View Full Version : how to ftp soft cam

21-09-2018, 08:47 AM
Good morning all

please some info please i have already been able to ftp my sea lion by using the softcam concierge (thank you for this tool) on my vu 4k using oscam

how do i ftp soft cam lines ? which i have no idea how to do

if i use the soft cam concierge will it over write my seal lions

sorry to trouble you all

many thanks


21-09-2018, 11:44 AM
youve already added sea lion and working ?

you now want to send over softcam keys ....is that correct....if so should go to usr/keys folder ?

21-09-2018, 12:05 PM
hi tigertimtim
thank you for the reply

yes i added my sea lions with the softcam concierge a couple of years ago but what i would like to add the lines below or how to do it

* NBCU E! Entertainment (0E00/0000) PowerVU New 01 Key (68.5°E) ->12562 V 2866 1/2 (MPEG-4)

* Bulsatcom (0604/0000) Irdeto2 New Key 06 (39.0°E) ->12214 V 30000 7/8 & 12271 H & 12482 V 30000 7/8

* MBC Feed (2600/1FFF) Biss New Key (21.6°E) ->11564 V 3333 5/6 (MPEG-4)

* HNL Feed (2600/1FFF) Biss New Key (16.0°E) ->11345 H 30000 3/4

* SRTV Feed (2600/1FFF) Biss New Key (16.0°E) ->11512 V 29950 2/3

* SISLink (0E00/0000) PowerVU New Key 01 (4.8°E) ->12149 & 12418 H 27500 3/4

* All Keys Full Updated...
i do not know how to do this and i dont want to mess up my setup

21-09-2018, 05:16 PM
the usual method is to FTP the correct Softcam.Key file into the correct folder on the box, usually its usr/keys as mentioned earlier

ie:- you dont add any lines, you copy the latest softcam file over, replacing any older file

sometimes , when using oscam, it goes into the same folder as oscam

so all depends on the emu in use

21-09-2018, 05:31 PM
what image are you running on your box,,,,,

22-09-2018, 08:11 AM
Hi Voyager1972

the image is vix at work at the moment so i do not know which version but it came with box loaded by LeeGW about 3 years ago

22-09-2018, 01:34 PM
Have you ever used FileZilla, or other FTP program?
There is so much you can do, with your receiver, including Kodi, have you tried anything?
You can download Filezilla, a free File Transfer Protocol program or use the VU+ Control Centre version:

You will need to know your receivers IP Address, which you should find in the menu, Network settings.
Once you have connected, using FileZilla, you should see your PC files, on the left, and your receivers files, on the right.

I would also consider downloading dreamboxedit, to save your channel list, and bouquets, for future use, if anything ever goes wrong, like a power surge, that might affect your receiver, and doing a full backup, to your receivers hard drive, or usb stick.