is blocking it. Check your firewall permissions or disable the firewall whilst you're using VuCC.

28-08-2018, 01:56 PM
Thank you for prompt replies hda5
i turned off windows defender but not avast or kasperkey

do have to turn them off as well ?

28-08-2018, 01:59 PM

Turn them back on again when you're done.

Also check your avast permissions because it sounds like you've set your firewall to block VuCC or Filezilla or both applications from accessing your network.

Once you've corrected that in avast, you'll be able to use VuCC & Filezilla again without this hassle.

28-08-2018, 03:28 PM
You will have loaded the channel file into the wrong place, so I would delete before you go any further.
I use dreambox edit for channel lst transfers.

28-08-2018, 03:46 PM
This may sound stupid but have you restarted your box to for the list to take effect

28-08-2018, 04:35 PM
I agree with Satcat, use dreamboxedit, to load, edit, and save your channel list, it's far simpler.

To use dreamboxedit set up a new folder, on your PC desktop, and call it settings, default name, and location, which can be changed later.
Download dreamboxedit, and start it up.
Go into Tools, and Options, then change the IP Address to that of your receiver. Click the Test IP Connection, and if working click Save.
Next open up the catseye file, click on File and Open.
Then click on the FTP option, and send to your receiver.
You can also save your channel list, in the new settings folder, on your desktop, to edit, or load, in the future.

03-09-2018, 11:47 AM
Hi everyone

just would like to a say a very big thank you to all the members who have helped me
used the dreamboxedit and after 3/4 years of trying to load a channel list to my Vu4k solo i finally succeeded it was so easy

many thanks


05-09-2018, 01:33 PM
Hi everyone

Now i know how to ftp channel lists is it possible to use the dreamboxedit for transferring oscam and soft cam keys or do i have to use softcam concierge

and is it possible to ftp picons and what else can i use the dreamboxedit for ?

if i have put this post in the wrong place please forgive

many thanks in advance


05-09-2018, 02:33 PM
Hi everyone

Now i know how to ftp channel lists is it possible to use the dreamboxedit for transferring oscam and soft cam keys or do i have to use softcam concierge

and is it possible to ftp picons and what else can i use the dreamboxedit for ?

if i have put this post in the wrong place please forgive

many thanks in advance


All the above you would use dreamboxcontrol center. Dreamboxedit is for sending channel lists, also a lot of this can be done direct from the remote, ie menu, plugins, download plugins, then such things as channels lists are called settings. softcams can also be downloaded dependent on which image you are using. You can even download softcam key files depending on the image and plugins available. If you want a better selection of softcams and other bits and pieces it is often better to use such plugins as satvenus plugin or ******** plugin. These can be installed onto your box by using dreamboxcontrol center and send the ipk file to your /tmp folder and installing in manually from the remote.
