View Full Version : hd6000 USALS SAT set up oddity

28-10-2018, 07:45 PM
HW: 01.00
SW: 01.20
Date April 15 2015

Hi. I've read all the sat setup posts I could find, but my box doesn't behave in the way it seems it should. All instruction say that in 'diseq'/mode/ I should see option 'drive to satellite'. I don't. I see only 'go to satellite' and 'go to stored position.' I thought it was just a change of phrase, but if i go to either, I see 'set position' and the lat/long fields, but 'set position' will not highlight and let me select.

Any ideas what's happening?

Also I'm not sure how to tell USALS that I'm positioned at 28.2E and to take it from there. If you have other sats in your sat list with scanned channels (all wrong), will USALS overwrite them? Obviously I want it to keep only my 28.2 and calculate me the rest.

Does USALS do anything weird like shoot off to extreme sats before you get a chance to delete them or set limits?

Thanks for your help.

28-10-2018, 07:50 PM
USALS doesnt let you tell it your satellite position

USALS does not overwrite anything, it is just an option. you can switch from usals to diseqc v1.2 and back again at will

USALS tells the box your GPS location on the planet , hence why you look it up and input it

it uses that information to decide where all the sats are

the ones you tick in the setup menu are the ones it will allow to be selected , so dont tick the extremities until you have say from 28.2 east to say 5 west accounted for and working , leave 30w and 39e and 42e until later

my hardware info says the following

HW: 01.00
SW: 01.22
Date Aug 16 2016

so mine is a newer patch

I see only 'go to satellite' and 'go to stored position.' I thought it was just a change of phrase, but if i go to either, I see 'set position' and the lat/long fields, but 'set position' will not highlight and let me select.

select "Go To Satellite" in Mode

use the down arrow to Set Location on the bottom right and press ok

Longitude should let you enter your longitude
west should allow west or east selection
Latitude should allow you to set your latitude
North should allow you to select North or South
then down arrow to SAVE and press ok

28-10-2018, 09:53 PM
My problem is that 'set location' shows but is not selectable.

Also, I imagined you needed to tell it what sat you were on because all the set up advice says first you have to identify a satellite manually before using usals. I guess that's only to set up a dish, not for USALS itself?

I think I'll persist with a manual set up with diseq, as the dish setup may or may not be good. I know diseq can get me the sats I want because I had them set up ok with my 9000 (now RIP).

Thanks for the help; I appreciate it.

28-10-2018, 10:01 PM
yes you setup the motor on a satellite and the dish and motor are setup according to your location. this applies whether it be usals or diseqc v1.2 , the box setup then mirrors it by using the same GPS coordinates

perhaps you need a newer patch ?

28-10-2018, 10:27 PM
I think I'll stick to diseq anyhow, if I can just find out how to stop the thing moving to the selected satellite in setup, so i can step from a known position. I'll admit it';s driving me crazy. :)

30-10-2018, 12:45 AM
Hi USALS is by far the best option for a motor. You send it to the first satellite of your choice ie Hotbird then adjust the dish manually with your hands until you get a picture and strong quality...then tighten the dish up and check all channels
are tuned in. When you have setup the first satellite USALS should find all other satellites automatically..you may need to tweak the dish/Lnb to get it spot on. Regards