View Full Version : Afn 9 east

25-10-2018, 05:11 PM
I’ve noticed afn is very slow to auto update on 9east nearly taking 15 min to up date the chanels strange event how the keys are chanting every few hours the discovers are ok on 1west and 4.8 east and the sis racing channels

25-10-2018, 05:28 PM
I didn't think AFN was opening at all any more but if, as you state, it is taking 15 minutes to autoupdate then thanks for the heads up but I don't think I'll bother. Life is too short. :D

25-10-2018, 05:33 PM
I u say pal life is to short I’ll have a play later see if it’s still on

05-11-2018, 08:13 PM
upgated to " ncam unofficial 6.8 " for the new hashmodes ,,,,discovery networks on 4.8 clearing fine ,,,cant get a.f.n on 9 east to clear,,,,anyone clearing afn with ncam,,,or oscam emu,,,, or help me with the config side

05-11-2018, 09:38 PM
Hi Voyager.

Just got 9 east to clear using oscam 11438, using my config details from ages ago. Not sure if its auto updating (I've never managed to get it to!), just added the keys manually, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Hope thats of some use.

05-11-2018, 10:06 PM
About 2 minutes or less in Oscam for me on my VU Ultimo 4K.

05-11-2018, 11:03 PM
i had it clearing and auto updating up until the last hashmode change ,,,,and as usual i deleted the old configs,,,,i know its a config problem,,,,just cant get it sorted.....

05-11-2018, 11:11 PM
Lasted about hour and didnt auto update. I'll have a look around and see if I can find the auto update config details.

06-11-2018, 01:42 AM
Have you tried a different channel? Tried mine tonight on afn prime, and no update after about 20 mins, switched to afn sports, and updated within a couple of mins. May have been a coincidence however.

06-11-2018, 08:53 AM
I've tried the latest keys ,manually adding them ,and still not clearing,,,config issue I think

06-11-2018, 10:37 AM
I've tried the latest keys ,manually adding them ,and still not clearing,,,config issue I think

I also tried with new configs donated to me & also no luck. Maybe I'm not waiting long enough? If that's the case then not sure I'm that desperate to watch AFN. :D

06-11-2018, 11:07 AM
Have you tried a different channel? Tried mine tonight on afn prime, and no update after about 20 mins, switched to afn sports, and updated within a couple of mins. May have been a coincidence however.

It was a coincidence. All the AFN channels use the exactly the same EMM stream.

See my post about AFN AU here -

06-11-2018, 11:22 AM
only takes around 30-40secs using DVB Dream


06-11-2018, 02:57 PM
Working for me now. :)

06-11-2018, 03:44 PM
About 2 minutes or less in Oscam for me on my VU Ultimo 4K.

im about 5 mins using ATV 6.2 and oscam.

@Voyager thay are all working with oscam. i think if you change the name from ncam to oscam that might work, ive done it that way loads of times.

if none help sorry chap.

06-11-2018, 06:42 PM
i have them all clearing now,,,,,i added the latest keys manually ,,,,have to wait now and see if they auto update.

06-11-2018, 07:38 PM
not auto updating for me ,,,, this is my ncam.conf file

#### "********************************* ************"
#### "* ncam.conf generated automatically by NCAM *"
#### "********************************* ************"
logfile = /tmp/ncam.log
clienttimeout = 12000
fallbacktimeout = 3000
bindwait = 60
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1024
waitforcards_extra_delay = 200
preferlocalcards = 1
usrfile = /tmp/ncamuser.log
cwlogdir = /tmp/cw
readerrestartseconds = 1
dropdups = 1
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
lb_nbest_readers = 6
lb_nfb_readers = 6
ecmfmt = P: c:0p:s:d:i #ECM_L:l #CW=w HOP:j
failbantime = 1440
failbancount = 2
enabled = 1
numusers = 1
samples = 5
penalty = 1
aclogfile = /tmp/aclog.log
denysamples = 4
delay = 100
max_time = 30
max_hit_time = 60
cacheexenablestats = 1
csp_allow_request = 0
csp_allow_reforward = 1
cacheex_cw_check = 05@032830:88:2000,05@030B00:88:20 00
csp_block_fakecws = 1
cwcycle_check_enable = 1
cwcycle_check_caid = 0500,0100,1811
port = 13001@1811:3600,3315,3311
suppresscmd08 = 1
port = 10000@0100:FFFFFF;10001@0200:FFF0 00,FFFF00;10002@0300:FFFFFF
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
mgclient = 1
port = 9000
nodeid = 43F7DDF9102A157E
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 0
stealth = 1
stream_relay_enabled = 1
stream_emm_enabled = 117440512
enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = root
read_sdt = 1
write_sdt_prov = 1
extended_cw_api = 2
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = 8181
httpuser = root
httptpl = /etc/tuxbox/config/tpl/
httprefresh = 30
httpshowmeminfo = 1
httpshowuserinfo = 1
httpshowcacheexinfo = 1
httpshowecminfo = 1
httpshowloadinfo = 1
httpallowed =,,
http_status_log = 1

