View Full Version : Solo 2

19-10-2018, 07:39 PM
Well I’ve decided on the solo 2 I no it’s a bit out of date but that will do me got a satllite filter coming on Tuesday to fit the dish and motor etc still reading this very interesting forum I’ve down loaded the doc so far and the be still both in the zip file I’ll unzip them when I’ve done some more reading on this amazing there is some very interesting reading indeed if u are willing to read a bit and take it in thank u very much again to the organisers of this very helpful forum

19-10-2018, 08:04 PM
Well I’ve been looking at the forum sponsor aparently he called lee. I shall ring him up on monday to see what he says on the solo 2 I’ve been reading some very interesting things on ftp etc on the doc etc and different things that u can do etc then been reading on the bbe channels adding to ur box etc even iptv on these amazing liniux satllite box well I’ll keep on reading the tutorials very interesting indeed some amazing reading on the black hole al so such amazing tutorials very time consuming but I love reading and learning difrent things very interesting tutorial how to set a solo2 upon the tutorials section etc there loads to read on this excellent forum all kind of thing really if u are interested thank u again to the organisers of this very dedicated forum

20-10-2018, 10:17 AM
Well a change of plan the satllite installers have just arrived this morning I was not expecting that the motor is a stab motor well I’ll leave them to it only thing no satllite box yet lol