View Full Version : Manual sat storing by diseq

27-10-2018, 08:21 PM
I'm using diseq and want to step to a satellite from a nearby, known sat. The problem is that in Sat settings, if I'm positioned on a known sat and select a different sat on the left panel in order to step to it from the known position, the motor moves to the stored position of the 'unknown' sat.

Surely there's a way of sitting on one known sat position, choosing another sat, stepping to find the other sat and storing that sat's new position?

Any suggestions?

Many thanks for all your help. A great forum!

28-10-2018, 06:46 PM
Hi You need to store the found satellites with a positon number when using the manual search and store function in motor menu. For example if you have found satellite Hotbird(13 east) and you are happy with the signal quality then you store it as number 1 and save it. The motor will then remember this stored position. Do this for all other satelliets you find but make sure you give them a different number when storing. This method cannot be used if using the automatic search method USALS...hope this helps.. Regards

28-10-2018, 08:00 PM
Thanks karabanga.
I'm doing that, but the dish still moves if I select a satellite on the left panel list that isn't the one I'm positioned on. What i need to do is to have the dish stay where it is when i go into the setup for the satellite I mean to search for. Say I'm at 28.2E and I want to find BADR at 26E, I want to position on 28.2, then select BADR in the setup menu, then step move the dish until it finds BADR. Just now what happens is, it jumps straight to the last stored position for BADR, which was a wrong position.

Driving me nuts.

Thanks for your help. :)

28-10-2018, 08:16 PM
the sats on the left in the setup menu are ticked if you want them to be available to you

mine are all ticked, or almost all , but my box is set to use usals

use the sat button to select the satellite you want

30-10-2018, 12:30 AM
Hi Best thing to do in my opinion is as follows:
a) For BADR 26 east make sure the stored position is set as ??..this will stop the motor moving to whatever position it was stored as before.
b) Go to the 28.2 east satellite ie Astra 2..make sure channels are the correct ones for that satellite
c)Go back into the motor menu and select BADR as the satellite (make sure it has a tick otherwise the motor will not be able to select it)
d) Then make sure you have a valid TP in trasponder option( you must have a valid transponder for any satellite you wish to find otherwise you will never get a signal).
e) Manually move the dish one step at a time going west until you find a signal for that transponder. When the signal has been found then store the position with a number from 1 to 32. Dont use a number which is already used by a different satellite...ie if 28.2 east is stored at position 1 then dont use 1 for BADR use a different number.

To be honest i prefer to use USALS to find satellites as its much easier and less hassle.....Regards

02-11-2018, 10:16 PM
Many thanks, Karabanga! The tip I needed was to set the stored position as ?? That does the job. I was going crazy trying to avoid it leaping off to the stored position.
I don't have enough confidence in the pole accuracy to use USALs, but I know I can get the few sats I want.

03-11-2018, 12:07 AM
Hi...I use to have the same problems when i started using the manual search and store method on the 6000. Thats why i prefer to use USALS as its less hassle..you just need to line it up on the first satellite and then USALS should automatically find the other satellites for you... Regards