06-11-2018, 08:14 PM
It was a coincidence. All the AFN channels use the exactly the same EMM stream.

See my post about AFN AU here -

I find it takes anywhere between 2 and 30mins. I've just updated now and it took 7mins.
@007.4 I would be interested to learn more about what you mention in your other post about arranging things in SoftCam file. Can you explain in more detail please?

06-11-2018, 09:05 PM
au'd here but only audio, video is blank, haven't bothered with power vu for a while so might have changed something as a work around last time to get it working :(

06-11-2018, 09:37 PM
In your softcam.key file you need, say a dozen or so, UA/EMM keys with the UA's spread evenly through out the range (001xxxxx to 006xxxxx)/

You need
cacheex = 1
in your AFN reader in oscam.server file.

06-11-2018, 11:39 PM
In your softcam.key file you need, say a dozen or so, UA/EMM keys with the UA's spread evenly through out the range (001xxxxx to 006xxxxx)/

You need
cacheex = 1
in your AFN reader in oscam.server file.

fixs afn but breaks other powervu channels

07-11-2018, 12:18 AM
That's why you need two readers. One for other all the other emu channels and one just for AFN.
However, be aware that with two emulator readers active the start-up of oscam becomes flaky and may need to be restarted a few times.
Therefore, it is best to use the webif to keep just one of the emu readers active at anytime.

07-11-2018, 01:19 PM
In your softcam.key file you need, say a dozen or so, UA/EMM keys with the UA's spread evenly through out the range (001xxxxx to 006xxxxx)

@007.4 Sorry if I sound a bit thick, but do I have to wait until my SoftCam,Key file has updated a dozen times before I can do it, or do I just make up some keys within that range, and do I have to do that with every channel (30+ inc radio) or just 1?

07-11-2018, 01:55 PM
You have to find valid UA/EMMs keys and enter them in the correct format in the softcam.key file. Any one of those keys will then update the ECM keys of all the channels at the same time once an update EMM is received.
There are guides how to do this and also public keys on other forums.

07-11-2018, 04:43 PM
(emu) A new hash mode [19] is in use.

07-11-2018, 05:15 PM
(emu) A new hash mode [19] is in use.

hi is it working on oscam now then, please let us know, im not sure if the new hash code is in the newer versions of oscam or not.


07-11-2018, 05:43 PM
It's stopped working for me with mipsel Oscam 11434 with emu 773.

07-11-2018, 05:46 PM
It has been confirmed working with latest oscam.

07-11-2018, 06:19 PM
yes new hashmode change earlier on today,, still clearing with ncam 6.8 ,,,and golden v8 chinese box

07-11-2018, 06:35 PM
Got it going again with new softcam.

07-11-2018, 08:39 PM
opened tonight with 11438 and juneautoroll configs

08-11-2018, 01:10 AM
Got AFN working again with 11438, but now only sound on discovery channels 4.8E and 0.8W
Any ideas anyone?

08-11-2018, 12:03 PM
The only way I can get discovery, both audio and video, to work, is to delete the oscam.server file altogether. And to watch AFN, reinstall it again.
Not ideal, but it's a workaround.

update: sorted.

08-11-2018, 03:05 PM
Is there an ipk for oscam 11438?

08-11-2018, 06:08 PM
still no joy with the auto update of the keys,,,,,what config setting deals withe the au setup

09-11-2018, 12:53 PM
afn working but cant get it to auto update,,,,,,also the discovery channels on 4.8 frequency 12360 have stopped clearing ,,,,the keys are correct..... is anyone else having this issue with there powervu configs

09-11-2018, 05:16 PM
Stopped working again for me.