View Full Version : Motor Not Moving

09-12-2018, 01:34 PM
Hi Guys,

Sorry, subject should read Motor not moving.

Can anyone help me please with the problem that I have described below.

When I first got my VU+ Solo 4k some years ago I used the Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Solo 4K by Lee Goldwafers and setup the Motorised Dish using USALS that is included in the guide. I experienced no problems with the movement of the dish or watching channels from different satellites.

I did change the motor a couple of years ago to a quieter motor and used the same guide as above to set up the motor and have had no problems and could select satellites and watch different channels the same as I had before. However, I have recently upgraded the Black Hole image to Black Hole 3.0.6 but the motor will not move. When I Select goto 0 and Press the RED Button the dish does not goto 1w or move at all.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did they resolve the matter. If anyone can help whether you have experienced this or not I would be very grateful for your help.

Thank you,


09-12-2018, 02:06 PM
How have you set up your tuner?
Are you using Simple, Positioner?
Check your Latitude, and especially Longitude settings.
The latest Black Hole is 3.0.7, and Open Black Hole 4.2.
In Open Black Hole you have several options, when you enter the Tuner setup menu, including positioner setup, and satellite finder, options, can you please tell me what options, you have, in Black Hole, to manually move your dish, using your receivers East, West buttons?

09-12-2018, 03:16 PM
Hi Mickha,

I am using simple, positioner.
I have checked my Latitude and Longitude and entered correctly
I have updated to Open Black Hole 4.2 and the options are as follows
Tuner Setup
Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) Positioner USALS
Tuner B: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) Positioner USALS
Tuner C :Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) FBC automatic inactive
Tuner D :Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) FBC automatic inactive

Positioner Setup + Select slot
Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2)
Tuner B: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2)

09-12-2018, 04:22 PM
Probably the easiest way is to reset your motor, most USALS motors have a pin hole reset option, which will send it to 0, but you can use your receiver, to manually move your motor, and test that it's working.
You could try the Advanced tuner option, and use Diseqc 1.2, to manually move the motor, and store each available satellite at a separate position.
You can also use the Positioner Setup option, in the tuner menu, scroll down to movement and use the appropriate coloured buttons to move your dish.

Does your motor have manual East/West buttons, to check that it's working?

09-12-2018, 05:48 PM
The motor I have has a reset button and a light that shows red or green. I have pushed the button and three clicks can be heard and the light changed from red to green and remains on green, but motor still not moving from advanced tuner options or from positioner setup options. I have attached a photo of the motor that I have which shows the reset button and the light (either side of coax cable sockets) that is staying green. I seem to remember that my motor is an Icecrypt but the one in the pic is a Technomate one, not that it matters but it looks the same as mine.


09-12-2018, 06:02 PM
Have you checked the satellite cable is connected correctly, and no sign of damage, or water ingress?
You might want to re-do the connections.
Did you try the advanced settings, in the tuner configuration?
Do a few basic satellites, e.g. Astra 1, 19.2E, selecte Diseqcq 1.2, no to the option of using USALS, and set this a position 1, then save go back into the advanced configuration, set Astra 2, 28.2E at position 2, and a couple of other satellites.
Then try using the Positioner Setup, to locate these satellites.

I can't spot any manual buttons, to move the motor, in the picture.
Is the motor currently set at 0, or pointing at a satellite?

09-12-2018, 06:20 PM
The motor/dish is pointing to 28.2 east so at least I can watch TV. I have tried all that you have asked but motor doesn't move. Although I checked for damage and water ingress and will check again but having no light it will have to wait until next weekend.

Thanks for your help Mickha, very much appreciated.


09-12-2018, 07:13 PM
Hi Mickha,

I am using simple, positioner.
I have checked my Latitude and Longitude and entered correctly
I have updated to Open Black Hole 4.2 and the options are as follows

Tuner Setup
Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) Positioner USALS
Tuner B: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) Positioner USALS
Tuner C :Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) FBC automatic inactive
Tuner D :Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2) FBC automatic inactive

Positioner Setup + Select slot
Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2)
Tuner B: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (7376 FBC) (DVB-S2)

I dont have your particular VU nor as many tuners but what strikes me about your list is that you have USALS selected TWICE

once for Tuner A, and again for Tuner B

I presume that you only have one motor and if so I assume that you have connected this to Tuner A ?

if so then you dont want Tuner B as Usals , you would want it to mirror A if its connected directly to the LNB ?

however, if Tuner B was from say a sly dish, you would want it to be set to 28.2 east only

So I would check which tuner is connected to the Motor and select it as Usals

then decide what the other tuners are connected to (the LNB on the motor ?) and select a passive mode like Equal to Tuner A or whatever

hope that helps ?

09-12-2018, 09:20 PM
does the motor move with manual controls on the actual motor

09-12-2018, 11:44 PM
Thank you Echelon. Tuner A is now selected to USALS and Tuner B is now Equal to Tuner A but motor still not moving

3tv, I will try that the next time I get home in the light or next weekend.

Thanks to you all for your replies.


09-12-2018, 11:48 PM
I have motorised with OpenBH image and get the same problem with motor. I have one dish fixed on astra and the other with motor. Your set up on tuners looks wrong unless your method allows you to watch one and record another on any sat you have the dish pointed to. I will try your setup tomorrow and see what happens. But when mine goes wonky say its on 9east and wont budge, I go to tuner config and diasble the lnb that is not attached to motor. I then try various sats, I go 19east, dish looks as if its moving but does not, then I go 13east and then back to 28 east, then 19east. Usually this fixes it ie dish will move to 19east after a few goes, then I go 13 east etc and as I use 9e back to 9e. Then I go to tuner and reset on 28east. Have you disconnected cable at receiver end and motor end and wait for about 3 minutes. with receiver switched off re-connect motor then receiver. I also use tuner B for usals and tuner A for fixed.

09-12-2018, 11:55 PM
Thank you Echelon. Tuner A is now selected to USALS and Tuner B is now Equal to Tuner A but motor still not moving

3tv, I will try that the next time I get home in the light or next weekend.

Thanks to you all for your replies.


check that the motor feed cable is going to tuner A and not to Tuner B

alternatively, connect it to Tuner B and have that as USALS and have Tuner A as EQUAL TO TUNER B

perhaps make tuners C & D as not configured for now until you sort out this motor issue (keep it simple)

or turn off B & C & D and have USALS and motor to Tuner A only until it is working (go back to basics)

if you have an old single tuner box, test the motor using the old box, like a spiderbox or technomate

once you are certain which cable is going to the motor and then to the lnb, put some white masking tape around it near the F connector at the back of your box, to label it, perhaps writing M for Motor on it with a sharpie